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Possum Control in Adelaide | Possum Removals | Possums Adelaide

Possum Control in Adelaide | Possum Removals | Possums Adelaide



Do you have a furry housemate living rent-free in your roof? Chances are, it’s a cute and cuddly possum.

However, you have probably already discovered that they aren’t the best guests. They’re messy, noisy, do a lot of damage, and leave smelly waste lying around. It’s no wonder they’re are considered a pest in many Adelaide homes, businesses and schools.

If you suspect that you have a possum problem, or you want to prevent them from getting in your roof in the first place, it is useful to understand possum behaviour and the best way to control them. Continue reading to get our tips on:

What questions will this article answer?

Why are possums a problem?

In developed, urban areas of Adelaide, shelter and protection from trees can be scarce, and so possums tend to seek refuge in roof spaces instead. The most common species to do so is the Common Brushtail Possum, which is active at night and feeds on eucalyptus leaves, fruit, vegetables, and even food from your kitchen pantry.

Possums are messy, hungry and noisy at night when you’re trying to sleep. Sometimes, they may even fight with your pets, especially cats. They can make it into your roof quite easily, squeezing through openings the size of a tennis ball. Once they have made it their home they make a huge mess and cause a lot of damage – often chewing through insulation and electrical wiring, which leads to costly repairs and sometimes even fire or electric shock.

They’re not just a problem for homes – they are also a health and reputation risk in food businesses, distribution facilities and schools.

It only takes one possum to cause a lot of trouble, so it’s important to manage them quickly. You may also find that other pests, such as rodents, are using the same entry point to gain access to you roof, which makes it even more important to get on top of the problem early.

You can’t just trap or cull a possum – here’s why

In line with the National Parks and Wildlife Act possums are a protected animals in South Australia. This means that anyone who wants to trap and remove a possum needs a Permit to Trap and Release from the Department for Environment and Heritage.

Once captured, the possum must be released within 50 metres of where they were initially found. This is to prevent the risk of it being released in the territory of another possum, who could fight and kill the newly released one.

Our Allstate team all hold possum removal permits, so that you won’t need to worry about getting one yourself. We take them from your roof humanely, then put protection in place to stop them getting back in.

Speak to us today for effective and safe solutions for possum control in Adelaide – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Get a licensed possum control expert today


Signs of Possum Issue

Since possums make their nests in your roof space, pay attention to activity that seems to be concentrated in the area above your ceiling. This can include:

  • Noises: hissing, screeching and coughing noises; lip-smacking sounds are also commonly used by elder possums to call out to mates and baby possums
  • Movement: due to their weight, it is heard as heavy banging and loud thudding
  • Urine: is often a large puddle with a strong ammonia-like odour; look for scent stains too
  • Droppings: are usually more than 15mm in length, dark coloured and cylindrical shaped
  • Damage: to home insulation and electric wiring, as well as scratches around entry points
  • Missing food: especially cat food
  • Rubbish bins: possums love rummaging through trash, so take note if yours looks particularly chaoti
  • House gutters: if your home has overhanging tree branches, check the condition of nearby gutters to see if they are damaged with scratches, or gutter rash (mould); this is a strong sign that possums have made their way inside your home

Is it a small possum or a large rat?

There are a range of animals which enjoy the comfort and shelter of roof spaces, and sometimes you may find a variety of them living together. If you hear sounds in the roof, it is often difficult to tell whether they are smaller sized possums or larger rodents. Here are some ways to figure it out:

Possums can weigh up to 5kg and tend to make heavier thumping sounds as they move, whereas rats weigh up to 400g and make lighter scurrying sounds. Quite often a possum can sound like an elephant in you roof!

Also consider that if the sounds are coming from the walls or you hear gnawing and scratching, it is more likely to be rats.

Sometimes, squealing noises can be heard from possums fighting or mating, whereas rat squeaks are higher in pitch. Male brushtail possums can also try to mark their territory and warn off other males by making loud throaty calls.

Rats tend to build elaborate nests made out of various materials. Brushtail possums may nest on bed down, insulation, leaves, or not require a nest at all.

Are dark and cylindrical shaped for both rats and possums, with longer ones (greater than 15mm) from brushtail possums and smaller (7mm) ones from rats.

How to keep possums away from your house

Possums are clever at climbing and squeezing into small entry points, and hiding out in your roof. They are also able to sniff out food sources that you may have accidentally left uncovered or lying around. Here are some ways to discourage possums from nesting in your home:

Remove access

  • Remove or trim any overhanging tree branches and foliage that come within 15 metres of your home

Keep your home maintained

  • Install grid screens or barriers to safeguard low decks from possums
  • Check for dislodged roofing and tiles, particularly after extreme weather conditions
  • Look for gaps and entry points, then fill or block them

Put up physical barriers

  • Bird spikes in high traffic areas may be helpful

Use repellents

  • Scatter hair or fur from pets, which possums consider as predators
  • Turn on sprinklers and/or install motion sensitive lights
  • Spread pungent items or food, such as garlic, mothballs, camphor, quassia chips, and ammonia

Remove food sources

  • Don’t feed the possums
  • Seal and secure bin lids
  • Keep pet food indoors
  • Keep food preparation areas clean, such as the BBQ/grill
  • Remove fallen fruit and vegetables from the garden

Speak to a technician today


How to stop possums from entering your school and business premises

Even a small possum living in a large roof space of a commercial or public building can cause problems, particularly in schools and businesses. Besides damaging buildings, stock and supplies, a possum invasion can lead to poor hygiene – putting staff and customers at risk of falling sick – and a failure to meet regulatory standards. You could be at risk of hefty fines and you risk ruining your reputation.
Possums tend to find single- and double-storey buildings easier to access than taller ones, so they are most likely found in the following types of places:

Possums can be an unwanted distraction to students, teachers, and support staff. Their presence compromises the health and safety of the school if left unchecked.

When managing a possum situation in schools, you should consider the use of classrooms and space, local surrounding environment, layout and design of the school, location of food areas and previous pest reports.

