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How to Prevent Anthills in Your Garden

How to Prevent Anthills in Your Garden

With the remarkable ability to sniff out food up to 6 metres away, hungry ants won’t hesitate to set up a new anthill once they find a great place to feed.

Avoid having ants marching their way to your home and garden by following our top tips to prevent anthills all year round.

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Why ants are attracted to your garden

While they are still around in winter, ants are more commonly seen out and about foraging for food in the heat of an Aussie summer.

With a colony of sometimes millions to feed, ants will travel great distances to scavenge for food. They may venture 700 feet from their nest and have the ability to detect food up to 6 metres away.

This means that ants living in your area can potentially sniff out their next feed in your home and yard. With wide and varied diets depending on the species, ants will come over and help themselves to whatever sparks their appetite, and also invite the rest of the colony around to set up a new ant nest!

Ant species you’ll find in your garden

Out of over 4000 species of ants existing in Australia, there are around a handful of mainly introduced species which are considered as common pests. These include:

Black house ants

Arguably the most recognised species, black ants grow 2.5-3mm long and have a shiny black appearance, as their name suggests.

Bull ants

Packed with venom, painful bull ant bites are best avoided. Red and black in colour and growing up to 40mm in size, bull ants can become aggressive when their nests are disturbed.

Argentine ants

Considered an invasive species, Argentine ants are 2.2-2.6mm long, and light to dark brown coloured. With an aggressive nature, these ecological pests are territorial and drive away other native ants.

Carpenter ants

Built with strong jaws and having an affinity for wood, carpenter ants are notorious for tunnelling through timber, leaving behind wood shavings and causing structural damage to trees and buildings alike. They grow 3-12mm long, and can be black, dark brown or orange coloured.

Pharoah’s Ants

Drawn to warm and humid areas, Pharoah’s ants are brown and yellow coloured, grow up to 2mm long, and males have wings. They are commonly found in hospitals.

Ghost ants

Known for their pale brown, translucent legs and abdomen, ghost ants are a pint-sized nuisance at 1.3-1.5mm long. You’ll find them in areas of high moisture content.

Fire ants

With their fiery bright red copper heads, feisty fire ants are aggressive when provoked, and fierce defenders of their distinctive nests, which can be up to 40cm high. It’s important t oavoid getting painful stings from fire ants at all costs, as they can result in swollen welts and trigger allergic reactions. Worker fire ants grow up to 3-6mm long.

Odorous house ants

Emitting a pleasant coconut scent when crushed, odorous house ants are brown or black coloured, and grow up to 3.18mm long. They are often spotted in moisture-rich places, such as leaking pipes.

Stop marching ants in their tracks. Speak to an expert today.


Signs you have an ant outbreak

It’s not hard to tell if these tiny terrors are trying to invade your property. Here are some clues to look for in a potential ant infestation:

  • You notice more ants, usually moving along well-defined trails
  • You spot anthills in your yard (dirt mounds with a central opening to their underground nests)
  • If you have carpenter ants you might notice piles of fine wood shavings on the floor 

Reasons to avoid an ant infestation

Here are some problems that you may experience when ants invade your home

Contamination of surfaces and food

Experts at foraging, ants travel far and wide to scavenge for food to feed the colony. Their movements will take them from rubbish bins and toilets to your kitchen and pantry. Along the way, they can pick up germs, including bacteria and viruses, contaminating many areas of your home.

Don’t forget to inspect potted plants, mulch, hay and manure for signs of fire ants.

Spread of diseases

If your family or pets come into contact with surfaces or food items that have been contaminated by germ-carrying ants, it can lead to illnesses such as gastroenteritis.

Ant bites

Some species of ants, such as bull ants and fire ants, have more potent, venomous bites, which can trigger allergic reactions. However, for most other species, ant bites only produce mild discomfort.

Damage to buildings

Carpenter ants chew through wood and timber, and cause expensive structural problems to your home.

Damage to plants in your garden

Fire ants will help themselves to fruit, vegetables and seedlings in your yard.

