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Rodent Control for Distribution Facilities

Rodent Control for Distribution Facilities

A serious threat to distribution facilities, hungry rodents can make a mess, contaminate stock and have a negative impact on your business if you don’t act fast to stop them. This guide is for busy facilities managers to help safeguard your business from the threat of a rodent outbreak.

What questions will this article answer?

Why rodents are a threat to distribution facilities

Distribution facilities are ideal places for rodents to nest, feed and breed. As the weather cools down, they are particularly drawn to the shelter and warmth of the indoors.

As expert scavengers, they will eat almost anything, from human to pet food to rubbish, even soap and leather, with plenty of other food sources to choose from at any given distribution facility.

Businesses can pay a heavy price for a rodent outbreak. From spoiling goods and spreading diseases to causing electricity supply problems or even starting fires, rodents can cause disruption, distraction as well as loss of business, hygiene and productivity. Clients, customers and staff alike may feel put off from visiting your facility.

To make matters worse, a rodent infestation is considered a breach in government health and safety standards, and can result in significant fines and penalties.

With many potential rodent entry points at a distribution facility, it’s important to avoid an outbreak at all costs.

Problems caused by a rodent outbreak

Since warehouses and distribution facilities are ideal places for rodents to hide, nest and breed, this can create havoc in the workplace. Rodent problems can include:

Damage to stock, supplies, equipment and buildings

With their strong, continuously growing teeth, rodents can chew through packaging, wood, plaster and insulation, as well as electrical wiring. In addition to the damage, they can create a significant mess with gnawed food, scraps and crumbs.

Contamination and spreading infections

Rodents are notoriously unhygienic. They can carry germs and diseases in their fur, saliva and droppings, such as Salmonella, leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis and rat bite fever. They contaminate surfaces, utensils, floors and equipment and leave staff and customers feeling unwell.

Manage rodents fast. Speak to an expert today.


How to identify a rodent infestation at your distribution facility

Look for the following signs of a rodent outbreak at your business:


Distracting sounds may come from rodents in your roof and walls, such as scampering, scurrying and squeaking, particularly at night.

Gnaw marks

Rodents are able to chew through timber structures, pipes, walls and cables, not only causing physical damage, but also leaving behind characteristic bite marks. Also look for traces of gnawed food items and scattered crumbs.

Unpleasant smells

Rodent waste can give off a musty, sour smell.


Shaped like black grains of rice, mouse droppings are 3-5mm in length, and rat droppings are usually 12-18mm in length.


Made from a collection of foraged material scraps including wood, cardboard, paper and fabric, rat nests are a strong indication that you have an outbreak on your hands. These can be hard to spot as they are usually well hidden.

How to prevent rodent outbreaks at distribution facilities

Rodent proofing [insert link:] your business is the best way to avoid the complications of an infestation. We recommend the following tips for a rodent-free workplace:

  • Inspect your building for all potential rat and mouse entry points [insert link:] and seal them over
  • Rodents are incredibly flexible and have the ability to squeeze through tiny gaps, so cover all gaps, cracks and crevices as soon as you notice them.
  • Regularly inspect less-frequented storage areas as they make great hiding spots for rodents to build nests
  • Follow safe food handling and storage practices, removing all sources of water and clearing away food spills immediately
  • Maintain high hygiene standards by minimising clutter, and regularly clean using industrial strength products
  • Regularly maintain yards and outdoor areas by keeping plants and trees trimmed away from your building and removing piles of vegetation
  • Keeping rubbish bins and waste tightly sealed

    Protect your facility from rodents. Get fast advice today.


    Professional rodent control

    After a thorough assessment of your facility, we identify the source of the outbreak and then use the following rodent control methods to fix the problem:

    Physical traps

    Your pest control technician will position multiple baited traps in highly frequented areas to physically capture the rodents. With rats requiring larger traps and mice the smaller sized ones, we monitor and replenish the traps as needed.


    Laced with a poisonous rodenticide, baits are an effective way to manage a rodent infestation. We are careful to use targeted baits that do not pose a risk to other animals or people.