Read more about possums in schools

Warehouses/ distribution facilities
A possum infestation can have devastating effects on the quality and quantity of your stock, the health and hygiene of the facility, as well as staff, customers and consumers. A failure to meet strictly audited industry health and safety regulation standards can lead to heavy fines.

Read more about possums in distribution facilities

Food, hospitality and catering businesses
Possums are huge trouble in food preparation facilities, damaging supplies and contaminating food and the food preparation environment. This can cause huge losses in stock, result in heavy fines for failing to meet food regulation and safety standards, and turn customers away.

Read more about possums in restaurants

How to Control a Possum Outbreak

Once you are sure that a possum is responsible for causing problems inside your home, business or school, there are several options available to safely remove it, with some requiring permits and others not.

Prevention and removal methods that don’t need a permit

    • Purchase a possum nesting box place this at least 4 metres above the ground, to provide an alternative home for the possum, so it is protected from pets and feral animals.

Purchase a possum nesting box place this at least 4 metres above the ground, to provide an alternative home for the possum, so it is protected from pets and feral animals.

  • Secure your property by sealing or blocking off access points to your roof space: this is best done after dark, when possums leave their nest
  • Install a one way door flap at the access point in the roof

Removal methods that do need a permit
If the above methods don’t successfully manage the possum, you will need a licenced possum control technician to capture and remove it with a possum trap. It’s essential this is done by someone with a permit, otherwise you could face heavy fines.

Allstate Possum Control in Adelaide

Having noisy possums in the roof is disruptive and stressful enough, let alone taking the time to work out how to catch, remove and prevent them from returning. Luckily, our licensed, experienced possum removal professionals are trained and equipped to help you to manage these pests. We are happy to accommodate the needs of your family, business or school, whilst carrying out the process as safely and efficiently as possible.

We all use the following method for humane possum control in Adelaide:

Assessing for access points
Our technician will begin by thoroughly assessing your building for all possible entry points that possums may use to enter your roof, confirm that they are indeed the culprit, then propose the best course of action.

Proofing the entry points
We will then prevent possums from entering and leaving your roof by installing proofing materials over all entry points. Our technicians are fully equipped will all the required materials, so you won’t need to source them yourself.

Positioning a cage trap
To try and catch the possums, we will position a cage trap at the main entry point, and check it daily for you. Our approach focuses strongly on safety and care for the environment, so we take the utmost care not to harm or cause stress to the possum during this process, as per government regulations.

Preventing re-entry
After the possum has entered the cage, we ensure it is calm and comfortable, by keeping it in a quiet, dark area.

Then we move onto proofing the remainder of the roof. This will include spraying disinfectant chemicals or bleach over the entry points to remove markers of possum scent, and patching up the entry point to prevent re-entry.

Giving the possum a new home
Our technicians will locate a tree within 50 metres (as per government regulations) of the captured possum and install a new nesting box, then release the possum into it.

If there are several different animals co-existing in your roof, ask us about a customised pest management program. We ensure that all animals and pests are removed long-term, so you don’t have to worry about anything being left behind or returning.

How much does it cost?

The cost of possum removal in Adelaide varies widely, depending on the time it takes to trap the possum and the amount of proofing required. At Allstate, an inspection to locate the possums costs $77, then we can provide a quote for its removal.

Why Choose Allstate?

At Allstate, we understand how disruptive and stressful it can be to have a possum nesting in the roof. That’s why our expert possum control technicians are available 24/7 catch, remove and deter unwanted possums from your roof, saving you the time and energy of doing it yourself.

Our focus in on providing Adelaide homes, schools and businesses with long-term protection from possums, using up-to-date methods and a safe and compassionate approach.

We offer a 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee, and affordable interest-free payment plans.

Speak to a technician today


Your Guide to Rat and Mouse Control in Adelaide

Your Guide to Rat and Mouse Control in Adelaide



Are you struggling with unwelcome guests in your home or business?

Between these pests’ mess, unhygienic nature and the damage they cause, rat and mouse control is troubling issue for many Adelaide home and business owners.

If you’re concerned you have a rodent outbreak or want to prevent one, it helps to know the basics about rats and mice and how you can stop them. In this guide we cover:

What questions will this article answer?

Why are rats and mice a problem?

Rats and mice cause significant damage Adelaide homes and businesses. Not only do they chew through walls, timber and electrical wiring, they carry harmful bacteria in both their droppings and coats, and contaminate food and stock.

Rodents may be small in size, but their path of destruction can compromise your health, cleanliness, safety and even ruin your good business reputation along the way.

Rats and mice are clever at adapting to living in a range of environments, and known for having two sharp front teeth in their upper and lower jaws. These teeth grow continuously, and their size is controlled by constant gnawing, chewing and eating. Though this is a matter of survival for them, it is unfortunately at the expense of our homes and livelihoods

To make matters worse, property damage caused by rats and mice is not covered by most insurance policies, as it is considered to be preventable. In other words, it is the home or business owner’s responsibility to keep these pesky rodents at bay.

Remember, acting fast is more likely to minimise the problem. This is where our rodent control team at Allstate Pest Control can help.

We are available 24/7 and follow a no-risk approach to ensure the wellbeing of our customers, employees and the environment. Ask us about our safe, effective and innovative solutions to control rodents.

Speak to one of our rodent control experts today


Where to find rats and mice

Rats and mice are generally more active at night when looking for food and water. They usually shelter and nest within homes, garages, sheds and gardens, particularly:

  • In holes underneath buildings
  • In the walls, ceiling or under the floor
  • Behind or inside boxes, equipment, machinery and tools
  • Behind or under cupboards and furniture
  • In piles of rubbish, paper, cloth
  • In vegetation or wood stacks
  • In animal enclosures such as chicken coops

Signs of a rodent infestation

To stop a small problem becoming a major drama, it’s important to act on the earliest indicators of rats or mice in your home or business. Keep your eyes, ears and even nose alert for the following signs:

These are usually the first sign of a rodent issue and look like black grains of rice. Mouse droppings are much smaller, ranging from 3-5mm long, while rat droppings are shiny black and are 12 to 18mm in length.