Avoid the sting of an ant outbreak. Get advice today.


How to prevent anthills in your garden

Once you have a few ants around your home, it doesn’t take long for more to join them. Here are some ways that you can keep anthills out of your yard for good:

Lawn maintenance

Keeping your lawn healthy and thick makes it more difficult for ants to dig through and create an underground nest. You can also rake over any anthills that you happen to spot.

Regular garden maintenance

Rotten fruit and vegetables can attract a range of pests, including ants, so dispose these promptly. Remove piles of vegetation, which make good hiding spots for anthills, and clear away trees and foliage which come into contact with your home, as they provide an easy access point.

Remove food sources

From nectar and small insects to plants, sweet and greasy foods, bread, and meat, most ants will eat almost anything. With a remarkable ability to sniff out food from many metres away, it’s best to keep food carefully covered and stored away to avoid ants helping themselves to it first. Don’t forget to empty pet food bowls as well.

Keep surfaces clean

Food spills and crumbs can also attract ants. We recommend maintaining good hygiene in dining and food preparation areas by regularly sweeping, wiping, mopping, vacuuming and disinfecting.

Practice proper waste management

Rubbish bins are a favourite for ants, so ensure that all waste is tightly sealed in sturdy bags, and bins have tight fitting lids. Keep compost piles well covered.

Home maintenance

Leaking pipes and drains provide a source of moisture, which attracts ants, so repair these quickly.

Seal off entry points to your home

Inspect your home regularly for potential access points and fill them. This includes tiny holes, gaps, cracks and crevices. Check that the window and door seals are well fitted.

Professional ant control

We use the following ant treatment methods:

Chemical baits

Laced with an insecticide that is toxic to ants, chemical baits are strategically placed at popular feeding sites to attract ants, which then carry the lethal compounds back to the rest of the colony.

Ant control dust

Consisting of diatomaceous earth, which is ground down to a fine, powdered form, ant control dust is sprinkled along the perimeters of your home, as well as hard to reach areas that carry heavy ant traffic, and around anthills.

Insecticide spray

A fast acting approach to quickly reduce the number of active ants, insecticide sprays are useful for heavy infestations. We recommend keeping your pets away from treated areas.

Choose Allstate for effective ant management

Ants are active all year around, so outbreaks can happen at any time, and the last thing you need is for a couple of ants to escalate into a whole army. That’s why Allstate is always here to help.

Since 1986, we’ve successfully managed ant outbreaks in commercial, residential and industrial settings, using innovative treatments and the latest in pest control technology.

Available 24/7 for urgent advice, our pest control services have safeguarded clients in all suburbs of Adelaide.

No matter where you are, you can count on Allstate to assist with fast, targeted ant infestation solutions at any time.

Our expert team is ready to help you now


How to Prevent Anthills in Your Garden

Your Guide To Fire Ant Control

Introduced to Australia over 20 years ago, fire ants are known for their painful stings. A serious agricultural pest, they will eat anything from plants, insects and decomposing animals to food staples in your kitchen. Avoid getting stung by feisty fire ants by reading our latest Hivemind article.

What questions will this article answer?

What is a fire ant?

Native to South America, but introduced to Australia over 20 years ago, fire ants are considered a serious agricultural pest.

They are reddish-brown coloured, with a rear segment that is usually dark brown and can range from 2-6mm in size, depending on their role in the colony. Winged fire ants can fly up to 5km away from the nest to expand the colony.

Known to feed on various crops including corn and soy, fire ants also have an appetite for okra, potato tubers and citrus fruit. However, these hungry insects are experts at scavenging insects, honeydew produced by aphids, flies, fly larvae, decomposing animals, seeds, as well as oily and sugary products.

With a unique behaviour of swarming their prey, they have strong jaws to secure their victims, and use painful stingers to inject venom. They can be particularly aggressive if their nest is disturbed, and are able to sting multiple times.

Fire ants can survive all year long, in climates that range from below freezing, to the relentless heat of droughts and even high rainfall.

