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5 Ways to Prevent Pest Birds this Winter

5 Ways to Prevent Pest Birds this Winter

With the winter chill setting in, the last thing you need to worry about is a flock of pest birds sheltering in your roof. They’re messy, noisy and cause damage to your building.

Continue reading to find out how you can stay free of pest birds this winter season.

What questions will this article answer?

Why are pest birds attracted to my home in winter?

Well adapted to survive the harsh winter elements, pest birds such as pigeons, sparrows, starlings and mynas can thrive in homes and businesses across Adelaide.

Similar to people, pest birds are drawn to the warmth and shelter that your home provides when the mercury drops.

With the ability to squeeze through tiny gaps between loose roof tiles, they make their way inside your roof space, roof ventilators, attics and walls to build nests, lay eggs and raise their young. Another popular cosy nesting spot is underneath solar panels.

If you’ve got food and water sources available, this makes your home even more appealing for pest birds, who survive by scavenging a wide range of food. From small insects to diving in rubbish bins to food scraps left on the ground, they are definitely not fussy eaters!

How to spot a pest bird outbreak

If you’re wondering whether or not you have some bird visitors or a full-blown pest bird outbreak, here’s some signs to look for:

Large numbers of pest birds around your home

You may find them perching and roosting on your roof, chimney, verandah, balcony, antennae, window panels, solar panels, gutters or wooden support beams.

Persistent chirping noises

Birds, and especially chicks, chirp to communicate with each other.

Bird droppings

An accumulation of messy brown, black or white droppings on the ground is a clear sign of a pest bird outbreak.

Nesting material

Pest birds are clever at crafting sturdy nests from various foraged scraps, such as twigs, leaves, straw, pine needles and grass. So look out for nests underneath solar panels, inside your roof, or even tucked between some wooden beams.

Control pest birds fast. Speak to an expert today.


Problems caused by a pest bird outbreak

There are many problems that a pest bird outbreak can cause in your home or business:

  • Constant chirping sounds can be distracting and disruptive
  • Pest bird droppings are an eyesore and contain corrosive compounds that can damage your roof, buildings, air conditioning unit, solar panels and outdoor furniture
  • Sticky and slippery bird droppings are a health and safety hazard for stairs, fire escapes and footpaths
  • They can carry and spread germs and diseases such as ornithosis (Bird Fancier’s Lung), cryptococcosis, salmonella, E-coli bacteria, histoplasmosis and aspergillosis
  • Pest birds carry parasites such as bird mites, bed bugs and ticks, which can trigger secondary pest outbreaks and allergiess
  • Birds can contaminate food and water contamination through droppings, nesting material and feathers
  • The accumulation of feathers and nesting material in your gutters and drains can cause water blockage, leaks and overflow
  • Pecking and fouling in your garden can ruin your plants, fruit trees and veggie patch and leave a mess behind
  • Pest birds can be aggressive and breed fast, so if you notice fewer native birds in your yard, chances are that pest birds have taken over the space as their territory

5 ways you can prevent pest birds this winter

We recommend the following tips to help protect your home or business from a pest bird outbreak:

Tip 1: Remove all sources of food and water

Pest birds are expert scavengers and have a wide and varied diet which can include common things you would find in an average suburban backyard. This includes flowers, fruit, vegetables, and insects. Pet food and water bowls, as well as food scraps in compost piles and rubbish bins are also a popular choice.

While bird feeders and bird baths can attract native birds, they’re also likely to capture the interest of pest birds. Where possible, we recommend having less available food and water and keeping compost and waste tightly sealed and covered.

Tip 2: Regularly inspect your home for access points and proof them

Pest birds range in size and have the ability to squeeze into small spaces to enter your home. So, it’s best to check your roof for gaps between loose tiles, uncovered vents and other small openings and either seal them off or cover them with a fine mesh. Overhanging branches and vegetation can also encourage birds to nest close to the building.

Tip 3: Locate and remove nesting material

As territorial creatures by nature, pest birds carefully choose places to nest, roost and breed. Besides harbouring different types of parasites, germs and diseases, nests also provide a safe place to lay and incubate eggs, which attracts more birds and worsens an outbreak.

Regular yard maintenance and keeping your garden tidy and relatively free of small loose twigs and leaves can also help reduce the availability of nesting material.

Tip 4: Clean and disinfect the affected area

Not only do pest birds make a mess with feathers, germ-infested nesting material, debris and droppings, they also leave behind pheromones, which attracts other birds. That’s why it’s always important to clean up the mess from any pest bird infestation.

Allstate offers professional cleaning and property maintenance services to refresh, rejuvenate and sterilise the mess from pest birds. Our services include gutter, roof void and water tank cleaning or pressure washing to keep your property looking sparkling clean and pest-free.

Tip 5: Solar panel cleaning and proofing

With the rise in solar panel installations, pest birds have had increasingly more options for safe and comfortable nesting spots on roofs all around Adelaide.

Unfortunately, they are also responsible for causing messy stains and damage to expensive solar panels, resulting in the loss of efficiency.

You can avoid pricey repair bills with Allstate’s solar panel cleaning and proofing service.

After managing the pest bird problem, we conduct a thorough clean of the area and then install a UV coated mesh skirting to the sides of your panels. This hard-wearing mesh prevents birds from nesting underneath your panels, enabling them to function at their best.

Protect your home from pest birds today


Professional pest bird management

At Allstate, we provide a range of innovative and humane pest bird management methods Depending on the extent of the outbreak, we may use a combination of approaches to ensure that the root cause of the problem is fixed as quickly as possible.