    Integrated pest management for distribution facilities

    Preventing rodents and other pests from entering distribution facilities is best achieved with a comprehensive pest management strategy.

    Proven to keep customers, clients and employees safe from pest outbreaks, Allstate’s Integrated Pest Management program is the recommended approach to ensure that your business runs smoothly and pest-free everyday.

    Beginning with an initial assessment of your property, your assigned pest technician will check for any existing pest control systems and identify all potential risks. They then use this information to put together a compliant and comprehensive pest management solution that meets all government health and safety regulations.

    For your convenience, you’ll have 24/7 access via our online portal to your tailored pest management program, as well as all compliance documentation and inspection reports. You can instantly lodge any new problems with your assigned pest technician and receive a fast response and avoid unnecessary delays.

    No matter the size or complexity of your distribution facility, speak to Allstate today to learn how we can help you to keep rodents away for good.

    For fast and effective rodent management, choose Allstate

    At Allstate, we understand how stressful a rodent outbreak can be, and it can negatively impact the normal day-to-day operations at your business.

    That’s why our team is available 24/7 to all suburbs of Adelaide to tackle rodent infestations of all sizes in commercial, industrial and residential settings.

    Using non-toxic treatments that are safe for children, pets and the environment, our licensed pest control technicians are fully equipped with the latest technology to manage all types of pest outbreaks.

    Enquire today to see how our integrated pest management programs can help keep rodents away from your business for good.

    Our expert team is ready to help you now


    5 Ways to Prevent Pest Birds this Winter

    5 Ways to Prevent Pest Birds this Winter

    With the winter chill setting in, the last thing you need to worry about is a flock of pest birds sheltering in your roof. They’re messy, noisy and cause damage to your building.

    Continue reading to find out how you can stay free of pest birds this winter season.

    What questions will this article answer?

    Why are pest birds attracted to my home in winter?

    Well adapted to survive the harsh winter elements, pest birds such as pigeons, sparrows, starlings and mynas can thrive in homes and businesses across Adelaide.

    Similar to people, pest birds are drawn to the warmth and shelter that your home provides when the mercury drops.

    With the ability to squeeze through tiny gaps between loose roof tiles, they make their way inside your roof space, roof ventilators, attics and walls to build nests, lay eggs and raise their young. Another popular cosy nesting spot is underneath solar panels.

    If you’ve got food and water sources available, this makes your home even more appealing for pest birds, who survive by scavenging a wide range of food. From small insects to diving in rubbish bins to food scraps left on the ground, they are definitely not fussy eaters!

    How to spot a pest bird outbreak

    If you’re wondering whether or not you have some bird visitors or a full-blown pest bird outbreak, here’s some signs to look for:

    Large numbers of pest birds around your home

    You may find them perching and roosting on your roof, chimney, verandah, balcony, antennae, window panels, solar panels, gutters or wooden support beams.

    Persistent chirping noises

    Birds, and especially chicks, chirp to communicate with each other.

    Bird droppings

    An accumulation of messy brown, black or white droppings on the ground is a clear sign of a pest bird outbreak.

    Nesting material

    Pest birds are clever at crafting sturdy nests from various foraged scraps, such as twigs, leaves, straw, pine needles and grass. So look out for nests underneath solar panels, inside your roof, or even tucked between some wooden beams.

    Control pest birds fast. Speak to an expert today.


    Problems caused by a pest bird outbreak

    There are many problems that a pest bird outbreak can cause in your home or business:

    • Constant chirping sounds can be distracting and disruptive
    • Pest bird droppings are an eyesore and contain corrosive compounds that can damage your roof, buildings, air conditioning unit, solar panels and outdoor furniture
    • Sticky and slippery bird droppings are a health and safety hazard for stairs, fire escapes and footpaths
    • They can carry and spread germs and diseases such as ornithosis (Bird Fancier’s Lung), cryptococcosis, salmonella, E-coli bacteria, histoplasmosis and aspergillosis
    • Pest birds carry parasites such as bird mites, bed bugs and ticks, which can trigger secondary pest outbreaks and allergiess
    • Birds can contaminate food and water contamination through droppings, nesting material and feathers
    • The accumulation of feathers and nesting material in your gutters and drains can cause water blockage, leaks and overflow
    • Pecking and fouling in your garden can ruin your plants, fruit trees and veggie patch and leave a mess behind
    • Pest birds can be aggressive and breed fast, so if you notice fewer native birds in your yard, chances are that pest birds have taken over the space as their territory