Gnawed food or crumbs
Rats usually leave behind small pieces of food and crumbs, whereas mice tend to nibble and eat the outer part of the food.

Grease marks
Sometimes you may find greasy marks left by rodents’ fur rubbing against walls and skirting boards.

Burrows and tracks
You may also spot burrows, frequently used pathways or tracks through gardens, along fences and concrete slabs, and under buildings. Their tails can often leave swinging marks, which are most visible on dusty surfaces.

Gnaw marks to property
Rodents’ gnawing may cause chewing marks and holes in electrical cables and conduits, walls, timber, ducts and pipes. Damage to electrical cables is particularly dangerous as it may start a fire.

Scratching and running noises
Especially at night you may hear scratching, scampering and even squeaking coming from the walls, ceiling, or under the floor.

Musty odours
Rodents’ urine and droppings will often cause a sour, musty smell.

Seeing the pests themselves
Rats and mice are good at staying hidden, but you may sight them at night, especially running along walls and under furniture.

Excited behaviour from your pets
Your family dog or cat may smell the roednts and claw at particular areas where they are nesting.

Rat nests
Rat and mouse nests are often hidden, but usually look like a pile made from various scraps and materials, such as paper, cardboard, wood, straw or fabric.

How to stop rodents from getting in your house

Are you worried about a rodent infestation in your house? Rats and mice aren’t just unhygienic and unsavoury, but breed extremely quickly in the Adelaide climate. A larger infestation can cause significant damage to your home, and the mess, odour and potential food contamination all greatly compromise your health and comfort

3 ways rats and mice can damage your home:

Roof and wall damage
Rodents can chew through timber frames, pull apart and make nests in the insulation, and create entry points for other pests.

Floor and foundation damage
Rodents burrowing in the soil and within the foundations of the home can undermine structural support and damage underground pipes and cables.

Air ducts
Air ducts provide rats and mice with an efficient pathway to easily move around, which means their odours, debris and germs are circulated around your home, leaving you at risk to health problems.

Managing a rodent outbreak

If you are concerned that your home has a rodent outbreak, here are some tips to keep you safe while you work to control the situation:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before eating, drinking or smoking
  • Wear slippers or shoes around the house
  • Dispose of all the food and drink which you suspect has been contaminated
  • Regularly wipe down food preparation areas and always thoroughly wash or clean utensils and appliances before using them
  • Avoid areas where you suspect rodents are nesting if possible
  • Place all food in tightly sealed containers
  • If you are bitten by a rodent, consult your doctor immediately

How to prevent a rat or mouse infestation

The best way to stop a rodent infestation in Adelaide is to proactively block any entry points to your home and maintain good cleanliness and hygiene.

Here are several tips to prevent the chance of these pests invading your home:

Keep your backyard tidy
Remove any backyard clutter, keep food scraps in a sealed compost bin, and trim back excess foliage and vegetation.

Regularly check for entry points, then block or fill them
This can include installing mesh or screens over water tank openings, vents and chimneys; sealing holes, cracks around pipes and access points to kitchen cupboards; and fitting door seals at the bottom of each exterior door. Check out this guide to checking for and sealing up rodent entry points .

Carefully store and dispose of rubbish, waste and compost
Keep your home and yard clear of rubbish, ensure that it is placed in bins with tight fitting lids and dispose of it regularly. Avoid open compost heaps and using animal products in compost.

Keep up with garden and yard maintenance
Removing excess vegetation is important when limiting rodent access your home, especially if it is growing near a building or roof. This includes grass, shrubs, bushes, creepers and trees. Dispose of fallen fruit, pet waste and faeces, and remove piles of organic matter.

Practice good food handling and storage
Always wash or sanitise your hands. Keep food preparation areas and utensils clean and dispose of food scraps promptly. Store food in sealed, air tight containers, and do not leave out pet food.

Tidy up sheds, garages, attics and other storage areas
Rats and mice can easily find nesting or hiding spots in these less frequently used areas, so make sure you regularly clean and remove unwanted items to reduce clutter. Keep piles of materials such as wood or brick stacks at least 30cm above the ground.

Speak to one of our rodent prevention experts today


How to stop rats and mice from infesting your business

Rats or mice in your business can be extremely costly. Aside from the physical damage they do to premises and equipment, they can become an unsightly distraction at work, contaminate supplies and stock, cause illness in employees and customers, and ultimately tarnish the reputation of your business.

As they are highly adaptable creatures, rodents can infest and thrive in businesses in a wide range of industries.

Food, hospitality and catering businesses
Rats and mice in food preparation facilities can lead to heavy fines for failing to meet food regulation and safety standards, and are a strong deterrent to customers.

Read more about rodents in restaurants and food businesses

Aged care and hospitals
Rodent infestations are particularly problematic in nursing homes and medical centres, as they can further compromise the fragile health of residents or patients.

Read more about rodents in aged care

Warehouses and distribution facilities
Industrial businesses often contain many dark, hidden corners which are ideal nesting spots for rodents. Rats are able to find their way into your stock, as well as damaging expensive equipment and machinery.

Read more about rodents in warehouses

Tips to protect your business from rodents

Given the threat that rats and mice pose to businesses, it’s essential to take a prevention-first approach by upholding high hygiene and safety standards in the workplace. Some tips include:

  • Waste and refuse: disposal areas should always be secured, regularly emptied and located as far away from the main building as possible
  • Staff should be made aware about maintaining cleanliness and reporting sightings of rodents
  • Stock should be inspected for damage and rotated regularly

At Allstate Pest Control Adelaide, our technicians are happy to assist you with planning and implementing a rodent control strategy for your business – give us a call on 8371 8277, or click the orange chat button to find out more.

How to manage rats and mice

The two primary techniques to prevente rats and mice are chemical control and trapping.