These include:

  • Installing roosting deterrents such as bird spikes, netting, wire, jolt
  • Physical control measures such as trapping
  • OvoControl – an RSPCA approved and AI-powered modern long-term bird control solution

To learn more about a tailored bird control program for your home or business, contact Allstate for a comprehensive pest bird assessment today.

For safe and fast pest bird control, choose Allstate

Having a pest bird infestation is a noisy and messy distraction, and the last thing you need to deal with in the cold winter weather!

At Allstate, we understand pest bird behaviour so that we can manage all infestations from their source, and use a range of innovative and modern treatments to help prevent the problem from returning.

Since 1986, we’ve assisted homes and businesses across all suburbs of Adelaide with pest bird outbreaks of all sizes in commercial, residential and industrial settings.

Available 24/7 for advice and solutions, we offer payment plans to help keep you and your family protected from pest birds for good.

Our expert team is ready to help you now


Your guide to Pigeon Control

Your guide to Pigeon Control



Introduced to Australia from Europe, feral or pest pigeons have become well adapted to urban environments and steadily increased in population since. Unfortunately, these noisy pests can also carry diseases, parasites, leave a mess and damage your property.

With readily available nesting sites, sources of food and water, pigeons can breed all year round, almost anywhere. They may well choose your home or business as their next preferred spot to create a nuisance!

If you’re worried about a pigeon outbreak, keep reading our blog to learn more about how to responsibly prevente these pests for good.

What questions will this article answer?

How to identify pest pigeons

Grey coloured with a small collar of iridescent feathers around the neckline, pigeons have two characteristic black stripes across each wing. While a majority are grey, you’ll also find brown and white coloured pigeons as well.

Unlike feral pigeons, you can identify domestic pigeons that are kept as pets or for racing by looking for a tag around their leg.

Pest pigeons? Our experienced team is ready to help.


Problems caused by pigeons

A pigeon outbreak can lead to the following issues at your home or business:

  • Highly acidic pigeon droppings can cause damage to buildings, outdoor furniture, airconditioning units, solar panels and rooftop machinery
  • They leave behind an unpleasant odour
  • Noise disturbance from chirping, especially from chicks
  • Carry and transmit diseases such as histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis and ornithosis (Bird Fancier’s Lung)
  • Carry parasites such as bed bugs, bird mites, ticks and clothes moths which can cause secondary pest outbreaks and trigger allergies
  • Attract ticks, mites and cockroaches
  • Contamination of food supplies and water through droppings, feathers and nesting material
  • Slippery pigeon droppings can cause a health and safety hazard on footpaths, stairs and fire escapes
  • Pigeons can squeeze through small gaps and enter your roof space

Signs of a pigeon outbreak

Here are some ways you can tell if you have a pigeon infestation:

  • Many pigeons roosting and perching on your roof, eaves and window ledges or even nesting under your solar panels
  • A large amount of brown-white pigeon droppings
  • Nest debris appearing on your roof, such as sticks, twigs, pine needles, straw or grass stems
  • Frequent chirping noises from chicks
  • Damage to native plants in your garden from pecking
  • Feathers accumulating around your roof and yard, in gutters and blocking drains, causing leaks and overflowing in plumbing

Learn more about the signs of a pigeon outbreak here.

Nuisance pigeons around your home? Get fast pigeon control today


DIY ways to avoid a pigeon outbreak

The best way to stop a pigeon outbreak is to prevent it from happening in the first place. There are several simple actions that you can take to make sure that your property does not become a potential nesting site.

We recommend removing all possible sources of food and water from your yard, including pet food, water bowls and fallen fruit.

Sealing off potential entry points with wooden panels or mesh, installing mesh screens over chimneys and fixing loose tiles on your roof will help keep them out of your home.

Regularly check your roof for nests and remove them promptly, then disinfect the area. Trim away overhanging tree branches that cover your roof and gutters.

You can even consider using audio and visual deterrents which can be purchased from hardware stores.

Professional pigeon prevention

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, pest pigeons can still persistently cause problems at your home.

At Allstate, we have a range of treatments to manage a pest pigeon outbreak. Our technicians will advise which solution is the most appropriate for your circumstances.


An innovative new treatment that has been shown to significantly reduce bird populations within two years, OvoControl works as a form of pigeon birth control. It uses AI-controlled automatic feeding baits laced with a chemical that inhibits egg fertilisation in female pigeons.

Bird netting

This is used to form a physical barrier to prevent pigeons from accessing your roof.

Bird spikes

Providing an uneven surface to land, particularly on leading edges, bird spikes are commonly used on exposed ledges, sills, girders and steel beams.

Bird wire

A discreet way to protect leading edges of a building, stainless steel bird wire can be secured between vertical posts and makes the surface too unstable for pigeons to land.

Bird Jolt Flat Track

An electrically active surface that works discreetly, the Bird Jolt Flat Track delivers a mild electric shock when pigeons land and stimulate it. It is humane and not harmful to pigeons in any way and can be powered either by an AC or solar charger.

Bird gel

Specially formulated, weather resistant, nearly invisible and nontoxic, bird gel can be spread over nesting areas and discourage birds from landing due to its uncomfortable, tacky consistency.

Bird repellent optical gel

A long lasting and non-harmful method to deter pigeons from an area, bird repellent optical gel not only has a strong scent that is unpleasant for pigeons. It also creates a visual disturbance and confuses pigeons to discourage them from returning to the site.

Solar panel proofing and cleaning

The shelter and warmth underneath solar panels provides an ideal spot for pigeon nesting but can cause damage over time. We can help you to protect your panels by cleaning away the mess left behind by the pigeons and installing a strong mesh around them.

Severe outbreaks

For infestations that cannot be brought under control by any other means, we can physically prevente pigeons if necessary. Our work is always carried out in the most humane and responsible way possible. We are compliant with the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 and have the appropriate permits and licenses to ensure a respectful and safe outcome.

