










Bed Bugs


Bees & Wasps


Rats & Mice




Biting Insects


Disinfection Services

Remote Management Operations During COVID-19

Remote Management Operations During COVID-19

While working remotely is a fact of life for pest control technicians, team members in administration, HR, and other areas of pest control businesses have had to adjust their work lives to accommodate COVID safety operations.

During the pandemic, maintaining a positive company culture, conducting training, and delivering vital information to staff has been a challenge, but we have been excited to embrace this new future of working online at Allstate.

With research and trial and error, we have discovered that our teams thrive by using new technologies and focusing on leadership and clear communication during this time.

Online Platforms for Team Collaboration

Old-school technologies like the humble telephone have never been conducive to productive meetings. However, with the rise of modern platforms for seamless video conferencing, we can conduct incredibly effective discussions, seminars, and training, even with the added challenge of remote work.

How people talk is often just as important as what they say. Using Microsoft Teams and Zoom, we can easily observe body language, accurately hear the tone of voice, and physically see what people are talking about. As a result, holding discussions remotely is no longer the barrier that it once was, even in a large business.

Microsoft Teams also provides the opportunity for online file management, so that we can send, receive, and store files for seamless collaboration between different teams, business areas, and locations. Our team leaders use these apps to help encourage team productivity, reduce isolation in remote teams, and seamlessly manage in-house and remote workers.

How We Build Leadership Through COVID-19

Resilient and trustworthy leadership is integral to the success of businesses during COVID-19. At Allstate, we are building trust by providing consistency and structure despite our current confusing world.

We understand that there are many different roles throughout our company, and each role and person in that role has different needs when it comes to working remotely.

As such, we work with our team members to define working agreements and workplace norms. We seek out their input, clearly define their roles, and help them navigate their responsibilities, goals, and tasks to work toward. With these changes, we believe our staff will continue to thrive in the remote environment, and new hires will be able to be seamlessly integrated into the business.

To promote equality and transparency amongst our team no matter where they are located, we strive to proactively communicate and share information openly (where information is not confidential or sensitive in nature). We also encourage our managers to promote team cohesiveness by treating all team members equally and not having favourites.

As some team members may feel disconnected by working remotely, we acknowledge the importance of recognising and rewarding people for a job well done. Therefore, we urge team leaders to reward team members equally and only provide negative feedback confidentially.

Even while working remotely, everyone should be given the same opportunities, and task delegation should always be shared equally. By maintaining a balanced workload, team members will thrive.

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Removing Roadblocks

Just like your in-house team, your remote workers need the right tools to be successful. We remove roadblocks by providing the appropriate tools and equipment like laptops, phones, and even internet bill rebates to remote workers. We also encourage team leaders to be mindful of time zones and international/interstate holidays to cultivate cross-cultural awareness.

Remote working can still be challenging for some team members, even with all these considerations. That’s why it’s essential to create opportunities for in-person team interactions where possible. When travel and COVID restrictions allow, you can arrange one-on-one or small group meetings face-to-face for some respite from remote working.

In some instances, your team may be a mix of remote and on-site. In these cases, task delegation should be fair across both teams. We also suggest that leaders allow on-site teams some flexibility similar to remote workers, like starting later or finishing earlier.

Communication is key when it comes to managing a mix of in-house and remote teams. Excellent communication ensures that all team members can be afforded the same or similar opportunities, perks, and information no matter where they work from.

Nurturing Team Culture and Connection

Nurturing team culture and connection can seem daunting with the added complexity of remote work, but managers and leaders play an essential role in connecting the remote team to the broader business. A great manager can nurture, guide, and support all team members.

We encourage our team leaders to support remote workers through structured check-ins, where team members know their questions and concerns will be heard, creating time for sharing non-work topics like birthdays and hobbies, and using video calling to reduce isolation and encourage connection.

By combining these elements and maintaining a focus on strong leadership, transparent communication, and team connectivity, Allstate has continued to thrive throughout COVID. We are incredibly proud of our team leadership, in-house and remote team members, and continuously search for new and innovative ways to improve their work during the pandemic.

Our expert team is ready to help you now


Your Go-to Guide for Bed Bug Control in Adelaide | Clean Bed Bug Infested Hotels, Healthcare Facilities and Apartment Buildings

Your Go-to Guide for Bed Bug Control in Adelaide | Clean Bed Bug Infested Hotels, Healthcare Facilities and Apartment Buildings


Over the past 10 years, the number of Adelaide bedbug infestations has been on the rise. They’ve become a menace in homes, hotels and hostels alike, and it’s not hard to see why.

Bed bugs feast on blood while you’re fast asleep, and their bites can cause allergies. Squished bugs and droppings will stain your linen, and they certainly get in the way of a good night’s sleep.

They’re good at avoiding detection and pesticide control, but that’s not all. Bed bugs breed quickly, and hitch-hike on clothes and luggage to spread all over Adelaide and beyond.

If you’re concerned that you have bed bugs, this guide will help you identify an outbreak, the problems caused by bed bugs, and how to prevent and control them.

What questions will this article answer?

What are bed bugs?

The most likely types of bed bugs you’ll encounter in Australia are the Common Bed Bug (Cimex Lectularius, C. lectularius) and the Tropical Bed Bug (Cimex hemipterus, C. hemipterus). Here’s some facts that will help you to understand why they are such a nuisance:

They are physically built to hide in narrow spaces in bed mattresses and ensembles

  • Flat oval shaped body
  • Grow to 1-5mm in size (fully grown adults are the size of an apple seed)
  • Rusty brown coloured

They feed on blood

They usually do this every 5-10 days, but can survive for up to 6 months without a blood meal.

They have evolved to feed without being detected

They have 2 mouth tubes:

  • One to pierce the skin to draw blood
  • Another to inject an anaesthetic and an anticoagulant so that they can draw as much blood as possible without you noticing

They like living in beds

Because bed bugs are attracted to warmth and carbon dioxide, and tend to feed at night while you’re asleep, you are their preferred host. Apartment complexes, cruise ships, aged care facilities and hospitals can be a haven for exploding bed bug populations.

Signs you have an infestation of bed bugs

Bed bug outbreaks are becoming increasingly common in Adelaide, so it’s helpful to be able to recognise the clues that suggest it’s happening in your home or hotel room:

Bite marks on your skin

Bed bugs’ characteristic feeding pattern will leave the “breakfast, lunch and dinner” sign: a row of red bite marks on your skin, or blood stains on your sheets, they love the blood of humans. These can appear straight away or take up to 14 days to develop. They may trigger allergies such as blisters, rashes and hives, causing swelling, redness and itching.