Problems caused by fire ants

Although they are small, fire ants can cause a range of big problems. Here’s how:

Damage to your garden

With a big appetite for plants in your garden, fire ants feeds on plants such as corn and germinating seeds, potato tubers, okra and citrus fruit.

Disrupting outdoor activities

With the potential for venomous stings, you and your family will want to avoid disturbing fire ants and their mounds when outside. They can quickly swarm and sting their victims multiple times, especially when they feel threatened.

Painful stings

When stung by a fire ant, you may experience pain and a burning sensation, and be left with a swollen welt.

Allergic reactions

In some people, fire ant venom can trigger allergies, causing itchy rashes, and even possibly anaphylactic reactions.


With their unhygienic foraging habits, fire ants will eat anything from decomposing dead animals, animal waste to food in your pantry. They will look for food and water from toilets, drains and sewers, as well as your kitchen sink. This means that they can potentially collect and spread a range of bacteria, germs and diseases inside your home, including salmonella, E.coli, fungi and staphylococcus and streptococcus infections.

Disturbing the ecosystem

With their aggressive behaviour, fire ants have been known to threaten native species of ants, dominating and disrupting the ecological balance of your yard over time.

Keep your family safe from fire ants. Speak to an expert today.


How to identify a fire ant outbreak

Getting stung is definitely not pleasant, so it’s important know how to spot a fire ant infestation as quickly as possible. Here are the most common signs that you may have a fire ant problem:

You’re noticing a lot of fire ants around

If there’s more fire ants than usual, especially if they’ve managed to make it indoors, there’s a good chance that you may have an infestation on your hands.

Ant trails

If you see fire ants marching in lines along a well-defined path, this means that fire ants are foraging for food and living in a nest nearby, typically within 30m away.

Fire ant mounds

Found out in the open and resembling piles of disturbed dirt, with a flat or rounded top, fire ant nests can reach between 30-40cm high and 30-90cm in diameter. Unlike other ant species, there isn’t a clear hole or entry point at the apex.

Fire ants usually enter and exit their nest through underground tunnels with entry points that may be up to 30 feet away from the mound.

Depending on the weather, fire ant nests can look different. In warm climates or during drought, their nests might appear as small areas of loose soil. When the temperature drops, or there is rainfall, their nests may be more obvious and look larger in size.


You may notice small granules, like sand or coffee grounds, which are brown, beige or black in colour scattered around your home or yard.

Ways to prevent a fire ant infestation

We recommend the following tasks to help you prevent fire ants from setting up a nest in your yard.

Regular yard maintenance

Clear away fallen or rotten fruit and vegetables, and keep plants, bushes and vegetation neatly trimmed, particularly ones that are growing near your home. Remove piles of debris and leaves and keep your lawns tidy to reduce hiding spots. Make sure that rubbish bins are tightly sealed, secured and covered.

Don’t forget to inspect potted plants, mulch, hay and manure for signs of fire ants.

Cover all entry points

Being small in size, fire ants can squeeze through tiny gaps, cracks, crevices and holes to gain access inside your home. We recommend carefully inspecting your home for these tiny openings and sealing them off.

Remove access to food and water

Fire ants can detect resources from a long distance away, so it’s best to keep food stored away, and avoid leaving bowls of water out in the open for long periods. This includes pet food. Keep your home clean by wiping down tabletops, benchtops, stoves and sinks after use, and clear away dirty dishes. Immediately clean up spills, remove crumbs from floors and furniture by vacuuming, mopping and sweeping.

Ant baits

There are several readily available products to protect your home from being invaded by fire ants. These are available from your local hardware store, and can include ant baits and insecticide sprays.

For expert advice on managing fire ants, contact Allstate today


Professional fire ant control

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, a fire ant outbreak can be hard to manage without professional assistance. At Allstate, we have a range of targeted treatments, which are approved by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) for safe use around your home.