Choose Allstate for fast and reliable pigeon control


At Allstate, we understand how stressful and disruptive a pigeon outbreak can be.

That’s why we have a range of innovative and effective, yet humane treatments that can help you rid of pest pigeons as quickly as possible. You can rest assured that all our treatments carried out respectfully and are nontoxic to people, pets and the environment.

We’re available 24/7 for all urgent pest enquiries to all suburbs of Adelaide in residential, commercial and industrial settings.

With a 100% satisfaction guarantee, competitive warranties and payment plans, you don’t need to delay getting rid of pigeons from your home once and for all.

Speak to the pigeon removal experts with 35+ years’ experience


Your guide to Pigeon Control

Are Pest Pigeons a Problem in Winter?



While it’s true that most birds prefer to escape to warmer climates for winter, pigeons are an exception. They have traits that make them highly adaptable to survive in cold weather. They find it even easier to survive by roosting in or on buildings that provide shelter and warmth. Once they find the perfect spot to roost, nest and breed, their population will quickly increase and before you know it, you’re left to deal with an outbreak.

If you’re concerned about having pigeons in your home or business this winter, continue reading to find out more about how to identify, prevent and treat a pigeon problem before it gets out of hand.

What questions will this article answer?

How do pigeons survive in winter?

You may notice there are less birds in winter, and this is because many of them fly away to warmer climates to escape the chill.

However, you’ll find that pigeons are the exception. They have several physical, behavioural and physiological characteristics which make them well adapted to survive in cold weather.


Besides providing insulation and protection from the harsh conditions, pigeons may fluff their feathers to trap air around their bodies, providing additional warmth.


Pigeons have special oil secreting uropygial or preen glands, which help to keep their feathers dry when it rains.

Regulating body temperature

Pigeons can reduce their exposure to the cold by tucking in their head and feet, sticking their feathers down and crouching. In extreme conditions, they can also constrict blood flow to their feet to further prevent heat loss.

Socialised behaviour

Flocks of pigeons are comfortable to huddle and roost close together to share warmth.

Diet changes

In autumn, pigeons may seek food sources that are high in calories to gain weight for insulation. This includes seeds and fruit. During winter, they will continue to eat extra food and include grains, rice, nuts and insects. For extra energy, they may even opt to eat protein-rich food such as meat.

They are excellent scavengers

Pigeons are very resourceful and will look for food anywhere. So even if their preferred food sources such as insects and earthworms become scarce in winter, they will hunt around for food in rubbish bins, compost bins, dumpsters and bird feeders. Pigeons will fly along the streets searching for scraps from cafes, restaurants and parks.

Nocturnal hypothermia

On cold nights, pigeons shiver to raise their metabolism. They can also reduce their overall body temperature if needed.

Protecting baby pigeons

To ensure the survival of their offspring, adult pigeons add extra insulation and waterproofing to their nests.

Why are pigeons a pest in winter?

Since pigeons are very attached to their nests, they’re fortunate to have developed many attributes which help them survive in their preferred location during winter. So it’s important that they choose a spot which provides them optimum protection from the harsh elements.

Besides sturdy tree trunks, there are many places in urban areas which offer shelter and warmth for pigeons. 

As they are naturally attracted to the heat emitted from buildings during winter, pigeons can find access points to nesting spots in roof ventilators, attics, wall and roof spaces. They are capable of squeezing through gaps as small as an inch wide.

Once they enter your home or business and find a suitable nesting spot, it doesn’t take long for pigeons to build nests and lay eggs. This means that within a short amount of time you’ll be faced with a full-blown outbreak.

Signs of a pigeon outbreak


If you’re experiencing any of the following problems around your home or business, it’s best to contact Allstate for a pigeon inspection as soon as possible.

Bird noises

You can hear frequent chirping and crying from baby pigeons coming from your roof.

Pigeon droppings

Look for an accumulation of messy brown-white deposits where your suspect pigeons are roosting and nesting.

Pigeons roosting

You can see many pigeons roosting on the roof, eaves, gutter, balcony, window ledges or chimney.

Nesting material

Pay attention to an increase in clutter scattered around your yard and roof. In particular, look for leaves, pine needles, grass stems, twigs, straw and other suitable nesting debris.

Damage to your garden and plants

Your native plants may be targeted by pigeons pecking and fouling around your yard. 

Water damage 

Bird nest debris, droppings and feathers can build up along gutters, clog drains and downpipes, resulting in blockages, overflowing water and leakage in and around your building.

Noticing signs of a pigeon outbreak? Speak to an Adelaide pigeon removal expert today


Problems caused by a pigeon outbreak

Flocks of pigeons swarming around your home or business can create many issues, so it’s best to prevent an infestation from happening in the first place.

Spreading diseases

Bird droppings and feathers can carry nasty bacteria such as e-coli and salmonella. This can lead to illnesses such as gastroenteritis. They can also host viruses, fungi and parasites and spread diseases such as the flu, ornithosis, toxoplasmosis, encephalitis, histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis.

Triggering allergies

Parasites such as bird mites, bed bugs, ticks, mites and clothes moths can be carried by pigeons and their bites can trigger allergies in some people.

People who have serious bird allergies may also experience Bird Fancier’s Lung.

Damage to buildings

Pigeon droppings can cause discolouration and tarnish the appearance of buildings. Furthermore, they contain highly corrosive uric acid which can cause furniture, equipment, machines, construction materials and paint to rust and deteriorate.

Contamination of food, supplies and water

Poor hygiene and sanitisation can result from bird droppings, pecking, discarded feathers and debris from bird nests and dead birds.

Health and safety hazard

Fresh bird droppings on footpaths, steps and fire escapes can be slippery.