In some cases you may have no reaction, or a delayed reaction and a mark on your skin.

Bite marks on your skin

Bed bugs’ characteristic feeding pattern will leave the “breakfast, lunch and dinner” sign: a row of red bite marks on your skin, or blood stains on your sheets, they love the blood of humans. These can appear straight away or take up to 14 days to develop. They may trigger allergies such as blisters, rashes and hives, causing swelling, redness and itching and even a secondary skin infection.

In some cases you may have no reaction, or a delayed reaction and a mark on your skin.

Bites on cats and dogs

Pets are not immune to bed bugs in a heavy infestation.

Dark Spots : dark brown or red marks

These are caused by bed bug droppings and by blood leaking from squashed bugs. Check for these on your upholstery, bed linen, mattresses, and walls.

Eggs and egg cases

These won’t be such an obvious sign. They are usually 1mm in size and require a magnifying glass to see them properly.

Bed bug cast skins

As bed bugs mature and grow larger, they shed an outer skin which is pale yellow coloured.

Sickly sweet or musty smell

This is a sign of a heavy infestation.

Common Hiding Spots : Have a peek at their favourite haunts

You won’t need to look far to find bed bugs as they only move short distances to feed. You can check the following places:

  • Mattresses: peel back stitched edges with folds as bed bugs conceal themselves there
  • Mattress Seams
  • Bed frames and slats, crevices of beds (check for bedbug excrement)
  • Bedside furniture
  • Picture frames, cracks in plaster
  • Behind wallpaper, crevices of walls, inside electrical outlets
  • Carpet edges, behind skirting boards, between wooden floorboards
  • In cracks and crevices

If you see them in the daytime

This means that the infestation is severe and they are very hungry.

If you suspect that you may have a bed bug issue, or you need some advice about how to treat it, contact one of our friendly Adelaide bed bug exterminators today.

Problems caused by an Adelaide bed bug outbreak

A few bed bugs can quickly become a large colony, with females laying up to 2-3 eggs a day, which take 5-10 days to hatch. It doesn’t take long for the situation to get out of control. Here are some of the issues that can come about from an infestation:

Sleep deprivation and stress

Once you’ve been bitten by bed bugs, it’s common to experience insomnia due to the fear of falling asleep and getting bitten again. This can lead to physical and mental fatigue over a long period of time.

Damage to belongings

Bed bug droppings, blood from squashed bugs and shed skin can stain furniture, bedding, flooring, curtains and linen.


In repeated bites in children.


You can experience allergic reactions to their droppings and shedding, or the chemicals in their bites.

Infected bites

Continuous scratching at bed bug bites can result in secondary infections.

Ongoing infestations

As their eggs are deposited in hard to reach places, this makes treating the outbreak more challenging. The eggs will eventually hatch and produce more bed bugs, which in turn will keep laying more eggs, continuing the cycle.

Spreading to other places

Bed bugs “hitch a ride” and latch on to clothes, luggage, linen, and other materials, initiating an outbreak in a separate location. They then multiply very quickly – females can lay hundreds of eggs over their lifetime.

Bed bugs in accommodation and health care facilities

Bed bugs spell trouble within the accommodation, hospitality and health care industries. Their ability to spread and breed quickly means these businesses have to be especially vigilant in preventing and treating infestations.

A bed bug infestation can damage your reputation overnight. What’s more, you could receive hefty fines for breaching health and safety standards, and have to undergo a costly replacement of furniture and linen. A health care provider has the most to lose from a bedbug infestation.

Hotels, hostels and other accommodation facilities

With high foot traffic and new guest arrivals every day, it only takes one unknowingly infested traveller to create a bed bug infestation throughout the entire premises.

Read more about commercial bed bug control and pest control in accommodation businesses.

Hospitals and aged care facilities

The presence of bed bugs puts people with pre-existing medical issues and compromised immune systems at risk of further health complications.

Read more about bed bug control in aged care.

Our expert team is ready to help you now


How to prevent a bed bug outbreak

Here are some steps you can take to reduce the risk of having these pesky creatures roaming around at night:

  • Avoid visiting infested areas or properties
  • Seal your mattress and pillow with a bed bug prevention case, check the seams of mattresses before you do
  • Avoid storing luggage under the bed, check any crevices in beds
  • Remove clutter and vacuum the floors frequently
  • Keep work or school belongings away from bedrooms
  • Don’t allow guests to use their own bed linen
  • Be wary of second hand furniture: inspect it carefully first before bringing it back with you

When staying at an accommodation facility

  • Check the room thoroughly for evidence of bed bugs, including the mattress, headboard and luggage rack
  • Keep your suitcase on a luggage rack away from the mattress and off the floor
  • Don’t leave an open suitcase lying around
  • When you return home, inspect your luggage before bringing it indoors, and wash your clothes immediately with hot water (above 60°C), or dry them at high temperature (using the hot setting for over 30 minutes)

DIY bed bug control

To control an Adelaide bed bug infestation, you will need to do more than apply conventional insect repellent. You will need to target all infestation sites and possible hiding spots with specialised bed bug treatment. The trouble is, bed bugs usually lay their eggs in places that are difficult to find and access. Here are some ways to gain the upper hand against an infestation:

Apply bed bug killer powder

There are several products which are commercially available through hardware stores.

Vacuum and maintain good hygiene

  • This is helpful to remove dust, debris and dead bugs before starting treatment, to make it easier for the chemical control to penetrate and be effective
  • Vacuum behind and under beds, paying attention to the corners of the room, near furniture and around fixtures
  • Immediately after cleaning, place the vacuum bag in a sealed bag, then incinerate or discard it appropriately
  • Don’t use appliances with stiff brushes as this may unintentionally spread the eggs

Physical removal

Adhesive tape can be used to trap a few insects.


  • This is useful on bedding and sheets
  • You can prevente bed bugs instantly if you apply heat above 60°C, and within 1 hour when exposed to temperatures above 45°C
  • Take care to not apply slow and gradual heating, as this causes them to migrate away from the heat source and infest another area


  • This is effective at getting rid of bed bugs in all stages of its life cycle
  • Steam can be used on all soft and hard surfaces, especially along seams and in small crevices


Rapidly freezing infested textiles and fabrics can successfully remove bed bugs. Place them in the freezer for 10 hours per 2.5kg of dry linen weight.