Chemical control
This involves setting baits of anti-coagulant rodenticides to attract and poison rodents. These should be used with caution because of:

  • Offensive odours: these can be emitted from dead, decaying rodents in hard to reach areas
  • Pet and child safety: toxic chemical baits and poisoned rodents can both pose a risk
  • Sensitivities and allergic reactions: nearby chemical baits can potentially trigger sensitivities in people

Rodents are lured and captured using multiple, correctly-sized traps. Larger sized traps are usually used for rats and the smaller ones for mice. It is crucial for you to check the traps daily, remove dead rodents, then spray the area with insecticide to remove fleas.

The Allstate rodent control method

The best way to manage rodents is with one of our expert rat and mouse control technicians. They will help you prevente them quickly and safely, and devise and implement a long-term rodent control program as required. We have all the equipment ready to go – you don’t need to source any chemicals or traps yourself.

We will first discuss your concerns, before performing a thorough inspection of your property to determine entry points, runways and nesting sites.

Our Adelaide technician will then station rodent control products in appropriate locations, assist with monitoring and replenishment, and if required remove dead rodents for you. It can take up to 2 weeks to begin seeing results.

Our integrated approach has a strong emphasis of safety – we are careful when applying treatments around your home or business, and book treatment at a time that will cause minimal disruption to your normal routine.

Don’t worry if you have children or pets, as the bait stations are encased in tamper proof, high-grade plastic that can only be accessed with a key.

For one-off treatments, we also aim to get to the root of the problem so that it doesn’t happen again. Our technicians will send you a report with feedback and recommendations on how to maintain a rodent-free home or business, that you can refer back to at anytime.

Why Choose Allstate?

At Allstate Pest Control Adelaide, our licensed, professional technicians understand how overwhelming and urgent a rodent outbreak can be. We also understand the importance of strong protection against rodents through our Routine Maintenance Programs for businesses.

As a family-owned South Australian company, we are available 24/7 to help homes and businesses seeking fast, professional advice and service.

Using industry-leading methods with a strong focus on safety for people, pets and the environment, it’s our mission to provide you with a stress-free, cost-effective way to protect you and your property from pests.

We offer a 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee, and affordable interest-free payment plans.

We are ready to take control of your rodent issues, save you time and energy, and give you peace of mind.

Call Allstate today 8371 1227.

Speak to a rodent expert today


Termite Control Adelaide: The Ultimate Guide

Termite Control Adelaide: The Ultimate Guide



If you’re a homeowner, you’ve probably thought about pest control. But have you thought about termite control?

For homeowners in Adelaide, termite control might be one of the most important decisions you make about your property.

Termites are a real concern for homeowners in South Australia because our state is home to a particularly sneaky type of termite, the subterranean termite.

These pests (also called “white ants”) create a colony underground, then build tunnels in a 100-metre radius of the colony to find food. Although all termites are almost impossible to spot, you’re unlikely to come across a subterranean termite colony at all.

That’s why it’s a good idea to keep your knowledge on termites, and how your own home may be uniquely affected, up to date.

Need urgent termite control?


What you should know about termite control in Adelaide

Termites are attracted to all homes, no matter what age they are. So, whether your home is old or new, being knowledgeable about termites will help you make the best decisions for the safety of your family, and the future of your home – your largest asset.

Risks and risk factors

Although it’s essential to get a professional termite inspection annually (as recommended by the Australian Standards and CSIRO), it’s also important to keep an eye out for potential risk factors in and around your home.

Some of the risk factors to be aware of are:

  • Moist or rotting wood
    Subterranean termites are attracted to moisture, so you should routinely check your home and garden for any signs, including old fences, stacks of firewood, and leaking taps.
  • Timber garden mulch
    Mulch is a popular product for landscaping, but if timber mulch is kept too close to buildings, termites may start chewing on the timber inside the home as well. To reduce this risk, look at alternative types of mulch or move it a bit further away from your house.
  • Dense shrubbery
    Keeping foliage and shrubs near your home trimmed helps moist areas to dry faster.
  • Neighbours with risk factors
    Even if you maintain your property well, termites might still try to move onto your home if there are neighbouring properties with any of these issues.

Prevention vs Repair

Staying on top of these risk factors is great, but it’s not a replacement for professional prevention strategies. That’s why it’s essential to look into annual termite inspections for your home.

By getting a termite control expert to assess your home and help you implement preventions, you can save a lot of money. In 2012, a study by the AEPMA estimated that the cost of treatment and repairs from termite damage was $10,000 per house, and it’s not covered by insurance! With a timely termite inspection service, you keep your family safe from damaging pests.

Frequency of termite inspection

Although the Australian Standards and CSIRO recommend an annual termite inspection, every home is different, so some may need to be checked more frequently. For example, houses in areas surrounded by trees, particularly Eucalypts, may be at more risk and need more frequent inspections.

However, an annual inspection doesn’t just check for the presence of termites!

By having an annual inspection of your family home, your professional termite controller can also assess your property for potential risk factors and make sure that your prevention methods are still working as intended.

Allstate are highly experienced in termite inspections and will make sure that your property and garden are inspected from top to bottom. Use our instant chat to book a termite inspection now.

What if termites are found?

If your termite controller suggests a termite treatment, there are a range of options available for this pesky pest problem.

Termite treatment doesn’t have to be scary. At Allstate, we know that every situation is different. That’s why we’re committed to finding the best solution for you, and you can be sure that you’re getting the best result for you and your family home.

Allstate’s friendly pest controllers always use termite treatments with your safety in mind. Our Premise and Sentricon systems are the safest and most effective termite treatments around. And if you choose Allstate for your termite treatment, you will also receive our industry-leading pest free guarantee.

Sentricon uses no in-ground chemicals and is environmentally sensitive. Premise termite control has a minimal environmental impact and is safe for humans, pets, and wildlife. So with either of these options, you can be assured that your home’s safety won’t put others at risk. This is pest management at it’s best.

Termites in new homes in Adelaide

When buying or living in an older home, you may have thought about termites. But did you know that new homes are also susceptible to termite infestations?

Once termites start feeding inside newly constructed homes, they can cause serious damage within just three months. That’s why it’s important to keep your home protected with up-to-date technology like Kordon, a barrier installed around the house during construction.

For all your termite control needs in Adelaide, call Allstate now – 8371 1277.