Fire ant baits

Once consumed by foraging fire ants, the insecticide-laced bait is taken back to the colony and transmitted to other ants to destroy the colony.
Soaked in soybean oil, these baits are made of 1-2mm sized granules of corn grit and can be sprinkled near the nest itself, or scattered around the yard. Depending on the extent of the outbreak, way may use different types of baits. They contain the following chemical ingredients to stop ants in their tracks:

  • Insect growth regulator baits are made from s-methoprene or pyriproxyfen. They are effective in reducing the ant population by stopping their life cycle and can take up to 3-4 months to have their full effect
  • Fast acting insecticide usually consists of indoxacarb or hydramethylnon and pyriproxyfen. It typically takes only 1-4 weeks to reach their maximum effect


Direct nest injection

As the name suggests, we can directly apply fipronil, a strong insecticide liquid, to fill all the chambers of the fire ant nest as a fast solution to treat an outbreak. However, the treated area must not be disturbed for 24 hours, and the ground and its surrounds must remain dry and undisturbed for at least 7 days.

Choose Allstate for effective and long-lasting fire ant control

With your calendar filled with all sorts of outdoor activities to enjoy the last of the warm weather, there’s nothing worse than having the threat of a fire ant outbreak to spoil the fun. At Allstate, we’re here to help protect you and your family from fire ants.

Since 1986, Allstate has helped thousands of homes, businesses and industrial properties prevent and treat pest outbreaks. Available 24/7 to all suburbs of Adelaide, our highly trained and fully equipped pest technicians use innovative solutions and treatments which are safe for children, pets and the environment.

With payment plans available, you won’t need to delay any urgent fire ant treatment anymore. Ask one of our friendly pest consultants for reliable advice at any time.

Our expert team is ready to help you now


How to tell the difference between ant species in Australia

How to tell the difference between ant species in Australia

There are at least 1,275 known species of ants in Australia, but only a few are considered as household pests. It’s handy to know which species you’re dealing with in the event of an outbreak, as this can affect the type of treatment you’ll need to manage them for good.

If you’re experiencing an ant outbreak and wondering which type of ant is the cause, we’ve prepared this guide on identifying the most common pest ants.

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Importance of Identifying Australian Ants

While most ant outbreaks can be easily treated, certain ants, due to their behavior, require more targeted or aggressive solutions.

For example, some species, like Pharaoh and Argentine ants, can multiply fast and create several nests, requiring long-term treatment to prevent sustained attacks. On the other hand, bull ants are known for their painful bites, and carpenter ants build their nests in wooden house frames, so you’ll want to prevent an outbreak quickly.

However, without special training, it can be challenging to identify which species of ant is causing problems around your home or business.

The earlier you determine which species of ant is the culprit, the faster the outbreak can be treated, and any potential damage and disruption can be minimised. That’s where professional pest control can make a big difference.

Get effective ant removal advice today


Black House Ant

Quite possibly the most common type of ant that you’ll encounter, black house ants often lurk around kitchens, bathrooms and even your garage.

They are 2.5-3mm long and shiny black coloured, with 6 spindly legs.

Black house ant larvae normally take over 6 weeks to mature into adults.

They feed on sweet and greasy food, breadcrumbs and meat.

Fire Ant

As aggressive defenders of their nests, fire ants aren’t afraid to sting to defend their colony if provoked. These painful stings can swell into welts within 24-48 hours and trigger allergic reactions.

They build distinct nest mounds which can stand over 40cm high above their underground chambers.

Fire ants have a characteristic antennae club, bright copper head and dark brown body. Workers grow between 3.18-6.15mm and queens are 1.59cm long.

Larvae take 16 days to mature.

They feast on dead insects, vertebrates and earthworms, as well as sweets, fatty food and proteins.

Ghost Ant

Drawn to areas with high moisture, such as kitchen and bathrooms, ghost ants nest in wall spaces, loose bark, flowerpots and underneath objects in the ground. A single colony can have several nesting sites.

They have pale, translucent legs and abdomens and grow up to 1.6mm long.

Ghost ants eat sweet and greasy food, as well as honeydew produced from aphids.