Seal cracks and crevices

Use gap filler to plug small hiding places for bed bugs.

Professional bed bug control

In most cases, you will need professional help to exterminate bed bugs in Adelaide. This is especially important for any commercial facilities.

This will ensure you’re removing both the bed bugs and their eggs, as chemical sprays alone are ineffective on the eggs.

At Allstate Pest Control Adelaide, we are equipped to deal with the complexities of treating a bed bug outbreak.

We provide a comprehensive 5-stage treatment and prevention plan, which carries a 3-month warranty:

Pre-treatment inspection

A pest control technician will conduct a thorough assessment of the affected rooms, adjacent rooms, and all possible hiding places, to come up with a plan to treat the problem. We want to ensure that the treatment is successful the first time, so that bed bugs don’t build a resistance to the pesticides.


Our licensed technicians are careful to only use pesticides that are permitted for use by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority, and we are aware that some cannot be applied to mattresses. We normally use a combination of the following ywo treatment methods:

Bed bug powder/dust

This is helpful for penetrating voids and cracks. It is less effective in areas where they can be dispersed by foot traffic and vacuuming.


This forms a residue that can remove bed bugs from mattresses, cracks and crevices in furniture and flooring. This method is not effective on eggs.

We apply the spray is applied accurately and directly. Otherwise, there is a good chance any bed bugs that are not prevented properly will release pheromones to warn others away, so they will disperse to other areas of the building.

Follow up

We allow 1-2 weeks for bed bug eggs to finally hatch before we return to re-apply more pesticide.


Once your outbreak is under control, we use mattress protectors to protect your bed from future outbreaks.

We report back to you

Once the treatment has been completed, our technicians will send you a report with recommendations and feedback so you can refer back to it at any time.

Why choose Allstate?

We understand the stress and overwhelm that a bed bug outbreak can cause, so our team of expert bed bug removalists is ready to help you any time.

Emergency call outs
For all urgent problems or advice, we’re here for you.

Available 24/7, anywhere in Adelaide
Contact us through the chat button at the bottom right.

100% guarantee money back guarantee
If you’re not satisfied with any of our pest control services, we will provide corrective service for no extra charge – or refund you if you are still not happy after 30 days.

Interest-free payment plans
So that you don’t have to delay your bed bug extermination.

Targeted, effective solutions with follow ups
We’ll take the time to inspect your outbreak, apply treatment and ensure that you’re permanently protected from another one.

Non-toxic treatments
Rest assured that the chemicals used are child, pet and environmentally safe.

We work around you
To minimise disruption to your family or your business operations.

Speak to an Adelaide bed bug expert today


What you need to know about Ant Control in Adelaide

What you need to know about Ant Control in Adelaide



When the ants go marching, it’s hardly a “hurrah” for many us who are home and business owners.

Ants have good reason to be a dreaded pest in Adelaide, and it’s not just their painful bites. Like other creepy crawlies, they forage in unsanitary areas and encounter all sorts of nasty germs. They then introduce them to clean food and places, leading to contamination and illness. Ants also damage buildings and electrical wiring.

If you’re experiencing an ant problem, this guide has tips on identifying the signs of an outbreak, which species of ant is responsible and how to prevent and remove them.

What questions will this article answer?

a nest of ants eating a piece of bread

Signs of an ant outbreak

Ants are generally discreet and don’t make noise or leave an obvious mess, especially when compared to other pests. However, you will get the following hints that they have set up a nest nearby:

Frequent ant sightings

  • They tend to move around in large groups along defined trails, travelling between food sources and their nest; this makes them quite easy to spot

Disturbed soil or dirt

  • Small mounds of soil or dirt with a central opening indicate an entrance to ant nest, or that a nest is nearby
  • Fire ants have nest mounds which can be up to 40cm high

Wood shavings (frass)

  • When carpenter ants carve space for their colony within wood, they leave behind discarded wood shavings, debris and other dead insects


  • Termites are not ants, but they are called white ants, and there is a reason for that. White ants have several characteristics in common with ants: they are not winged, live together in colonies and go on raids together. But termites are not ants at all; they have evolved separately.


Problems caused by ants

Despite being small, ants come in large numbers and work well together to create big problems. Ant problems include:

They contaminate food

Although ants themselves aren’t known to carry diseases, they come across many germs, including viruses, parasites, fungi and bacteria, as they forage through rubbish, toilets and dog droppings. So, if they come into contact with your food, it’s best not to risk eating it.

Ants spread disease

Ants scavenge in rotting waste contaminated with germs, such as salmonella, streptococcus, staphylococcus and e.coli. They are then able to spread this bacteria by roaming around to other places. This can lead to illnesses such as diarrhoea and food poisoning.

Ant bites sting and cause allergies

The sharp sting of an ant bite is due to the secretion of formic acid. In some people, this chemical can trigger an allergic reaction, forming red bumps or an uncomfortable rash on the skin at best, and anaphylaxis at worst. Fire ant stings have been known to cause significant swelling.

They attract more ants

Ants communicate to each other through pheromones, so they leave trails of chemical markers for other ants to follow. That’s how a small cluster of ants can quickly turn into an army.

They damage buildings

Carpenter ants make nests inside wooden structures by tunnelling into beams, wall cavities, window and floor panels and floorboards.

They can also introduce moisture and soil from outside to inside your walls, resulting in corrosion over time.

Ants can damage electrical wiring

Ants crawl into electric sockets and chew through wiring, causing it to short circuit and potentially spark a fire.

They damage electrical wiring in vehicles

Ants are attracted to dead insects in your radiator grill, scraps and drink packaging, or spills inside your car. They won’t just stop there. Ants will also chew the electric wiring and relay components, which leads to costly repairs.

Fire ants ruin vegetable crops

Fire ants are known to feed on vegetables like red potatoes and okra, as well as corn, watermelon and cucumber seedlings.

If you’re experiencing any of these ant problems, reach out to our ant extermination team any time for advice.