How to protect your home from pigeons this winter

The last thing you need is to worry about pigeons roosting in and around your roof. There are a few steps you can take during the onset of cold weather to make sure that you and your family won’t have to face the inconvenience of managing unwanted pigeon house guests. 

Firstly, we recommend removing all potential sources of food and water from your roof and yard to prevent pigeons from being attracted to your property. This includes fallen fruit, seeds, insects, pet food and water bowls.

Take care to properly seal all gaps and entry points and install mesh screens over chimneys.

Then, you’ll need to locate and remove nests and destroy any empty nests to prevent pigeons from returning. Remember to thoroughly clean and disinfect the affected area afterwards.

Solar panel proofing and cleaning

It’s common to find pigeons nesting underneath solar panels as they provide warmth and safety. Unfortunately, they can leave behind a mess and cause damage to your panels, causing them to work less effectively. At Allstate, we offer a service to help maintain and protect your panels from pigeons. Read more about our solar panel proofing and cleaning service here.

Need help with pigeon-proofing your home or business? Contact Allstate today


Professional pigeon removal


If you are experiencing an outbreak of pigeons, Allstate is here to help. Our pest control technicians use a range of techniques to prevent pigeons from perching on your roof and settling down in your roof space. This includes installing bird netting, spikes, wire, traps or even an electronic deterrent system. Read more about our most effective solutions for managing pest birds here.


At Allstate, we aim to offer the most humane, yet most effective solutions to help our clients remove their pest bird and pigeon problems. That’s why we always stay up to date with the latest in pest control innovations.

A recent breakthrough in bird control technology, the OvoControl system offers a humane and safe approach to prevente a pigeon outbreak naturally and with minimal disruption.

OvoControl works as a form of birth control to drastically reduce the pigion population. It AI-controlled automatic feeding baits containing Nicarbazin, an RSPCA-approved compound designed to disrupt egg fertilisation in pest birds. While humane, OvoControl is highly effective; it has been shown to significantly remove bird outbreaks within 2 years.

Speak to an Allstate customer service representative today to find out how OvoControl can help you manage pesky pigeons once and for all.

For a reliable pigeon removal service, speak to an experienced Allstate technician today


Choose Allstate for effective protection from pigeons this winter


As they are well adapted to survive winter, pest pigeons can cause problems by seeking shelter and warmth in your home or business. At Allstate, we understand the stress and disruption this can cause to your daily life and work.

That’s why we have a highly experienced team of pigeon removal experts to assist with managing your pigeon outbreak quickly, safely and humanely. We have a range of modern solutions using cutting-edge technology including OvoControl to ensure that you and your family are protected from future outbreaks.

Since 1986, Allstate has been providing pest control services to homes and businesses across all suburbs of Adelaide. Our highly-responsive, fully equipped team is available 24/7 for emergency call outs. We take care to only use products and treatments which are non-toxic to children, pets and the environment.

Stop Pest Birds Nesting in Your Roof

Stop Pest Birds Nesting in Your Roof

After a wet and cold winter, spring is finally giving us some welcome relief. But just as prolific as sunny days are wild birds looking for a place to nest. And while you see your roof void as a space for your home’s insulation and wiring, birds see free 5-star accommodation in its place.

Unfortunately, pest birds aren’t the most considerate of guests: their nests and droppings can cause considerable damage and they carry more germs than a medi-hotel. But luckily there are a few things you can do to keep these annihilative avians at bay.

Whether you think you already have birds on your roof or are worried about the risk, read on to find out what you can do about it.

Why do birds nest in rooves?

With soft insulation and shelter from the elements, roof spaces make the perfect home for birds to build their nests.

Unfortunately, the longer birds are left to nest, the harder it can be to remove them, which is why you should act quickly to prevent or manage them.

How can you tell if a bird has made a home inside your roof?

There are some tell-tale signs that birds have taken up residence inside your home.
As spring approaches, you should keep an eye (and ear) out for:

  • Bird noises, particularly the cries and chirps of young chicks after eggs hatch
  • Nest debris or birds picking up sticks and other materials in your garden to use in their nest
  • Large amounts of droppings all in one area (this may be a sign that a bird is living there, rather than just passing by)
  • Feathers in gutters and blocking drains
  • Nests under solar panels

Are pest birds dangerous?

Many people are unaware that pest birds can pose more problems than just noise.

They can make a mess in hard-to-reach areas which may entice other pests like rats and mice, leading to further health and safety issues. And it’s not just rodents – birds can also bring in small biting insects that once in the home, can be hard to manage. This includes fleas, lice, flies, and bird mites.

When pest birds nest in and on your roof, they also cause property damage.

Their acidic droppings are a big problem for solar panels and HVAC systems, and can interfere with their function. Birds’ feathers and nest debris can also clog up drains and gutters, causing plumbing and water damage problems.

Pest birds also have pest implications. Adelaide birds are known disease carriers and can cause health problems such as:

  • Salmonella
  • Ornithosis
  • Bird fanciers lung
  • E-Coli
  • Health issues from contaminated food and water supplies

How can you prevent and manage pest birds?

As spring approaches, we recommend you carry out preventative measures to reduce the risk of pest birds becoming a problem. This is a simple checklist of things you can do to prevent birds this time of year:

  • Although it can be nice to provide your local birds with food and water, you might also be attracting pest birds. Discourage unwanted birds from arriving and nesting by removing access to food and water sources during spring.
  • You should frequently assess your roof for access points or hire a professional to do so. Many pests, including birds, may enter your home via small gaps, overhanging branches, and loose tiles. Pigeons are frequent culprits because they only need a gap of 25 mm to enter the roof void. Pigeons will even shift loose or damaged roofing tiles to gain access.
  • If you have solar panels, you should consider bird proofing.