    5 ways you can prevent pest birds this winter

    We recommend the following tips to help protect your home or business from a pest bird outbreak:

    Tip 1: Remove all sources of food and water

    Pest birds are expert scavengers and have a wide and varied diet which can include common things you would find in an average suburban backyard. This includes flowers, fruit, vegetables, and insects. Pet food and water bowls, as well as food scraps in compost piles and rubbish bins are also a popular choice.

    While bird feeders and bird baths can attract native birds, they’re also likely to capture the interest of pest birds. Where possible, we recommend having less available food and water and keeping compost and waste tightly sealed and covered.

    Tip 2: Regularly inspect your home for access points and proof them

    Pest birds range in size and have the ability to squeeze into small spaces to enter your home. So, it’s best to check your roof for gaps between loose tiles, uncovered vents and other small openings and either seal them off or cover them with a fine mesh. Overhanging branches and vegetation can also encourage birds to nest close to the building.

    Tip 3: Locate and remove nesting material

    As territorial creatures by nature, pest birds carefully choose places to nest, roost and breed. Besides harbouring different types of parasites, germs and diseases, nests also provide a safe place to lay and incubate eggs, which attracts more birds and worsens an outbreak.

    Regular yard maintenance and keeping your garden tidy and relatively free of small loose twigs and leaves can also help reduce the availability of nesting material.

    Tip 4: Clean and disinfect the affected area

    Not only do pest birds make a mess with feathers, germ-infested nesting material, debris and droppings, they also leave behind pheromones, which attracts other birds. That’s why it’s always important to clean up the mess from any pest bird infestation.

    Allstate offers professional cleaning and property maintenance services to refresh, rejuvenate and sterilise the mess from pest birds. Our services include gutter, roof void and water tank cleaning or pressure washing to keep your property looking sparkling clean and pest-free.

    Tip 5: Solar panel cleaning and proofing

    With the rise in solar panel installations, pest birds have had increasingly more options for safe and comfortable nesting spots on roofs all around Adelaide.

    Unfortunately, they are also responsible for causing messy stains and damage to expensive solar panels, resulting in the loss of efficiency.

    You can avoid pricey repair bills with Allstate’s solar panel cleaning and proofing service.

    After managing the pest bird problem, we conduct a thorough clean of the area and then install a UV coated mesh skirting to the sides of your panels. This hard-wearing mesh prevents birds from nesting underneath your panels, enabling them to function at their best.

    Protect your home from pest birds today


    Professional pest bird management

    At Allstate, we provide a range of innovative and humane pest bird management methods Depending on the extent of the outbreak, we may use a combination of approaches to ensure that the root cause of the problem is fixed as quickly as possible.

    These include:

    • Installing roosting deterrents such as bird spikes, netting, wire, jolt
    • Physical control measures such as trapping
    • OvoControl – an RSPCA approved and AI-powered modern long-term bird control solution

    To learn more about a tailored bird control program for your home or business, contact Allstate for a comprehensive pest bird assessment today.

    For safe and fast pest bird control, choose Allstate

    Having a pest bird infestation is a noisy and messy distraction, and the last thing you need to deal with in the cold winter weather!

    At Allstate, we understand pest bird behaviour so that we can manage all infestations from their source, and use a range of innovative and modern treatments to help prevent the problem from returning.

    Since 1986, we’ve assisted homes and businesses across all suburbs of Adelaide with pest bird outbreaks of all sizes in commercial, residential and industrial settings.

    Available 24/7 for advice and solutions, we offer payment plans to help keep you and your family protected from pest birds for good.

    Our expert team is ready to help you now