Get help from an ant control expert today




Once you are aware that you have an outbreak, it’s handy to know which species of ant is causing it. Having this knowledge makes it easier to figure out an effective management plan. These are the most common species of pest ants in Australia and Adelaide:

Black House Ant

  • Shiny and black, workers are 2.5mm to 3mm long
  • Scavenges in kitchens, garbage and dog droppings

Fire Ant

  • Coppery-brown head and body, darker abdomen, 2mm to 6mm long
  • Forages on dead animals, vertebrates, insects, earthworms, as well as vegetables, sweets, protein and fat
  • Collects insect honeydew

Ghost Ant

  • Pale and translucent legs and abdomen, 16mm long
  • Feeds on sweets, grease, insects producing honeydew
  • Nest underneath objects lying on the ground, loose tree bark, in small spaces, roof cavities, flowerpots
  • Attracted to high moisture areas such as kitchen and bathroom cabinets
  • One colony can occupy multiple nesting sites

Odorous House Ant

  • Brown or black, 1.5mm to 3mm long
  • Gives off a coconut smell when crushed
  • Feeds on most household leftovers, especially sweets and melon, and pet food
  • Drawn to high moisture areas such as the kitchen, laundry and bathroom

Pharaoh’s Ant

  • Workers are yellow-brown with a brown abdomen, 1.5mm to 2mm long
  • Some have wings
  • Enjoys high protein edibles including meat, fats, dead insects and blood
  • Prefers humid conditions
  • Found in hard to reach spaces in heated buildings, including hospitals
  • Leaves well-defined trails connected with heating systems

Black House Ant

A swarm of black house ants crawling under a door

Fire Ant

Close up image of a fire ant with it's jaws open

Ghost Ant

Several Ghost ants centered around food

Odorous House Ant

a semi circle of odorous house ants

Pharaoh’s Ant

Several Pharaoh ants bringing food back to colony
black ants on red earth carrying food


Ant problems in Adelaide businesses and health care facilities

Ants cause problems in even the cleanest of Adelaide businesses and facilities. Why? Ants are usually busy looking for supplies, water and shelter, so you’ll just as likely find them wandering around your sanitary areas as you are to find them in waste areas. This means that ants are spreading all the disease-causing germs they have collected into your clean environment. Once ants contaminate your meals and stock, they put your customers and employees at risk of falling sick, and risk ruining your business reputation.

You can also end up with a costly repair bill if ants damage your buildings, equipment and appliances. Their painfully sharp stings don’t just trigger allergies – they become a dangerous distraction in the workplace, especially for those operating heavy machinery.

To make matters worse, any breach of Occupational health and safety standards can lead to heavy penalties and a costly inspection bill.


Once ants have contaminated stock, food and supplies, these things can no longer be used. This quickly gets costly if it happens too often. The sight of ant trails along food preparation surfaces, utensils, cutlery, tables, chairs and even the bathrooms is a sign of low hygiene standards, which will deter diners from returning.

Read more about ants in restaurants .

Distribution facilities and warehouses

A colony of ants will happily feed on large quantities of stock and goods, unless they are stored appropriately. They can damage wiring in expensive equipment and machinery, so measures must be taken to deter them from entering the building in the first place.

Read more about ants in distribution facilities .

Hospitals and medical centres

Ant prevention should be an important part of your hygiene and sanitation plan.
Preventing fire ant outbreaks should be a particular focus where there are people with fragile health and immune systems.

Read more about ants in distribution facilities.

Pest Control

How to prevent an ant outbreak

If you can remove potential food sources and reduce the accessibility of your home, ants will become less interested in wandering inside. Here are some ideas to help you deter ants from your Adelaide home:
  • Fill entry points, cracks and crevices using silicone and acrylic
  • Store food properly; uncovered food attracts ants
  • Store food out of sight and reduce access, including pet food
  • Wipe away spills and wipe down surfaces; if you see an ant trail on a surface, wipe it with bleach or vinegar
  • Tightly seal containers and food packaging
  • Thoroughly rinse and put away cutlery, utensils and tableware
  • Fix leaking pipes, as moisture attracts ants
  • Waste management: ensure the rubbish bin is properly covered and seal all bin bags tightly
  • Maintain your garden: clear away tree branches that are touching your home and piles of vegetation; remove all fallen and rotten fruit and vegetables
  • Vacuum floors regularly: check underneath and behind furniture

Get help from an ant control expert today


Ant control adelaide

Ways to treat an ant problem

There are many ways to manage an ant outbreak, even if you haven’t yet found the ant nest. However, destroying the nest and the queen is the best way to prevente the issue altogether. Here are some ideas:

Pour boiling water into the nest

Be aware that the boiling water may not be able to penetrate deep enough into the ground to reach the entire nest, particularly where the queen is situated.


Baits contain insecticide chemicals, which are ingested by ants and then spread to the rest of the colony when they return to the nest.

  • Homemade baits can be made using borax and sugar or syrup, and are often just as effective as commercial baits.
  • Granular or sand commercial baits should be scattered these around the perimeter of your home, in entrances, between pavers, on lawns and around the edge of your garden. Apply with care as they are often toxic to pets and children.
  • Gel commercial baits should be applied to cracks and crevices.

Insecticide Spray

This targets other insects in addition to ants.

Water as a repellant

To deter ants you can place your pet’s food bowl in a shallow dish partially filled with water.

Strong smelling deterrents

These mixtures can be applied in a spray or left in a bowl near the ant nest:

  • Strong smelling herbs and spices: mint, cinnamon, garlic, and black pepper combined with vinegar
  • Essentials oils: peppermint, patchouli or cedarwood with water and vodka

Chalk and powdery substances

Sprinkle a line of chalk, baking powder or baby powder near entrances or along the perimeter of your home.

ants on a flower


Professional ant extermination in Adelaide

If you have a major ant problem needing professional treatment, make sure you use an experienced ant control technician.

We recommend finding someone who gets to the source of your problem, so that you’re protected in the longer term.

The team at Allstate are fully equipped to target all the indoor and outdoor spots where ants feed, and to remove their nesting site. We’re available for both emergency call outs, and free assessment and quotes.

This is the Allstate Adelaide professional ant removal process:

Initial assessment

An expert ant control technician will inspect your building, examine the extent of your outbreak, look for nesting and feeding sites, and then come up with a treatment plan.

Ant removal

We normally use a combination of the following solutions to ensure success. Patience is key here – it will take time for these to have an effect, especially if the nesting site is inside a wall cavity.

  • Ant control dust is sprinkled into cavity walls and voids in the building, including the roof space
  • Insecticide forms part of treated zones which are applied to the perimeters of the building
  • Chemical baits are strategically positioned near favoured feeding sites

Follow up treatment

The team will replenish your ant removal treatment at a follow up visit, as its effectiveness dwindles over time. This will ensure you stay ant-free for longer.