If birds are still causing you issues, our team can help you with more targeted bird prevention, bird removal, and cleaning up bird mess from your roof.

Our expert team is ready to help you now


How does Allstate prevent and manage birds?

At Allstate, we use a variety of methods to prevent and control pest birds, including:

  • Bird netting
  • Bird spikes
  • Bird jolt
  • Bird wire
  • Cleaning
  • Solar panel proofing
  • Shooting
  • Trapping

For more information on each of these methods, see our bird control solutions.

What happens after Allstate removes the birds?

Once we have removed pest birds, it’s important to clean up the mess left behind. At Allstate we can help you out with roof void cleaning, gutter cleaning, and solar panel cleaning and protection. Check out our maintenance services here.

We also encourage our customers to keep a regular maintenance schedule throughout spring to prevent birds from returning.

Our expert team is ready to help you now


Your Guide to Bird Mites in Adelaide

Your Guide to Bird Mites in Adelaide



Just like bed bugs and fleas, bird mites are tiny terrors that infest your home and bite you when you’re asleep. Also known as bird lice, these creatures are frequently mistaken for other parasites, and it’s easy to understand why.

Besides keeping you and your pets awake scratching itchy red bites, they’re difficult to see, and hide away in your linen and furniture during the day. Since they multiply quickly, it doesn’t take long for a small problem to turn into a major outbreak.

Bird mites are usually brought to your home by host birds, which may be pet birds or pest birds living in or on your roof. Once the host bird dies or moves on, the next target for bird lice is you!

If you’re worried about bird mites, we’ve prepared this guide to help you to learn more about identifying bird mites, the problems they cause, and how to prevent and control an outbreak.

What questions will this article answer?

What are bird mites?

Bird mites are tiny arachnids that are incredibly difficult to see, but make their presence known in a similar way to fleas and bed bugs. As the name suggests, bird mites thrive by feeding off the blood of bird hosts and dwelling in their nests. Common on pigeons, sparrows, starlings and poultry, bird mites usually infest your home when you have pest birds living in or on your roof.

Can humans get bird lice?

Bird lice prefer bird blood, but when their bird host dies or moves location they will make their way down into the home and feed on pets and humans instead.

While pet and human blood keeps bird lice alive, it prevents them from reproducing and so they will usually die out within about three weeks of losing access to their bird hosts.

What do bird lice and their bites look like?

Bird lice are very difficult to see – they are less than 1mm with a flat oval body. They are white/translucent coloured before feeding, red/brown immediately after feeding, then black after digesting their meal.

Unlike scabies mites, bird mites don’t burrow into your skin, instead leaving symptoms similar to the bites of fleas and bed bugs. The usually cause small red bumps and itching, which can sometimes be quite severe.

When should I be worried about bird lice?

Like birds, bird lice favour warm conditions and are most active during spring and summer.

Problems caused by bird mites

Though they are small in size, bird mites can cause big headaches if left unchecked. There are several reasons to get on top of an outbreak quickly:

Their bites trigger allergies

Bird mite bites trigger allergies in people and pets (including pet birds), due to chemicals in their saliva which are secreted during a bite. These allergies can be quite nasty and even require treatment.

Sleep deprivation

Bird lice are most active at night, so an infestation will keep you awake experiencing a crawling sensation and scratching itchy bites.

They easily hide in bedding and furniture during the day

Bird lice have adapted to avoid treatment and protect their eggs, by hiding out of site. This prolongs the treatment process and makes it more difficult to exterminate them.

They reproduce quickly

Female bird mites usually lay a few dozen eggs over their lifetime. These eggs hatch in a matter of days, so it doesn’t take long for an outbreak to happen.

How bird mites get in your home

Bird lice get inside when they’re on the prowl for a new host and can infiltrate any area of your home.

They are more likely to migrate to inside the home if pest birds or their nests are nearby. They crawl through roof spaces, cracks or cavities in walls, gaps around windows and door frames. They can also be introduced through pet birds or other small pets (including rodents) purchased from a pet store.

Once inside your home, bird mites lay their eggs everywhere. Be sure to your carpet and furniture, as cotton and fabric provide good insulation for eggs.

Our bird lice control team is ready to help


How do I know if I have bird lice?

A bird mite infestation can be tricky to diagnose as the lice are difficult to see, and so you might initially assume that another parasites is responsible.

However, the following signs are a good indicator that the problem on your hands is a bird mite one:

Associated pest bird outbreak

Check for nearby pest birds, especially pigeons, and their nests. Make sure to check:

  • Tour roof, chimney, eaves, window ledges
  • Underneath solar panels
  • Inside your roof space
  • In basements, foundations or on porches

Bites on pet birds

If you have pet birds, check them for bites, which can appear as crusty, scaly, swollen skin or a rash.

Changes to pet bird behaviour

Watch for signs of infestation in birds, such as restlessness, frequently picking at their feathers and skin, making unusual sounds, or developing sinus issues and coughing or sneezing. Chickens lay poorer quality eggs and hatch fewer chicks.

Bites on people

When looking for a new host, bird lice ‘test bite’ humans, injecting saliva which triggers a skin reaction. This causes very itchy, swollen red spots on the skin, which can become an allergic rash if you are bitten multiple times, or they are frequently scratched. Bird mite bites are most likely to occur at night, and may also cause a crawling sensation on your skin.

If you’re worried about a bird lice infestation, reach out to us for an inspection.

How to treat bird lice bites

We know how frustrating it can be to get bitten kept awake with itchy skin. So if you’re experiencing an outbreak, here are some tips on how to prevent and treat your bites:

Use insect repellent to prevent getting bitten

Choose brands that contain diethyl meta-toluamide (DEET) or 3-methyl-n-diethylbenzamide.