Termite Inspections

You know you need an inspection to keep your home safe, but what can you expect from a termite inspection?

When hiring a professional termite control company like Allstate to inspect your Adelaide home, a highly-trained, knowledgeable expert will use a range of up-to-date tools and techniques to detect termites and their damage.

Some of the tools and techniques that Allstate inspectors use are:

  • Sounding tools to test wood integrity
  • Moisture reading tools to find any areas particularly attractive to termites
  • Movement detectors to locate termites moving behind walls and other areas
  • Borescopes to take photos of termites hiding in timber
  • Visual inspections for signs of ingress points and mud tubes

Termite Pest Control Adelaide

The Allstate team follows a detailed checklist for a thorough inspection, so you can be confident that any sign of termites will be uncovered.

During an inspection, we check:

  • Interiors – each room is checked from floor to ceiling including doorframes, skirting boards, and cupboards
  • Roof void – if the roof void can be accessed, they will check all timber with a sounding tool
  • Subfloor – in homes with a subfloor, this is where termites will usually begin their attack
  • Exterior – the full perimeter of the house
  • Outbuildings – interior and exterior of every outbuilding on your property
  • Grounds – entire grounds, particularly landscaping timbers, garden beds, trees, stumps, and fence line

Once your termite inspection is completed, we provide you with a detailed report of any findings.

The report includes:

  • Details of what was inspected
  • Notes of any areas that could not be inspected and why
  • Photos and explanations of findings
  • List of findings that increase risk (e.g. leaking taps)
  • Recommendations for a further invasive inspection or treatment if required
  • Recommendations for frequency of inspections

Termite Treatment

It can be tempting to DIY your termite control. But the risks of taking termite control into your own hands are huge. You might think your treatment is working, only to find out months later that they’ve still created a considerable amount of damage, like this Gold Coast homeowner who ended up with $25,000 in repairs.

To avoid this happening, you should contact a local, professional termite controller, like Adelaide’s Allstate Pest Control. They can then help you find the best termite treatment and prevention options for you after your termite inspection.

Because every situation is different, a personalised approach to termite protection and treatment is essential.

Allstate offers a range of termite prevention and treatment measures. The two main options are Sentricon AlwaysActive and Premise. But no matter which option you choose, Allstate termite control is always backed by a comprehensive re-treatment and/or timber replacement warranty.

We also believe that termite control should be accessible to all. That’s why Allstate provides interest-free payment plans to give everybody the opportunity for professional termite protection and treatment.

Sentricon Always Active

Sentricon AlwaysActive is an excellent option for termite control in Adelaide homes that is environmentally sensitive and secure from pets and children.

Sentricon AlwaysActive is highly effective and a long-term solution for termite control. This system preventes termites without using in-ground chemicals. It offers continuous protection by tapping into the natural behaviour and biology of termites to prevente termites before they’re discovered.

Your termite controller will place Sentricon stations strategically around your home. Termites feed on the Sentricon In-Ground Termiticide Roots, which contains a growth regulator that interrupts the termite moulting process. When the termites tunnel back to their colony, the worker termites will die. Eventually, the entire colony will be prevented, and any new termites will be prevented.


Premise is a non-repellent termiticide well-suited to construction methods and particular environmental conditions in South Australia.

When Premise is used for termite control, termites will pass through the Premise treated zone. They then stop feeding, become disorientated, cease grooming, and begin to neglect their environment. Once this happens, natural occurring fungi and microorganisms in the soil start to affect the termites, causing them fatal diseases and the colony’s eventual destruction.

Although Premise is lethal to termites, it’s safe to humans, pets, and other wildlife, making it an excellent environmentally-conscious option for termite control.

New home termite protection

At Allstate, we know that getting ahead of a termite problem by protecting your new home is a very smart idea. That’s why we have a dedicated pre-construction division.

As a South Australian business that’s been protecting homes since 1986, we have decades of experience in termite behaviour and control specific to Adelaide homes. Our pre-construction team, headed by Aaron Thompson (a licensed builder and professional pest controller), is always at the fore-front of termite control in construction.

When using Allstate for your new home protection, you can be protected with a range of premium products and application methods that are designed for the South Australian environment.

There are various ways our pre-construction team helps builders and homeowners protect new buildings, including Kordon Termite Barriers and other building services.

Kordon Termite Barrier

Kordon Termite Barrier is a repellent termite barrier made in Adelaide, making it the perfect solution for Adelaide construction methods and climate. This protection is backed by Bayer, one of the world’s largest environmental science companies, and is extensively tested by the CSIRO.

Kordon is a polyester webbing containing deltamethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid, which is laminated between two UV stable low-density polyethylene plastic sheets. This is then installed around the building in areas where termites are likely to find access.

The deltamethrin in Kordon is highly repellent to termites, it is perfect for residential, as well as commercial projects. White ants will avoid close contact with it and try and find food elsewhere. If the termites try to go around the Kordon, they will build mud tubes. These tubes are detectable by trained inspectors and can be quickly prevented following your annual inspection.

Building services

Alongside Kordon, Allstate recommends several building services to help ensure that your new home is safe from termites. These include:

  • Side slab moisture protection to prevent moisture build-up in side slabs and deter termite activity
  • Moisture barriers to prevent termites from becoming attracted to the property
  • Concrete curing to prevent cracks from forming and allowing termites to enter
  • Concrete repairs to remove any termite entry-points already there

Why Choose Allstate?

With so many options, termite protection and termite control can quickly become overwhelming.

If you aren’t sure where to start, contact an Adelaide termite control company to discuss the best options for you, and set up an inspection for your home. If you think you might have termites, contact us using our website for 24/7 fast response and professional advice.

As a South Australian family-owned and operated business, Allstate care about the safety of people, homes and businesses across greater Adelaide. Our main aim is to protect homes and families through up-to-date pest control options, including termite control that’s safe for people, pets, and wildlife.

We know how important keeping a termite-free home is, so we are proud to offer 24/7 fast and friendly response via our website, a 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee, and affordable interest-free payment plans.