Why choose Allstate?

At Allstate Pest Control Adelaide, we understand that an outbreak of ants can be overwhelming. It can also be difficult to find the time to look for nesting sites and come up with a solution to control them. This is where our expert ant control technicians can help.

As Adelaide’s leading independent pest control company, we are available to help you 24/7 in any suburb of Adelaide. We can attend for urgent or emergency problems, or even just provide advice to control ants and support through our website. Contact Us today.

Our ant treatments are environmentally friendly, and safe for children and pets, while minimising disruption to you and your business.

At the same time our control services are highly effective against even severe infestations, as proven by our 100% money back guarantee.

We also provide affordable, interest-free payment plans, making your ant treatment both convenient and accessible. Speak to an experienced Adelaide ant exterminator today.

Get help from an ant control expert today


Your Guide to Cockroach control in Adelaide

Your Guide to Cockroach control in Adelaide



Cockroaches are good scavengers that thrive in clean dwellings just as well as they do in unsanitary environments. They carry some pretty filthy germs with them that cause everything from cholera to asthma.

The other problem? They are stealthy pests who rapidly multiply before you even know they are there. So for every rogue cockroach you see, there are probably at least ten more that you can’t.

What questions will this article answer?

Why a cockroach outbreak is a problem

For centuries, cockroach outbreaks have been feared for several reasons:

They damage to packaging, belongings and furniture

Cockroaches have sharp teeth and strong jaws that are capable of chewing through a wide range of organic and inorganic materials, including plastic. Look for unusual signs of damage in unexpected places, not just on food packaging. This can include leather goods, clothing, furniture and books.

They continue to attract more cockroaches

Cockroach droppings can emit a pheromone to entice more cockroaches to the same area. To make matters worse, when droppings continually accumulate at their nesting site or aggregation point, a small issue can quickly turn into a big outbreak.

They trigger allergies

A runny nose, itchy eyes or throat, or persistent cough, can be symptoms of a cockroach allergy. These arise after being around their droppings, saliva or shed skin. Sometimes, the droppings also contain various allergy triggers, including parasitic worm eggs.

They spread disease

Due to their unhygienic feeding and nesting habits, cockroaches can accumulate a range of highly infectious bacteria, parasites and viruses, which they leave behind on food, objects and surfaces where they feed, nest and crawl, resulting in contamination. Once you come into contact with something that is contaminated, you are at risk of being infected and falling ill. Some diseases spread by cockroaches include:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Gastroenteritis or food poisoning: caused by salmonella, campylobacteria, listeria, e. coli
  • Typhoid fever
  • Cholera
  • Dysentery
  • Leprosy
  • Hepatitis A

At Allstate, our cockroach control technicians are well aware of the health risks posed by cockroaches, and the urgency of preventing a cockroach infestation. That’s why our team is available 24/7 tin every suburb of Adelaide. For competitively priced, effective treatments and advice, call 8371 1277.

Speak to an experienced cockroach technician today about cockroach removal


How cockroaches spread disease

Cockroaches are not shy about sharing your space, and the germs that they collected from scavenging in unclean places. The most common way that we get sick from cockroaches is through contaminated food and drink. Here’s how contamination typically occurs:

Coming into contact with droppings and saliva
Cockroaches will generally eat anything that is available. This means that they will happily feed on rotten food and waste laden with bacteria, parasites and viruses. These disease-causing organisms will pass through the cockroach digestive system unscathed, accumulate in droppings and saliva, and continue to remain highly infectious, even when they are left out in the open.

Mechanical transfer
Cockroaches will happily live in unhygienic and unsanitary places including rubbish bins and sewers, which are brimming with many harmful organisms. Some of these organisms will latch onto the cockroach’s body (such as the spines on their legs), and are moved to different surfaces and objects as the cockroach roams around.

Most common types of cockroach pests in Australia

Identifying the species of cockroach causing an infestation can make it easier to treat the problem by understanding their habits and behaviour. Here are the most common types found in Australian homes and businesses:

American cockroach

  • 35-40mm long and have a glossy reddish brown colour
  • Capable of running and using their wings to fly at high temperatures
  • Live in trees surrounding your property
  • Favour humid climates and also darker, less frequented areas in buildings, including roof cavities, basements, subfloors, kitchens and bathrooms

German cockroach

  • Grow to 12-15mm long, easily identified by 2 dark stripes along their head
  • Skilled at climbing
  • Live indoors, in warmer, humid climates with moisture, usually found in wet areas such as the bathroom, laundry and kitchen

Australian cockroach

  • 23-35cm long, with pale stripes on their wing and near the head
  • Prefer living in areas with mild winters
  • Hide in gardens and debris
  • Enter buildings at night

What are the signs of a cockroach infestation?

Here are some tips on what to look out for to correctly identify a cockroach outbreak in Adelaide.


Look similar to coffee grounds – they are thin (<1mm wide), black in colour, and vary in length

Smear marks

Take note of brown irregular shaped smear marks near a water source or along pathways where they crawl, including floors, surfaces and wall-floor junctions

Unpleasant oily, musty odour

Comes from droppings, and intensifies along with the infestation

Egg capsules (ootheca)

Can look different for each species, with some being segmented and others having raised round sections

Skin shedding

As cockroaches mature and become larger, they outgrow their outer layer and are known to shed this 5-8 times in their life cycle. This will usually look thin and semi-transparent

Live cockroaches

Cockroaches are nocturnal, so you are more likely to see them actively moving around at night. If you see them during the daytime, you may have a serious problem on your hands

Speak to an experienced cockroach technician today about cockroach removal


Cockroaches in your business: restaurants, commercial buildings, distribution facilities and warehouses

Cockroaches are naturally attracted to places that provide good shelter and nesting sites, as well as an abundance of food sources. If left unchecked, an outbreak affects cleanliness and hygiene, creates an unpleasant odour, and spreads disease. This will eventually lead to staff, contractors and customers falling sick and being reluctant to return, a loss of stock and trade, and damage your reputation. To top it off, in Adelaide you can also cop heavy penalties for breaching food and industrial health and safety standards.

An abundance of fresh food makes restaurants vulnerable to a cockroach outbreak, and the results can be disastrous. A cockroach sighting can ruin your reputation overnight and subject you to fines for breaching food safety laws. If left unchecked, a colony can quickly spread diseases over chairs, tables, crockery and equipment, and cost you dearly in damaged stock. To prevent an outbreak, all restaurants must practice proper storage of food supplies, stock and rubbish, and implement regular pest control to meet regulatory requirements.