Rinse and gently scrub your skin with water and soap

This will remove crawling bird mites and disinfect the bites.

Apply soothing anti-itch products

Reduce the temptation to itch by applying over the counter creams, lotions and serums.

If your pet or bird is bitten, take it to the vet for treatment

Your pet may need oral medicine, spray, bath products or grooming.

How to prevent bird mite outbreaks

The best way to reduce your risk of a bird mite infestation is to stop them from coming near your home. Here are some ways you can stay bird lice free:

Regularly maintain bird cages

Thoroughly clean and wash your bird cage/s, and frequently change bedding and litter.

Maintain a clean home

This is especially if you have pets or birds. Make sure to vacuum carpets daily, wash and change bed linen and clothing regularly, change pet litter and wash their bedding.

Check over new pets and birds before bringing them inside your home

If you’re unsure, take them to the vet first.

Regular building maintenance

The best way to protect yourself from bird lice is to prevente pest birds and their nests by:

  • Inspecting for possible entry points and sealing them, particularly around the roof, eaves, check for gaps or loose tiles
  • Keeping chimneys covered when not in use
  • Ensuring vent covers are secured
  • Cleaning and maintaining your solar panels: learn more about Allstate’s solar panel maintenance service here
  • Read our blog for more advice about managing pest birds

Roof void cleaning

Sometimes, despite your best preventative efforts, pest birds can still find their way into your roof space. Not only are they noisy and messy, they bring bird mites inside as well. Even worse, it can be difficult to access and clean your roof space to fix the issue.

That’s why Allstate, we offer a roof void cleaning service to remove any debris (and subsequent insects) left behind by pest birds. That way, you won’t have to worry about bird mites stopping you from getting the good night’s sleep that you deserve! Learn more about roof void cleaning here.

Bird mite outbreaks in businesses

Besides disturbing you at home, bird lice can spell trouble in facilities where there are employees working or people staying overnight. Not only does this compromise the wellbeing of guests, patients and staff, it also makes them hesitant to return.

Over time, bird mites become a major distraction to your day-to-day operations, tarnish the reputation of your business, and can lead to significant fines for breaching health and safety regulations. To top it off, you may need to purchase new carpets, furnishing and linen if there is a severe outbreak.

Hospitals, medical centres and aged care facilities

These places are frequented by people who are already experiencing health issues, so a bird mite infestation will disrupt and further complicate treatment and care programs.

Read more about pest control for aged care here.

Hotels, hostels and accommodation facilities

Guests often cut their stay short if they’re unhappy with the hygiene standards, and are much more likely to leave negative reviews if they realise there is a bird lice outbreak.

Read more about pest control for accommodation facilities here.

How do I manage bird mites – will they go away on their own?

The good news is that bird lice will die within 3 weeks if they have not fed off bird blood, so once you have removed the host birds they will go away on their own. However, it’s best to be proactive and limit the damage they can cause in the meantime. These are four ways you can manage bird mites:

Kill them with insecticide surface spray or powder

You can get DIY insecticides from a hardware store. However they must contain pyrethrin to be effective against the mites.

Sprinkle diatomaceous earth in infested areas

Sprinkling diatomaceous earth around areas where bird lice roam can manage them by disrupting their waterproof outer lining

Destroy and replace heavily infested items

Anything heavily infested with bird mites should be removed and destroyed. This includes carpets, rugs, furniture, linen, clothing and bedding. Always wear protective clothing and gloves when handling your affected belongings.

Get professional pest control

Some Adelaide bird mite problems are best handled by the professionals. This includes instances when:

  • The infestation is heavy
  • There is a large affected area
  • Bird nests are located in hard to reach places
  • The nests have been abandoned – these are best handled by our technicians to limit the spread of bird mites

How to manage a heavy infestation

If you have serious bird lice problems, it’s important to get professional extermination. At Allstate, we offer a 5 step process for bird lice control in Adelaide, which is covered by a 3 month warranty:

1. Pre-treatment inspection

We will conduct a thorough assessment of the roof, entry points, all possible nesting places, and inside the building, to come up with a plan to treat the outbreak.

2. Bird nest location and removal

Before getting rid of the mites, it’s important we remove any bird nests, which are the underlying cause of the problem.

3. Treatment

We apply insecticide powder and surface spray to all affected areas. All products we use are safe for people and pets, and approved by the Australian Veterinary Medicines and Pesticides Authority.

4. Follow-up treatment

Bird mite eggs are often well hidden and take a few days to hatch, so more severe outbreaks need to be treated in more than one visit. In our follow-up treatment we will review the situation and replenish the treatment as needed.

5. Report

We will send you the details on how we treated the outbreak. This also serves as a handy reference for you to keep in the case of any future issues.

Need urgent bird mite control?
Our expert team is ready to help you now


Why choose Allstate?

We understand how stressful and overwhelming it can be to deal with pest birds, let alone an outbreak of bird lice. You can trust our team of licensed professionals who are trained and equipped to provide long-lasting bird lice control in Adelaide.

Reach out to us 24/7, from any suburb in Adelaide

Use our chat box on the bottom right of this page.

Prompt, reliable service and emergency response

We won’t leave you feeling stuck – our team responds quickly to urgent cases.

We have a 100% money back guarantee

Because we want you to be satisfied with our bird lice removal treatments in your home or business.

We offer interest-free payment plans

Don’t let tight finances prevent you from getting on top of an outbreak.

We offer targeted, effective solutions with follow ups

We’ll thoroughly assess and inspect your outbreak to come up with an immediate and long term treatment plan.

Our treatments are non-toxic

We only use products that are child, pet and environmentally safe.