Prevent ants fast. Speak to an expert today.


Odorous House Ant

Producing a unique coconut smell when crushed, odorous house ants are attracted to places with moisture. However, you’ll also find them lurking around house plants and toilet lids.

They are usually brown or black in colour with 6 legs and antennae with 12 segments.

Odorous house ants grow between 1.59-3.18mm long and take 34-38 days to become adults.

They feed on pet food, sweet foods and fruits, particularly melons.

Pharoah’s Ant

Most commonly found in heating systems and areas with humidity, Pharaoh’s ants swarm all year long and are often found in hospitals. They form new colonies after their nests have been disturbed from insecticide treatments.

Pharaoh’s ants have black eyes and 2 small segments at the pedicel. Workers are yellow/brown with brown abdomen and grow up to 1.5-2mm long. Males have wings and are usually black and 3mm long. Queens are dark red and also have wings, and typically measure 3.5-6mm long.

Larvae take 18-20 days to mature into adults.

Their favourite foods are high in protein, such as meat, blood, fat and dead insects.

Carpenter Ant

With their strong jaws, carpenter ants chew through wooden structures and objects, leaving behind wood shavings, also known as frass. They can cause significant structural damage to buildings and trees, and build satellite nests in different areas.

Carpenter ants are usually dark brown, orange or black coloured, with 6 legs and 2 antennae. They range from 3-12mm long, depending on their job classification within the colony.

Workers take 60 days to become adults.

They enjoy feeding on honeydew produced by aphids, dead insects and pantry food items.

Argentine Ant

A well-known ecological pest, Argentine ants are aggressive and territorial, and will deter other native ant species from setting up a colony in their preferred area. They also attack nesting birds and hatching eggs. You’ll find their nests in wood, tree cavities, older shrubs and mulch.

Argentine ants are light to dark brown in colour, with a small and slender build. They grow 2.2-2.6mm long.

Their diet includes sweets, decaying fruit, cereal, meat products as well as insects.

Bull Ant

If you’ve disturbed a bull ant nest, watch out! They can be very aggressive and secrete venom through their painful bites. With excellent eyesight, they prefer to hide away in areas with dense vegetation, nesting under logs and rocks.

They are red to black coloured and can grow up to 40mm in size. Eggs take 3-4 months hatch and mature into adults.

They collect plant nectar and other plant juices as well as animal prey.

Professional ant extermination

Before initiating treatment, our expert pest control technician will thoroughly assess the outbreak and identify the type of ant or ants involved. We’ll locate the ant nests as well as potential food sources that need to be removed.

Then, we’ll come up with a treatment plan, which typically involves a combination of the following methods:

Ant control dust

When sprinkled into wall cavities and roof voids and other hard-to-reach areas, this kills ants upon contact.


Applied to treated zones around the perimeter of the building, this acts as an effective deterrent for ants attempting to enter.

Chemical baits

We’ll strategically position baiting stations at popular feeding sites to ensure that as many ants as possible can carry the poisonous bait back to the colony.

Ant prevention treatment can usually take time before seeing results, so your technician will need to return to replenish it and review its effectiveness after a few weeks.

For effective and reliable ant removal, choose Allstate

At Allstate pest control, our technicians are highly trained to identify different types of ant species that require specific treatment modalities. This means that you won’t need to worry about getting to the root cause of the outbreak yourself, and you can expect that it will be treated as quickly as possible.

We’re available 24/7 to all suburbs of Adelaide to treat infestations in residential, commercial and industrial settings. Using modern technology and innovative treatments that are safe for people, pets and the environment, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and competitive warranties on all our services.

With payment plans available, there is no need to delay having an ant extermination through Allstate.

Our expert team is ready to help you now


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common ants found in Australian homes?

Argentine, blackhouse, and ghost ants are Australia’s most common ant varieties. These nuisance pests are attracted to sweet foods, pet food, and other insects and often build nesting sites in wall spaces or soil near foundations.