By using Allstate for your termite control needs, you can ensure you and your family will be able to enjoy your home for years to come.

Call Allstate today 8371 1227.

Our expert team is ready to help you now


The Ultimate Guide to Pest Control in Adelaide

The Ultimate Guide to Pest Control in Adelaide



Welcome to the ultimate pest control guide from Allstate Pest Control, Adelaide’s leading family-owned pest control company.

Why is pest control in Adelaide so important? Between chilly winters, rainy springs and scorching summers, there is a different element for every Adelaide season, and unfortunately each one brings with it a different set of pests.

Whether it’s summer ants and flies or rodents seeking warmth in the winter, unwanted guests are a fact of life in South Australia – but fortunately there are people like us to evict them from your home or business, and prevent them from coming back.

Need urgent pest control?


The hidden risks of ignoring pest control in Adelaide

We’ve all dealt with the odd ant trail, stray roach or maybe even rats in the roof. But when it comes to pests and controlling them, there is often more than meets the eye.

While they might be unpleasant to look at, pests can also spread disease, cause illness, damage homes and buildings, and sometimes even cause businesses to shut up shop. That’s why keeping them under control is essential for the health and safety of you and your loved ones, or the longevity of your business.

Pest-related health issues

As Adelaide pest controllers we see ourselves as guardians of your health. Common household pests like fleas, cockroaches, and mosquitoes can spread malaria, plague, and dengue. The common household cockroach can lead to breathing difficulties like asthma. For people with allergies, these small bugs can even prove deadly.

Building damage

Termites or white ants are wood eating insects that silently feed inside the walls of your home, and can cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage before they are discovered. Rats, mice and possums also gnaw on walls, furniture and even through wiring – risking beginning an electrical fire.

Hidden infestations

Most home or business owners have spotted one or two pests before and probably thought nothing of it. But seeing just a couple of these creatures can mean that there are a lot more hiding away in the cracks and crevices of your building.

Reputation damage

While pests endanger the safety of you and your family in the home, they are even more of a problem in the workplace. Pests don’t only risk staff and customer health – you are also likely to damage your reputation if a customer encounters any creepy crawlies that shouldn’t be there.

While pests can cause a lot more trouble than you would think, we’re not just here to bring you doom and gloom. Fortunately the right professional pest control will not only remove existing infestations, but can prevent many pests from cropping up in the first place.

The Allstate team are pest control gurus with a targeted approach that hits pests where they live and breed to ensure the treatment works. Combined with fast-acting treatments and a money-back guarantee, we’re proudly Adelaide’s leading independent pest control company.

Call Allstate for family and pet safe pest control today.

For more information on identifying pests and how to prevent them, keep reading.

Pest control for the home

With so much of our lives spent at home, it’s essential to keep your house and garden safe from pests. Different kinds of pests prefer different areas of the home and garden, so there’s a chance you’ll be dealing with at least one unwanted guest.











Bed Bugs


Bees & Wasps


Rats & Mice




Biting Insects


Disinfection Services

Pest control for business

Whether you’re running a small business or managing a large facility, businesses can be hugely impacted by the presence of pests. While food-based businesses are at higher risk, any business from office spaces to medical centres needs to carefully manage their pest control.

If a pest problem is ignored, it can quickly get out of hand, leading to illness among staff and customers, damage to property, damage to business reputation, and in some cases total business closure. Once pest infestation takes hold, it’s difficult and costly to rectify, which is why routine pest control programs are essential to mitigating your risk.

At Allstate we service our commercial clients with a Routine Pest Management Program, which focuses on prevention instead of reactive service. This not only reduces the headache of an infestation, but uses far less pesticides than if we had to manage pests already there.

We also offer the Allstate Online portal, to give businesses a 24-hour, multi-site overview of their pest service. This also provides you with direct communication to your pest technician, who can work around your business’s opening hours to ensure your business keeps running smoothly.

Our expert team is ready to help you now


Types of pests


Did you know that Adelaide has some of the most destructive termites in the world? These aren’t a pest that you can ignore. With one in five homes being attacked by termites, it’s essential you get an annual termite inspection to find any signs of an infestation before they do too much damage.

These pests are attracted by moisture, so make sure you regularly check your home for any water damage and fix leaking taps, showerheads, and air conditioners as soon as the leaks occur.

Unfortunately, termites can be almost impossible to notice until the damage is done. That’s why you should always get your home or business inspected professionally in order to protect your property.


Common ants may not seem worrying, but a colony of them can cause you some trouble. Ants are particularly fond of the Adelaide climate and will make nests in garden beds, lawns, under pavers, and even in cavity walls or roof spaces.

Once they find a way in, ants tend to contaminate food. A bad infestation can even damage electrical wiring and pose health risks, which is why it’s vital to prevent ants from entering your home.

Ants are attracted by food, so you can prevent them by cleaning up any spilt food or drinks immediately, rinsing out bottles and cans before recycling, and not leaving pet food out. If you notice ant trails in your home, follow the trail to find their entry point and seal it. If the problem persists, consider professional pest control.


Cockroaches are one of the most prolific household pests. In Adelaide, they are active year-round but are particularly bad in the colder season as they are attracted to the warmth and food found in buildings. Once inside your property, cockroaches multiply rapidly, and it’s very easy for a small cockroach problem to get out of hand quickly.

Like ants, these pests are attracted by food, so the best way to prevent cockroaches is to keep your home clean, store food in airtight containers, and empty garbage bins regularly. Another way to prevent them is a with a 6-monthly pest spray, which will kill and deter them.

A cockroach infestation can lead to serious health implications. These pests can spread diseases like salmonella, dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis, and tuberculosis, which is why if you think you have a cockroach problem you should get professional pest control treatment.


While most spiders don’t pose a threat, where there are small children and pets around, the more venemous species can be deadly. Spiders can also be a nuisance around the home and garden with their messy, sticky webs, and the dead insects they leave behind.

The best way to prevent spiders is by dusting and vacuuming regularly, removing visible cobwebs or egg sacs, and keeping your backyard tidy. For professional prevention, there are treatments that are safe for people and pets.

