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From the Redback and Funnel Web to the hairy Huntsman, Australia is home to an estimated 10,000 species of spiders. You’ll most definitely have come across them crawling around your home or business at some point.

They can be a nuisance by weaving sticky, messy cobwebs wherever they please, and aren’t afraid to bite if they feel threatened. Females can lay hundreds of eggs all at once, so it doesn’t take long for an outbreak to happen.

For those who are afraid of spiders, this can be a real worry, but luckily, Allstate Pest Control can help.

If you suspect that you have a spider problem, continue reading to find out about the most common types of spiders that could be responsible, the problems they cause and how to prevent and treat an outbreak.

What questions will this article answer?

Types of spiders

Although there are many different species of spiders, bites from some common household spiders are more venomous than others. Even though most bites are unlikely to make you very sick, it’s still helpful to know which spiders to avoid, and where they prefer to live. Let’s get to know some of them:

White-tail spider (also known as white tip spiders)

  • 1.2-1.8 cm, dark reddish grey colour with white tip
  • Not considered venomous to humans but cause a painful, itchy bite
  • They tend to live under rocks and leaf litter in the garden

Black house spider

  • Venomous
  • 1-1.5cm length, grey abdomen, dark brown to black legs
  • Cobwebs look like untidy lacy sheets with a funnel-like entrance
  • Prefer tree trunks, logs, rocks, walls and buildings – especially window frames and crevices
  • Look for them in dark corners of windows, sheds, verandas, and fences

Brown house spider (cupboard spider)

  • Up to 1.2cm length, yellow-brown body with faint markings, pale grey-brown abdomen with short hairs
  • Spin sheet-like cobwebs
  • Find them in buildings, walls and sheds

Redback spider

  • Venomous – seek medical attention immediately if bitten
  • Up to 15mm long, has a distinctive orange-red stripe on its abdomen
  • Commonly found in dark, dry areas – particularly under logs or rocks in the bush, roof eaves, floorboards, shelves, flower pots and garden sheds

Funnel web spider

  • Venomous – seek medical attention immediately if bitten
  • Up to 35mm long, black or brown, with glossy and segmented looking legs
  • Prefer moist, cool, sheltered habitats outside – under rocks, in rotting logs, crevices, timber rot and borer holes in trees
  • Can survive up to 2 days in a swimming pool

Daddy long legs

  • Brown, 7-9mm, characterised by long, thin legs
  • Live in houses, garages, sheds
  • Have spindly, flimsy webs that often go unnoticed


  • Venomous but not fatal
  • Can be > 160mm in size, brown, furry looking with long legs which range from 6-20cm long
  • Live in tree trunks and walls, under bark or stones. Also check for them in between the hairline cracks of sandstone and granite outcrops

Problems caused by spiders

Here are some reasons why you will want to avoid a spider outbreak:

Spider bites and venom

When you disturb a spider, they react by biting and injecting venom. In most cases, the venom is not toxic and doesn’t cause severe illness.

  • Most bites don’t show symptoms.
  • Some bites cause pain, followed by minor swelling and redness around the area of the bite, lasting up to a few days. You can use an ice pack for temporary relief.
  • Bites from funnel web, redback and mouse spiders require immediate medical attention.

Cobwebs are messy

Cobwebs are unsightly and make your home or workplace look untidy. The strands accumulate over time to become tough, and become harder to clear away.

Cobwebs are unhygienic

The fine, sticky strands collect insects, pollen and dust which can trigger allergies within an enclosed area.

Outbreaks can happen quickly

Female spiders can lay hundreds of eggs at once, so a small problem can quickly escalate if you don’t act fast.

They can trigger anxiety in some people

It’s estimated that around 5% of the population has arachnophobia, otherwise known as a fear of spiders

They can attract other pests to use the same entry point

  • Spiders are drawn towards shelter and food sources, such as other insects that may have already entered the building through the same entry point.
  • This can encourage even more pests inside, so check that you don’t have outbreaks of other pests and creepy crawlies too.

If you’ve noticed any of these telling signs of a spider outbreak, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Adelaide spider control team.

Get help from our spider experts now


Signs of a spider infestation

Most spiders are small in size, but this just means that they can hide better. Once you know what to look for, you will probably realise just how many spiders are hiding around your home. Here are some signs:

Spider webs

These come in all different shapes and sizes, depending on the species of spider. In severe infestations you’ll see extensive networks in less frequently used areas.

Spider burrows in the front or backyard

Wolf spiders are commonly found living in burrows or leaf litter in lawns and gardens.

Spiders living in gaps and cracks

Spiders can easily crawl into small spaces so be sure not to overlook these places as hiding spots.

Spiders settled in moist environments

Some spiders that live in drains, drainage pipes and toilets don’t leave cobwebs. They survive in walls, basements, sheds, attics, at the intersection between the wall and ceiling, closets and storage boxes.

Check where there are lots of insects

If you frequently see ants, woodlice and flies around your home, this is sure to attract hungry spiders.