How to control cockroaches in restaurants

Commercial buildings
A cockroach problem for one tenant can potentially become an issue for all tenants in the building, so it’s important for everyone to follow the same strict health and safety practices. You may even experience disruptions to trade while the outbreak is being treated.

How to control cockroaches in commercial buildings and offices

Distribution facilities and warehouses
The sight of cockroaches scurrying around is not just distracting and off-putting to workers. Cockroach germs can contaminate stock and machinery,, and make you liable for not meeting WH&S obligations. Cockroaches may even be transported to other locations by latching onto products loaded for transport.

How to control cockroaches in distribution facilities and warehouses

How to prevent a cockroach outbreak

The best way to stop a cockroach outbreak in Adelaide is to prevent them from entering your home or business in the first place.. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Practice good hand hygiene
Avoid touching your face and eyes and use plenty of soap and warm water to wash your hands:

  • Before, during and after food handling and preparation
  • Before and after eating
  • After using the restroom and handling rubbish
  • After coming into contact with foreign surfaces, objects and materials which could be contaminated

Keep your space clean and sanitary

  • Remove and seal off potential food sources
  • Remove dropped/spilled food, wipe grease from stove and oven, and dispose pet droppings.
  • Clean floors, wipe benches, countertops and tables, clear sinks and drains,
  • Clean the dishwasher and oven
  • Wash cutlery, utensils, crockery before and after use
  • Ensure containers have tight fitting lids
  • Keep equipment and containers off the floor
  • Ensure that rubbish is covered
  • Regularly check and clean cupboards and shelves inside and underneath
  • Disinfect surfaces regularly

Conduct regular building maintenance

  • Regularly inspect and repair entry points of your building, damaged drains and pipes
  • Seal entry points, cracks and crevices with expanding foam or filler
  • Check pipes for leaks, as cockroaches like damp places

How to control a cockroach outbreak

There are several ways to manage a cockroach infestation, and using more than one give you the best chance of success. Here are some common methods used in Adelaide:

Cockroach bait
This is effective for use indoors, and comes in liquid, gel and solid form. Baits are strategically placed close to nesting areas and the poison is transferred from an affected cockroach to the rest of the colony.

This method is effective for more serious infestations in a confined space, and best used alongside other methods. A gas containing insecticide chemicals is introduced to a building that has been sealed off.

Heat treatment
This method is the most environmentally friendly and chemical free, and can prevente cockroaches at any stage of their life cycle. A mobile system delivers dry heat of 50-60 degrees to an area for a monitored period.

Speak to an experienced cockroach technician today about cockroach removal


Professional cockroach control

If you live in a cockroach-prone area, have a serious outbreak, or run a business, it’s best to steer clear of DIY methods and use professional cockroach extermination.

Instead of battling with the same problem for weeks on end, professional control is a cost-effective way to manage cockroaches and remove the source of the outbreak, so you won’t have to worry about a re-infestation.

Here is Allstate’s process for helping you to gain the upper hand against a cockroach infestation:

Initial assessment
Our cockroach removal technicians will thoroughly inspect your home or business, and devise the best solution to address the outbreak.

Removing the cockroach outbreak
Our solution usually involves applying one or more of the following non-hazardous methods, which are all child- friendly, pet-friendly, and safe for the environment:

  • Cockroach control dust: sprinkled into voids, weep-holes, cracks and crevices located in the area of the outbreak. You may notice an initial increase in the amount of cockroaches immediately after
  • Cockroach insecticide: carefully applied to specific treated zones at the perimeters of the building
  • Gel baits: positioned at popular feeding sites
  • Insecticide aerosol spray: applied to nesting areas

We’ll keep you informed
After we’re finished, we’ll send a report to you explaining the steps we took to control the outbreak, and, if necessary, leave you instructions about how to make sure the treatment works at full effectiveness. We’ll also outline some recommendations that can prevent future issues, making it simple for you to refer back to later.

Why choose Allstate pest control?

A cockroach infestation can be just as frustrating as it is unhealthy – causing stress and interruptions at home, and some serious headaches at a commercial premises.

At Allstate Pest Control Adelaide, we understand this and make sure you won’t have to put up with it for long.

24/7 emergency cockroach control
Allstate’s team of experienced cockroach exterminators are available 24/7 to all suburbs of Adelaide, to quickly deal with any cockroach outbreaks and problems.

Guaranteed to work
Our highly effective treatments focus on the areas that they live and breed to make sure your protection lasts, with a 100% money back guarantee.

Safe and affordable
On a tight budget? We offer affordable, interest-free payment plans to help you to implement cockroach control solutions when you need them. You also don’t need to worry about hazardous chemicals – our treatments are safe for children, pets and the environment.

Routine programs for businesses
Our Routine Pest Prevention Programs gives businesses a cost-effective method to meet their health and safety requirements. We work around your operating hours to cause the least disruption possible. You will also get your own online reporting portal, which enables you to access your records, reports and trends at any time.

Manage cockroaches fast. Our Adelaide team is ready to help you now


Allstate’s new values allow them to preach what they practice to new recruits

Allstate’s new values allow them to preach what they practice to new recruits

Adelaide’s largest family-owned pest control company has thrived on the vision, hard work and passion of its people for 35 years. Now that Allstate is facing unprecedented growth, these naturally occurring attributes have been turned into official values, so that the exemplary culture that built the business is reflected in every employee.

Our Values

Kick tail, and be proud of it

Everything we do here is based on uncompromising excellence. This includes our service, our knowledge, and our treatment of customers and each other. This level of excellence relies on individual ownership – each of us takes pride in our work by striving to do the best job we possibly can.

Own your mistakes and learn from them

Mistakes happen – we’re human. What matters is that if any of us makes one, we immediately put our hand up and admit to it, then get whatever support we need to resolve it as quickly as possible. We each treat every one of our mistakes as an opportunity to improve.

We over me

Allstate succeeds when everyone – whether on the road or in the office – pulls together to get things done. We have just as much respect for the needs of our teammates as we do for our own, and we all have a responsibility to ensure everyone in the Allstate family feels supported and heard.

If it matters to the customer, it matters to us

Our customers are Allstate, so we treat them and their property with the utmost respect. We do everything we can to give them the best experience possible: ‘going the extra mile’ doesn’t exist in our vocabulary – it’s just what we do.