We work around your schedule

This will minimise disruption to your home and business.

Get Adelaide bird lice help today


The Ultimate Bird Control Guide in Adelaide

The Ultimate Bird Control Guide in Adelaide


Pest birds roosting around your home or business is no chirping matter. Besides being messy and noisy, they spread infections and parasites from mites to salmonella.

Do you have concerns about pest birds? Read our handy bird control guide to help.

At best, they’re a nuisance. At worst, a health hazard or business risk. Having pest birds roosting around your home or business premises is no chirping matter.

Besides being noisy, the mess from their feathers and droppings can cause lasting damage to property and buildings, or create the need for costly repairs. What’s more, they carry and spread a range of infections and parasites, from mites to salmonella. No wonder pest birds are bad news for your home, and even worse for businesses.

If you have concerns about pest birds or pigeons, the issues they can cause, or you want to know more about how to deter or prevente them, here is some useful information to help.

What questions will this article answer?

Common behaviours of pest birds (especially pigeons)

There are a handful of well-known pest birds in Australia, but pigeons are the most notorious of them all. Let’s understand how they became this way.

Pigeons are easily identified by their blue-grey coloured feathers, white rump and black bars across their wings and tail. They are semi-domesticated creatures who are very comfortable around people and in urban environments. These are just some of the reasons that they possess excellent survival instincts:

They are well adapted
Our homes and businesses offer excellent conditions for pigeons to roost and nest, such as:

  • A good water supply from unsealed water tanks, ponds, gutters, rooftops.
  • Warmth and shelter from rooftops solar panels, fans, electric transformers and heating units. Sometimes, they are even able to locate an access point to enter a roof space.

They come in large numbers
Many pigeons will often band and stay together as a flock.

They are excellent scavengers
Having a diverse diet enables them to take advantage of almost any available food source. They are good at competing against native birds for food.

They are determined to live in their preferred place
Because of their strong inbuilt homing instinct, pigeons become attached to living near to their birthplace, making them very reluctant to move on to another site. This makes it hard to discourage them from returning to your home or business.

They reproduce quickly
Female pigeons can produce about 15 eggs per year, with a short incubation period of only 18 days. So, a small flock can easily become a large one.

They don’t always need a nest to lay eggs
They can simply lay eggs on a bare surface.

Problems caused by pigeons

Pigeons usually aren’t shy, and if they have taken over new territory nearby you’ll notice the following signs:

Aggressive behaviour
They can sometimes attack people, particularly during breeding season when they are defending their young.

Particularly cries from young chicks. The sounds of many birds roosting and nesting together is disruptive and disturbing in an otherwise peaceful environment.

Native bird displacement
Due to their dominant nature, pest birds will drive away other bird species who are less able to compete for food and nesting sites.

Damage to gardens and plants
They enjoy feasting on fruit, flowers, produce and stored grain.

Problems caused by pest birds

Birds may be small, but an outbreak can cause major headaches. Most bird-related issues are caused by their droppings, but can also result from parasites in their feathers and their general roosting patterns.

Building discolouration
The white-brown colour and thick consistency can tarnish the appearance of buildings, including windows, ledges, walls, balconies and surrounding footpaths of homes and businesses.

Property damage

  • Rust and deterioration of paint on buildings, cars, roof top machinery (airconditioners, and solar panels), gutters and the roof itself. This is from the uric acid in bird droppings, which is a highly corrosive compound.
  • Corrosion of construction materials such as limestone and calciferous sandstone. This is caused by a fungus carried in pigeon droppings
  • Damage inside your property. Bird droppings can end up on support structures as well as uncovered stock, supplies, food, machinery, tools and clothing.

Birds carry parasites in their droppings and feathers, which include a huge host of insects, from bed bugs and beetles, to clothes moths, mites and ticks. Many of these parasites will cover their new human host with tiny bites, and are capable of triggering allergies.

Moist bird droppings also attract flies and enable breeding to initiate a secondary insect outbreak.

Birds spread disease-causing bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. These can give you the flu, gastroenteritis, or even more serious illnesses requiring hospital stays, including:

  • Salmonella poisoning
  • Ornithosis
  • Bird fancier’s lung
  • Cryptococcosis
  • E-coli infection
  • Histoplasmosis
  • Newcastle disease
  • Encephalitis
  • Aspergillosis
  • Toxoplasmosis

Contamination of food, supplies and water
This occurs from:

  • Bird pecking
  • Droppings
  • Feathers
  • Debris from birds’ nests and dead birds

Safety hazards
Fresh bird droppings are wet and slippery, and hazardous to pedestrians walking along footpaths, steps and fire escapes.

Water damage
Droppings and debris from roosting birds accumulate along gutters and downpipes. If left unattended to, the build-up and blockages can result in water overflow and subsequent roof leakages.

If you are worried that pest birds are causing any of the above problems around your home, do not hesitate to contact our bird control team.

Speak to a bird control expert today


Bird Problems in Businesses

Pest birds usually gain access inside commercial buildings through loading bay areas and damaged roofing. To avoid this, you should proactively inspect for birds and seal off entry points as part of regular building maintenance. At Allstate, we can assist many types of businesses with bird control in Adelaide.

Distribution facilities

Pest birds flying around a distribution facility are a dangerous distraction while operating heavy machinery. They can ruin stock and supplies, particularly if goods are not properly covered. Their droppings are a hygiene problem that can make staff and contractors sick and become a workplace slipping hazard. A failure to comply with industrial health and safety standards can result in heavy fines.