Spider egg sacs

This is a sign that there are more spiders around. These can carry hundreds of eggs, and are sometimes seen fixed to a surface indoors or hidden within a web.

Look in dark, isolated areas, in your home and garden

Look for cobwebs and other insects in the area as well.

Look for spiders in autumn

This is the season where they leave their hiding spot to look for a mate.

How to prevent spider outbreaks

The best way to control a spider infestation is to prevent them from entering the building in the first place, as well as removing their food sources. We have some tips to help you keep spiders at bay:

Clean frequently

  • Inside and outside the building
  • Don’t forget the walls, ceilings and windows
  • Wash, vacuum, wipe, dust and sweep to remove insects that attract the spiders, spider eggs and webs

Reduce clutter

Keeping your spaces clear offers spiders less hiding places

Regular garden and yard maintenance

  • Trim tree branches, foliage, vines and shrubs that hang close to the building to reduce access
  • Clear plant pots
  • Move firewood and construction materials away from the building
  • Dispose of piles of vegetation into the organic waste bin

Secure rubbish bins properly and move them away from the building

Flies are attracted to rubbish, which in turn attracts spiders

Thoroughly clean window frames and screens

The corners are especially a popular hiding spot for spiders

Install insect repelling night light bulbs outside

Less insects attracts less spiders

Use draught excluders

These will seal off gaps for spiders to easily crawl through like open windows without a screen, or under doors

Switch off unnecessary lighting

Lights attract insects, which are food for spiders

Inspect items that have been sitting outside or on the floor before using them

  • This includes furniture, pots and laundry
  • Gives clothes that have been left on the floor a shake before wearing them

Spider outbreaks in businesses

Having a colony of spiders crawling around your business is not only distracting and distressing for employees, clients, and customers, but also risks their safety.

You also don’t want to be left cleaning up the mess made by their unsightly cobwebs on your stock, supplies and equipment.

Warehouses and distribution facilities

Spiders can easily find many dark places to hide within a large facility, and spider infestation can be dangerous when operating heavy machinery.

Read more about spiders in distribution facilities

Hotels, hostels and accommodation facilities

Spiders crawling around a room gives guests an unwanted surprise, and cobwebs will have them questioning the cleanliness. As a result they will be likely to cut their stay short, leave poor reviews and be reluctant to return.

Read more about spiders in accommodation facilities

How to control a spider outbreak

If you’ve been seeing lots of spiders around the place, there are a couple of options available to help you to remove them without having to call a professional pest controller:

Spider sprays

Commercially available aerosol sprays can leave a residue, but are easy to use and very effective. They do however contain a chemical called pyrethoid.

Spider traps

A glue board spider trap is a tray coated in a sticky substance to trap unwanted spiders. It is a nontoxic alternative to sprays, more effective in mild infestations and can be placed along walls and in corners where spiders are lurking.

Catch and release

Use a glass jar to safely trap the spider and then take it outside to release.

Natural spider repellents

Sprays can be applied directly onto spiders, and can be prepared with different ingredients such as:

  • Vinegar: mix of equal parts of white vinegar and water
  • Peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil: mix about 20 drops with water

Diatomaceous earth

This can be sprinkled in hard to reach areas inside the home and around the perimeter of the building to stop spiders from crawling inside.

Professional spider extermination

Larger spider outbreaks can leave you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. Fortunately, our technicians at Allstate are equipped and ready to help. Our removal method involves 4 steps:


Our spider removal team will begin by thoroughly inspecting the spider problem in your home or business so that we can come up with a specific plan to treat it.

Spider removal and treatment

You can have peace of mind that we only use chemicals that are approved for use by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority.

Depending on your situation, we may use a combination of:

  • Spider control dust, which is applied to voids in the affected areas
  • Spider control insecticide, which is applied to treated zones at the perimeters of the building

You will need to leave enough time for the treatments to dry before re-entering the treated areas.

Follow-up treatment

Sometimes more severe outbreaks can be difficult to treat in one visit, so we will review and replenish the treatment as needed.

You receive a report

We will give you a written report so you can understand how we treated the outbreak and future spider prevention tips.

Available for emergencies

For advice and urgent problems, contact us through the chat box on the bottom right at any time.

Why choose Allstate?

Whether you’re at home or running a business, we are aware of how unpredictable and disruptive a spider outbreak of can be. That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to reach out to us for Adelaide spider control.

Available 24/7, all suburbs in Adelaide
Send us a message via our chat box on the bottom right of this page.

We respond to your emergencies
A small spider problem can quickly escalate, so out team is always ready for urgent call outs.

100% money back guarantee
We are confident that our spider removal techniques will work successfully at your home or business.

Interest-free payment plans
To ensure that you can access our services quickly to get on top of an outbreak.

Targeted, effective solutions with follow ups
Our team takes the time to understand the problem, perform a thorough inspection, apply treatment and take steps to actively prevent it from happening again.

Non-toxic treatments
We only use chemicals that are child, pet and environmentally safe.

We work around your schedule
To minimise disruption to your home and business.

Our expert team is ready to help you now