Our expert team is ready to help you now



Although it is nice to see birds drinking and feeding in your garden, they aren’t an animal you want nesting in your home. Even in cases where birds don’t make it beneath your roof, they can still cause problems; as more Adelaide homeowners install solar panels, there have been increased reports of damage from pigeons nesting beneath them.

These feathered creatures don’t usually come to your home alone. Like many other pests, they carry disease-causing bacteria that can lead to salmonella, ornithosis (which causes flu-like to pneumonia-type symptoms), bird fanciers’ lung (an allergic condition), cryptococcus (which leads to meningitis) and e-coli.

For pest birds, there are several removal, prevention, and cleaning options, for any situation.

Bed Bugs

With the possible exception of termites, bed bugs can be one of the scariest pests to infest a property. They are a nuisance in the home and can be a massive problem in hotels, motels, and other accommodation, causing a substantial financial impact.

These bugs are tough to see, and you won’t know that they’ve taken up residence in your bedroom until you wake with itchy, red bites that may turn into larger itchy welts. Once you know they’re there, they can also be challenging to remove, as female bed bugs will lay up to 3500 eggs in their lifetime.

Bed bugs can be transported into your home in second-hand furniture, including bed bases, mattresses, couches, dressers, wardrobes, and even picture frames. They will then be attracted to the nooks and crannies in mattresses, box springs, and curtains. To prevent a bed bug problem overtaking your home, you should inspect mattress seams and bedding, and vacuum your carpets frequently.

Without professional treatment you may believe that you have managed the bugs, but their tiny eggs can lay dormant for long periods, only to hatch when the weather warmsup and creates a new infestation. These resurgences of bed bugs are why it is essential to rid your home of bed bugs correctly.

Bees & Wasps

Bees are essential to our environment, but there are times when both bees and wasps can pose a danger. While they are generally peaceful, they will sting when they feel threatened. The sting of a bee or wasp can range from benign but painful to a life-threatening allergic reaction.

Bees and wasps don’t just create homes in the garden. Some of these pests even build their hives and nests inside wall cavities! These can house hundreds of insects that, if threatened, may swarm and sting all at once.

Even for those without an allergy, being stung by a swarm is dangerous. If someone (particularly a child) has not been stung before, an allergy may not be known and could result in devastating consequences.

Although some beehives and wasp nests may seem easy to remove, attempting to remove one is very dangerous. We encourage anyone with a wasp or bee problem to contact a licensed pest control service.

Rats & Mice

Rats and mice are one of the most despised pests in Adelaide homes and businesses. These rodents cause a lot of problems, from health issues to structural damage, and even fires.

There is a misconception that a rodent problem means your home is dirty. Often, rats and mice enter homes due to environmental conditions outside of your control, like nearby dense foliage, fruit trees, or neighbouring properties housing chickens.

Once rats and mice have made your house their home, they breed very quickly, and what seemed like a small rodent problem can turn into a major infestation. They are highly destructive pests and will gnaw on walls, furniture, insulation, leave droppings, and destroy electrical cabling.

Like most pests, prevention is better than extermination. Rats and mice enter homes through small holes in the perimeter of buildings, so make sure you seal up any holes inside and outside your property to prevent their entry. Rodents are also attracted by food and water, so don’t leave any pet food outside.If you do have a rodent problem, there are effective removal methods available.


Possums are becoming more common in the suburbs as urban development depletes their natural environment. They enter rooves through gaps in roofing and tiles, often after stormy weather dislodges them. The best way to prevent them is to make sure any access points are closed up.

It’s hard to mistake a possum in your roof. Unlike smaller rodents who scratch and scurry in ceilings and wall cavities, possums make loud thumping noises, usually during the night. So if you’re not getting a good night’s sleep, a possum may be to blame.

These pests are incredibly territorial and can become aggressive when defending themselves or being removed. There are also strict laws regarding the removal of possums, so it is essential to hire a trained and licensed service to remove them for you.

Biting Insects

Sometimes you might know you have a pest because of mysterious, itchy bug bites on your skin. There is a broad range of these biting insects entering Adelaide homes, and along with being irritating they can spread diseases and risk your health.

Fleas are one of the easiest pests to identify, particularly if you have pets in your home. Fleas often come into your home on the coat of your dog or cat, then may begin to bite you too. They can be identified by their bites: small, dark spots surrounded by red, which are usually on your feet and lower legs.

Bed bugs are another pest that you may not see but can infest your home. The tell-tale sign of a bed bug is their bite, which is small, flat, or raised, red, and positioned in a straight line. These bites usually appear in the morning, and often around your neck and arms.

Bird lice and mites are another not-so-tiny problem pest caused by birds nesting in your roof. Once the nesting birds leave and the lice or mites have no food source, they will search for a new host, and it might be you. Bird mite bites are often mistaken for the bites of other insects, or even scabies, as they look like small reddish spots that become itchy and swell.

When the cause of a pest bite is unknown, the best course of action is to speak to a pest control professional, who can conduct an inspection of your property and uncover and treat the cause.

Can someone prevent all these pests?

Although many common pests in Adelaide can be prevented, many of the methods are time-consuming, and it’s easy to miss small cracks, gaps, and other problems in your property. If you’re ever in doubt and want to make sure you are protected, get an Adelaide pest control company to inspect your property and help you with the right prevention and treatment.

As a South Australian family-owned and operated business, we care about more than exterminating pests. Our main aim is to protect homes and businesses across greater Adelaide, ensuring that your property, family, or customers and staff are safe.


That’s why Allstate stays up to date on new pest control technology, ensuring that we use the most effective, fast-acting, and non-toxic treatments for every job.

We understand that not every person can afford the more extensive pest control treatments, so we offer affordable interest-free payments. We are also so sure that you will be satisfied with our service that we offer a money-back guarantee.

Our technicians are fully insured and highly experienced in controlling all pests in all types of home and commercial settings. With 24/7 emergency service, you can be assured that Allstate will be ready to help you when you need it.

Call Allstate today on 8371 1227.