Read more about birds in warehouses and distribution facilities

Shopping and retail centres

With many food service businesses occupying the same space, including cafes, food courts, butchers and supermarkets, there is a great opportunity for pest birds to take advantage of readily available food and scraps. To make matters worse, there are often numerous entry points and customers who feed birds and leave unwanted food out in the open. A pest bird outbreak can contaminate food, supplies and preparation surfaces, and become an unwelcome distraction to employees, customers and other retailers. It can also result in costly penalties for failing to meet food regulatory and safety standards, damage your reputation and turn customers away.

Read more about birds in retail centres

Commercial buildings, offices and service facilities

Pest birds will not only cause widespread disruption to the operations within a commercial building. A failure to meet health and safety standards can damage the reputation for all the offices, businesses and service providers located inside as well.

Large and tall buildings

Pest birds such as pigeons are used to living in high places, and can settle in bigger complexes which consist of many offices and businesses connected by multiple entry points and lifts, infrequently used stairwells, an extensive network of ducts and vents, and complex supply chains. An outbreak may lead to major structural damage requiring expensive repairs, and compromise health and safety for many people working in the building.

Read more about birds in commercial buildings

Service facilities

Facilities which are often used by the more vulnerable members of our community, such as schools, child care centres, nursing homes and hospitals can also be targeted by pest birds. They can introduce a variety of germs and parasites which cause devastating health effects.

Read more about birds in aged care
Read more about birds in schools

Speak to one of our rodent prevention experts today


Bird control methods in Adelaide

At Allstate, we understand how persistent pest birds can be, so we often use a combination of techniques to control an outbreak. Our expert bird removal technicians take care to treat the birds humanely throughout the process.

As part of our bird control solutions for both homes and businesses, we may recommend the following prevention and removal strategies:

Remove all sources of food and water from the site
This is the first step to controlling a pest bird outbreak.

Bird netting
Nets are a useful, non-harmful physical deterrent to control high level bird outbreaks. They can easily be placed into custom made frames or manipulated in any direction to fit areas of various shapes and dimensions. They come in different colours and sizes (we have 19mm, 50mm and 75mm).

Bird spikes
Spikes create an insecure area for landing, so are an effective way to prevent birds from gathering in their favourite roosting position to oversee their territory, usually on the leading edges of buildings. This includes exposed ledges, sills, steel beams, chimneys and girders.

There are different types of bird spikes to suit your home or business, such as translucent, polycarbonate, steel, girder and gutter. They come in a range of sizes, shapes and all have UV protection so they last longer. Rest assured that they are not sharp and will not cause physical injury to the birds (or installers).

Bird Jolt Flat Track system
This discreet, solar or A.C. powered electric deterrent delivers birds a mild electric shock every time they land on its surface, and eventually conditions them to stay away. It can be installed on any surface due to its flexible PVC base, and has in-built UV protection for longevity. As it stands only ¼ of an inch high, it is a popular solution for areas where you need a less noticeable deterrent.

Bird wire
We will sometimes secure UV-protected stainless steel wires between plastic posts to act as an unstable landing platform. This deters birds from landing on leading edges of buildings, including exposed ledges, steel beams, sills and girders. This discreet technique is best suited to new buildings.

Bird trapping
This is a handy solution for controlling a large outbreak. Over several days, birds are gradually baited with food to enter a cage trap. Eventually, when the trap fills with birds, they are removed from your property. At Allstate, rest assured that our approach towards the birds is humane, and we provide adequate food, water and shelter while they are in the cage.

Bird shooting
Pest birds are very persistent and breed quickly. In situations where deterrent techniques have failed, sometimes there is no choice but to take more drastic action. Allstate has technicians who are fully licensed to safely and responsibly discharge a firearm to tame an out of control bird or pigeon outbreak,

We take utmost care that this process is carried out with minimal disturbance to you and your neighbours, by timing it when the majority of the birds are within range.

Solar panel cleaning and proofing
Pest birds favour nesting under solar panels, but unfortunately leave a mess, damaging the expensive panels and underlying wiring systems, so that they work less effectively.

Our maintenance team can help you control this problem by first removing the birds, then thoroughly cleaning panels and surrounding area, and finally installing a stainless steel black UV-coated wire mesh over the panels to prevent the birds from nesting and roosting.

You can read more about this process here.

Cleaning up after a pest bird outbreak

Even when the birds are controlled, you still have to deal with the mess they have left. A property maintenance service is often the easiest way to get your building, equipment and surrounding areas cleaned up quickly and effectively.

Recommended bird cleanup services include:

Gutter and roof void cleaning
Birds will often leave a build-up of nesting debris and fouling in hard-to-access areas like roof voids and gutters. An experienced property maintenance service will remove their mess, and sterilise and clear stains using an environmentally friendly, bio-degradable disinfectant.

Pressure washing
A build-up of bird droppings and feathers is an unsightly distraction on the roof, sides of buildings, footpaths, pavements and driveways. If left for a long time, this can also lead to permanent damage to paint as well as rust and corrosion.

Bird control pressure washing services are designed for concrete and paved areas, loading docks and buildings, to refresh the look of your home or business facility.

The Allstate maintenance team specialises in clean-up after pest outbreaks.


How Allstate can help with your bird problems

At Allstate, we have seen the stress and disruption caused by the noise, mess, and health and safety problems from a pest bird outbreak.

As Adelaide’s leading independent pest control company, our licensed, expert bird control technicians use a range of methods, and are well equipped to offer personalised solutions for pest bird issues in both homes and businesses.

Our experienced team members are always available for prompt advice and 24/7 service to all suburbs of Adelaide.

Our focus is to be safe and compassionate towards the birds, people and the environment. We offer a 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee, and affordable interest-free payment plans.

You don’t need to feel overwhelmed with a pest bird outbreak, or try to resolve it on your own – we are here to help.

Our bird control team is ready to help you now