If you’re not growing, you’re dying

We are continually evolving and adapting to stay as efficient and effective as we possibly can. We seize every opportunity to get better and look ahead to solve next week’s problems now.
Allstate Pest Control has long been known for its top-level customer service, and its people are proud of their close-knit team culture. But whilst Allstate’s values have evolved organically, the company’s unprecedented growth meant it was time they were set in stone.

“Our growth has kicked up over the last 18 months; in that time we have increased employee numbers from 35 to 55 with no sign of slowing down,” said second-generation CEO Vasili Tsousouras.

“Putting these values into words ensures we have 100% commitment to them by every single person in the company.”

“We use them in the hiring, onboarding and induction process so that when a new person joins the team, they know our values back to front before they’ve set foot in the door.”

Allstate’s newly written values are also integral to keeping established employees on track.

“Between our new rewards and recognition program and our performance management reviews, every goal is set against a value, so we can ensure each team member is upholding the values and is acknowledged when they are,” Vasili enthused.

“For example, one of our values is ‘We Over Me’, and so when a person shows they are more about the team than themselves they get recognised for it.”

“Or when we assess performance against the value ‘Own Your Mistakes And Learn From Them’, we acknowledge people for taking constructive criticism as an opportunity to learn.”

Allstate’s values were created in conjunction with people from all areas of the company to ensure they were a true reflection of the business.

“These values are who we are, and we now have a means of ensuring they are practiced by everyone,” Vasili said proudly.

Our expert team is ready to help you now


The Ultimate Bird Control Guide in Adelaide

The Ultimate Bird Control Guide in Adelaide


Pest birds roosting around your home or business is no chirping matter. Besides being messy and noisy, they spread infections and parasites from mites to salmonella.

Do you have concerns about pest birds? Read our handy bird control guide to help.

At best, they’re a nuisance. At worst, a health hazard or business risk. Having pest birds roosting around your home or business premises is no chirping matter.

Besides being noisy, the mess from their feathers and droppings can cause lasting damage to property and buildings, or create the need for costly repairs. What’s more, they carry and spread a range of infections and parasites, from mites to salmonella. No wonder pest birds are bad news for your home, and even worse for businesses.

If you have concerns about pest birds or pigeons, the issues they can cause, or you want to know more about how to deter or prevente them, here is some useful information to help.

What questions will this article answer?

Common behaviours of pest birds (especially pigeons)

There are a handful of well-known pest birds in Australia, but pigeons are the most notorious of them all. Let’s understand how they became this way.

Pigeons are easily identified by their blue-grey coloured feathers, white rump and black bars across their wings and tail. They are semi-domesticated creatures who are very comfortable around people and in urban environments. These are just some of the reasons that they possess excellent survival instincts:

They are well adapted
Our homes and businesses offer excellent conditions for pigeons to roost and nest, such as:

  • A good water supply from unsealed water tanks, ponds, gutters, rooftops.
  • Warmth and shelter from rooftops solar panels, fans, electric transformers and heating units. Sometimes, they are even able to locate an access point to enter a roof space.

They come in large numbers
Many pigeons will often band and stay together as a flock.

They are excellent scavengers
Having a diverse diet enables them to take advantage of almost any available food source. They are good at competing against native birds for food.

They are determined to live in their preferred place
Because of their strong inbuilt homing instinct, pigeons become attached to living near to their birthplace, making them very reluctant to move on to another site. This makes it hard to discourage them from returning to your home or business.

They reproduce quickly
Female pigeons can produce about 15 eggs per year, with a short incubation period of only 18 days. So, a small flock can easily become a large one.

They don’t always need a nest to lay eggs
They can simply lay eggs on a bare surface.

Problems caused by pigeons

Pigeons usually aren’t shy, and if they have taken over new territory nearby you’ll notice the following signs:

Aggressive behaviour
They can sometimes attack people, particularly during breeding season when they are defending their young.

Particularly cries from young chicks. The sounds of many birds roosting and nesting together is disruptive and disturbing in an otherwise peaceful environment.

Native bird displacement
Due to their dominant nature, pest birds will drive away other bird species who are less able to compete for food and nesting sites.

Damage to gardens and plants
They enjoy feasting on fruit, flowers, produce and stored grain.

Problems caused by pest birds

Birds may be small, but an outbreak can cause major headaches. Most bird-related issues are caused by their droppings, but can also result from parasites in their feathers and their general roosting patterns.

Building discolouration
The white-brown colour and thick consistency can tarnish the appearance of buildings, including windows, ledges, walls, balconies and surrounding footpaths of homes and businesses.

Property damage

  • Rust and deterioration of paint on buildings, cars, roof top machinery (airconditioners, and solar panels), gutters and the roof itself. This is from the uric acid in bird droppings, which is a highly corrosive compound.
  • Corrosion of construction materials such as limestone and calciferous sandstone. This is caused by a fungus carried in pigeon droppings
  • Damage inside your property. Bird droppings can end up on support structures as well as uncovered stock, supplies, food, machinery, tools and clothing.

Birds carry parasites in their droppings and feathers, which include a huge host of insects, from bed bugs and beetles, to clothes moths, mites and ticks. Many of these parasites will cover their new human host with tiny bites, and are capable of triggering allergies.

Moist bird droppings also attract flies and enable breeding to initiate a secondary insect outbreak.

Birds spread disease-causing bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. These can give you the flu, gastroenteritis, or even more serious illnesses requiring hospital stays, including:

  • Salmonella poisoning
  • Ornithosis
  • Bird fancier’s lung
  • Cryptococcosis
  • E-coli infection
  • Histoplasmosis
  • Newcastle disease
  • Encephalitis
  • Aspergillosis
  • Toxoplasmosis

Contamination of food, supplies and water
This occurs from:

  • Bird pecking
  • Droppings
  • Feathers
  • Debris from birds’ nests and dead birds

Safety hazards
Fresh bird droppings are wet and slippery, and hazardous to pedestrians walking along footpaths, steps and fire escapes.

Water damage
Droppings and debris from roosting birds accumulate along gutters and downpipes. If left unattended to, the build-up and blockages can result in water overflow and subsequent roof leakages.

If you are worried that pest birds are causing any of the above problems around your home, do not hesitate to contact our bird control team.