Our expert team is ready to help you now


What Do Termites Eat? Can termites eat hardwood? 8 facts and myths about Adelaide’s most destructive insect

What Do Termites Eat? Can termites eat hardwood? 8 facts and myths about Adelaide’s most destructive insect

As the name suggests, subterranean termites mainly move about underground and so it’s rare for people to spot one. As a result most people know very little about these silently destructive insects, which is why we very often get questions like “Can termites eat hardwood?”. or “Can I use a DIY termite treatment?

In our opinion, it’s essential everyone knows the basics about termites, so we’ve put together a few myths and facts to help you expand your knowledge


1. Can termites eat hardwood?

Yes. People in Adelaide often think hardwood is safe from termites, but the opposite is true. The majority of termites actually prefer hardwood over softwood, even though it takes them a little longer to eat and process.

2. Do termites live out in the open?

No. Subterranean termites (the termite common in Adelaide) travel through tunnels known as mud tubes which they make out of their own excrement and saliva. Termites need a high level of humidity to survive which is why they don’t venture out into the open.

3. Do termites eat 24 hours a day?

Yes. The majority of a termite colony consists of workers who work day and night eating wood to provide food for the colony.

4. If your house has been treated for termites, will you ever need another inspection?

Yes. Termites can and will return to the area, so it’s important you keep up with annual inspections to stop them at the very earliest sign.

5. Do DIY termite treatments work?

No. DIY treatments are highly inadvisable for a couple of reasons. First, DIY treatment chemicals aren’t anywhere near strong enough. Second, even with the right chemicals, only a professional is experienced enough to properly target infested areas without putting you and your family in danger.

6. Are termites easy to spot?

No. Once you have a heavy infestation it’s possible you’ll notice hollow sounding walls on small piles of insect wings but it’s almost impossible to know there’s a young colony in your house without a professional inspection.

7. Do black ants eat termites?

Yes. Black ants can attack and eat termites if given the opportunity, however this is rare: termites are rarely hanging around above ground with black ants, instead sticking to their mud tubes and the insides of your walls.

8. Do steel-framed houses stop termites?

No. Fortunately termites can’t eat steel so. steel-framed houses certainly aren’t as susceptible to attack. However termites can still feed on any other timber parts of the house such as window frames, floor boards, fixed timber furnishings and timber fences and pergolas.

So, how is your termite knowledge?


Are you a budding termite inspector, much less informed than you would like, or somewhere between the two? Let us know how many of these you already knew and if there were any that surprised you.

If your new-found knowledge has got you anxious to get your house inspected, our friendly team can get you booked in as soon as it suits you. Click the orange chat button or call 8371 1277.

Bird proofing your solar panels – is it really necessary?

Bird proofing your solar panels – is it really necessary?

Your solar panels were working out great, but then the birds moved in. Your roof quickly became inundated with pigeons and your solar panels were covered in feathers and bird droppings. You may have heard about bird proofing your solar panels, but wondered if you actually need to do it, or you could just wait for the birds to move on?

The answer is yes – you do need to install proofing on your solar panels in order to protect them from pest birds. While you could use other methods of bird control, as soon as you remove pigeons from under your solar panels it’s likely a new flock of birds will come and replace them.

Why bird proof your solar panels in Adelaide?

Unfortunately solar panels are a 5-star nesting spot for pigeons and other Adelaide pest birds, thanks to fact they are provide shelter and a hiding place while being up high away from most predators.

Even if you can put up with the mess they create, it’s unwise to let them continue living and breeding on your roof because a) the damage they cause to your solar panels and b) the significant health risk. If pigeons roost on your solar panels for too long, these are just some of the problems you’re likely to face:

  • Your panels stop working effectively: pest birds damage the wiring on your solar panels and interrupt the flow from the panels to the board.
  • Your solar panels sustain expensive, long-term damage: bird droppings are corrosive and if allowed to build up on your panels can permanently damage them.
  • Your roof gets stained: by nesting under your panels, birds leave far more droppings on your roof than they otherwise would, which can stain and damage it.
  • You are exposed to bird lice and dangerous pathogens: birds carry lice and infectious pathogens including Salmonella and E. Coli, which can cause serious problems for humans. When birds nest on your roof, bird lice find additional hosts by entering the roof cavity and feeding on the humans inside. Infectious diseases are spread through feathers and droppings, which quickly turn to a dust-like substance and spread to the inhabitants below.
  • You attract other pests: birds’ droppings and nests attract other unhygienic pests like rats, mice and cockroaches.

Getting solar proofing installed

Now you know that birds under your solar panels are more than a noisy, messy nuisance, you’ll understand why it’s best to keep them out for good.

By bird proofing your solar panels, you will reliably stop them from nesting underneath, but the task should be carried out by an Adelaide pest control professional to make sure you don’t get any future problems.

Here’s what you can expect when our team pigeon proof your solar panels:

  1. We willl inspect the roof and roof cavity to find all birds dwelling in your home, then manage them through one of a number of bird control methods.
  2. We remove all faeces, feathers and nesting material, then thoroughly clean the solar panels and surrounding areas.
  3. We fit a hardwearing, UV coated mesh to the outsides of your solar panels. The mesh can be removed and reinstalled for any future solar panel maintenance, and doesn’t interfere with your solar panels’ function or affect their warranty.
  4. 1. In addition to our Money Back Guarantee, we offer a 1 year warranty: if birds manage to get under your solar panels within this period we will come and fix the problem free of charge.

What if I don’t yet have solar panels?

If you’re based in Adelaide and about to invest in solar panels, you can save yourself the hassle of any bird problems and get solar panel proofing as soon as your solar panels are installed. Call us for a free quote and to book.

Your chance to remove pest pigeons for good

If you’re sick of birds hanging in and around your solar panels (or dreading the prospect of it happening), solar panel proofing is the most effective way to keep them out permanently. Allstate Adelaide’s bird control team are experienced, highly trained, and always look after our customers.

Learn more about solar panel proofing and get a quote today– click the orange chat button or speak to our friendly team on 8371 1277.