Speak to a bird control expert today


Bird Problems in Businesses

Pest birds usually gain access inside commercial buildings through loading bay areas and damaged roofing. To avoid this, you should proactively inspect for birds and seal off entry points as part of regular building maintenance. At Allstate, we can assist many types of businesses with bird control in Adelaide.

Distribution facilities

Pest birds flying around a distribution facility are a dangerous distraction while operating heavy machinery. They can ruin stock and supplies, particularly if goods are not properly covered. Their droppings are a hygiene problem that can make staff and contractors sick and become a workplace slipping hazard. A failure to comply with industrial health and safety standards can result in heavy fines.

Read more about birds in warehouses and distribution facilities

Shopping and retail centres

With many food service businesses occupying the same space, including cafes, food courts, butchers and supermarkets, there is a great opportunity for pest birds to take advantage of readily available food and scraps. To make matters worse, there are often numerous entry points and customers who feed birds and leave unwanted food out in the open. A pest bird outbreak can contaminate food, supplies and preparation surfaces, and become an unwelcome distraction to employees, customers and other retailers. It can also result in costly penalties for failing to meet food regulatory and safety standards, damage your reputation and turn customers away.

Read more about birds in retail centres

Commercial buildings, offices and service facilities

Pest birds will not only cause widespread disruption to the operations within a commercial building. A failure to meet health and safety standards can damage the reputation for all the offices, businesses and service providers located inside as well.

Large and tall buildings

Pest birds such as pigeons are used to living in high places, and can settle in bigger complexes which consist of many offices and businesses connected by multiple entry points and lifts, infrequently used stairwells, an extensive network of ducts and vents, and complex supply chains. An outbreak may lead to major structural damage requiring expensive repairs, and compromise health and safety for many people working in the building.

Read more about birds in commercial buildings

Service facilities

Facilities which are often used by the more vulnerable members of our community, such as schools, child care centres, nursing homes and hospitals can also be targeted by pest birds. They can introduce a variety of germs and parasites which cause devastating health effects.

Read more about birds in aged care
Read more about birds in schools

Speak to one of our rodent prevention experts today


Bird control methods in Adelaide

At Allstate, we understand how persistent pest birds can be, so we often use a combination of techniques to control an outbreak. Our expert bird removal technicians take care to treat the birds humanely throughout the process.

As part of our bird control solutions for both homes and businesses, we may recommend the following prevention and removal strategies:

Remove all sources of food and water from the site
This is the first step to controlling a pest bird outbreak.

Bird netting
Nets are a useful, non-harmful physical deterrent to control high level bird outbreaks. They can easily be placed into custom made frames or manipulated in any direction to fit areas of various shapes and dimensions. They come in different colours and sizes (we have 19mm, 50mm and 75mm).

Bird spikes
Spikes create an insecure area for landing, so are an effective way to prevent birds from gathering in their favourite roosting position to oversee their territory, usually on the leading edges of buildings. This includes exposed ledges, sills, steel beams, chimneys and girders.

There are different types of bird spikes to suit your home or business, such as translucent, polycarbonate, steel, girder and gutter. They come in a range of sizes, shapes and all have UV protection so they last longer. Rest assured that they are not sharp and will not cause physical injury to the birds (or installers).

Bird Jolt Flat Track system
This discreet, solar or A.C. powered electric deterrent delivers birds a mild electric shock every time they land on its surface, and eventually conditions them to stay away. It can be installed on any surface due to its flexible PVC base, and has in-built UV protection for longevity. As it stands only ¼ of an inch high, it is a popular solution for areas where you need a less noticeable deterrent.

Bird wire
We will sometimes secure UV-protected stainless steel wires between plastic posts to act as an unstable landing platform. This deters birds from landing on leading edges of buildings, including exposed ledges, steel beams, sills and girders. This discreet technique is best suited to new buildings.

Bird trapping
This is a handy solution for controlling a large outbreak. Over several days, birds are gradually baited with food to enter a cage trap. Eventually, when the trap fills with birds, they are removed from your property. At Allstate, rest assured that our approach towards the birds is humane, and we provide adequate food, water and shelter while they are in the cage.

Bird shooting
Pest birds are very persistent and breed quickly. In situations where deterrent techniques have failed, sometimes there is no choice but to take more drastic action. Allstate has technicians who are fully licensed to safely and responsibly discharge a firearm to tame an out of control bird or pigeon outbreak,

We take utmost care that this process is carried out with minimal disturbance to you and your neighbours, by timing it when the majority of the birds are within range.

Solar panel cleaning and proofing
Pest birds favour nesting under solar panels, but unfortunately leave a mess, damaging the expensive panels and underlying wiring systems, so that they work less effectively.

Our maintenance team can help you control this problem by first removing the birds, then thoroughly cleaning panels and surrounding area, and finally installing a stainless steel black UV-coated wire mesh over the panels to prevent the birds from nesting and roosting.

You can read more about this process here.

Cleaning up after a pest bird outbreak

Even when the birds are controlled, you still have to deal with the mess they have left. A property maintenance service is often the easiest way to get your building, equipment and surrounding areas cleaned up quickly and effectively.

Recommended bird cleanup services include:

Gutter and roof void cleaning
Birds will often leave a build-up of nesting debris and fouling in hard-to-access areas like roof voids and gutters. An experienced property maintenance service will remove their mess, and sterilise and clear stains using an environmentally friendly, bio-degradable disinfectant.

Pressure washing
A build-up of bird droppings and feathers is an unsightly distraction on the roof, sides of buildings, footpaths, pavements and driveways. If left for a long time, this can also lead to permanent damage to paint as well as rust and corrosion.

Bird control pressure washing services are designed for concrete and paved areas, loading docks and buildings, to refresh the look of your home or business facility.

The Allstate maintenance team specialises in clean-up after pest outbreaks.


How Allstate can help with your bird problems

At Allstate, we have seen the stress and disruption caused by the noise, mess, and health and safety problems from a pest bird outbreak.

As Adelaide’s leading independent pest control company, our licensed, expert bird control technicians use a range of methods, and are well equipped to offer personalised solutions for pest bird issues in both homes and businesses.

Our experienced team members are always available for prompt advice and 24/7 service to all suburbs of Adelaide.

Our focus is to be safe and compassionate towards the birds, people and the environment. We offer a 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee, and affordable interest-free payment plans.

You don’t need to feel overwhelmed with a pest bird outbreak, or try to resolve it on your own – we are here to help.

Our bird control team is ready to help you now