How can I identify a bull ant in my backyard?

Bull ants are a native ant species known for their powerful sting and aggressive nature. They have distinct reddish-brown bodies, large mandibles, and painful bites. Bull ants are found near trees, plants, or nest mounds in urban and rural areas.

Are carpenter ants dangerous to my house structure?

Carpenter ants can cause significant damage by hollowing wooden structures for nesting sites. Although they don’t consume wood, their presence is marked by smooth tunnels, frass, or disturbed wooden surfaces.

What eco-friendly methods can I use to manage ghost ants?

To manage ghost ants and other ant species, use natural repellents like vinegar sprays, lemon juice, or essential oils such as peppermint. Ensure cleanliness to prevent attraction to honeydew produced by aphids, sweet foods, or dead insects. Seal entry points near wall spaces and heating systems to prevent invasive ants like Pharaoh’s ants from creating new colonies.

When should I call a professional pest control service for ants?

Call a pest control service if ants like fire ants or coastal brown ants build super colonies or if invasive ant species cause structural damage. Licensed experts can treat commercial buildings, homes, and urban areas infestations, particularly when colonies with multiple queens or satellite nests are involved.

How to Prevent Ants in Spring

How to Prevent Ants in Spring


With warm weather on its way, the last thing that you need is an army of ants infiltrating your home and yard. However, come spring, hungry ants that have been quietly hibernating during winter will start to emerge and forage for food to resume their reproductive cycle. It won’t be long before you have a full-blown outbreak on your hands.

If you’re concerned about ants roaming around your home or business this spring, continue reading to learn more about how you can keep them away for good.

What questions will this article answer?

Why are there more ants in spring?

As they are unable to regulate their own body temperatures, ants will slow down during winter to hibernate. They prefer to look for a place that is warm, such as your home, to take shelter during winter.

Once the mercury starts to rise in spring, ants will once again become active. They’ll be hungry and start foraging for food as they need to increase their energy levels to work, resume their reproductive cycle and scout for new areas to expand their colony.

This means that once the weather warms up, you may see many ants start to emerge around your home and yard, seemingly out of nowhere.

Signs of an ant outbreak

These clues will help you to know if you’ve got an ant problem around your home or business:


You notice more ants around

Ants travel to and from their food source and nest along well-defined trails, so look out for ant trails around your home and yard.

Dirt and soil mounds

If you see areas of raised dirt or soil with an opening at the apex, there is very likely an ant nest nearby.

Wood shavings (frass)

Carpenter ants leave behind debris as they tunnel through wooden structures.

Speak to an expert today to manage ants fast


Problems Caused by ants

There are many reasons why you’d want to prevent an ant outbreak this spring. Here’s why:


Ants contaminate food and spread disease

As expert foragers, ants are no strangers to germs. Whether it’s rubbish, pet droppings or rotten food, ants encounter a wide range of germs such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. These can lead to illnesses such as salmonella and e.coli poisoning.

Ant bites

Besides a sharp pain, ant bites can also trigger allergies in some people which can appear as skin rashes, swelling and even anaphylaxis.

Ant outbreaks can happen quickly

A small trail of ants can multiply fast as they attract fellow ants to feeding sites through pheromones.

Carpenter ants can damage buildings

With the ability to chew through wood and build nests inside, carpenter ants can cause major structural damage to walls, panels, floorboards and beams.

Damage to electrical wiring

You may experience electricity disruptions due to ants crawling into wall sockets and chewing through wiring, resulting in a fire hazard.

Fire ants cause damage in the garden

With an appetite for vegetables such as corn, red potatoes and cucumber seedlings, fire ants will eat your food before it has a chance to make it to the dinner table.

How to prevent an ant outbreak in spring

Ant infestations are very preventable. There are some simple steps that we recommend you take to stay ant-free this spring.

Practice proper food storage by using tightly sealed containers and packaging, stowed away out of sight in the pantry. Don’t forget to keep pet food and water bowls covered.

Make sure that all waste is kept in tightly sealed bags, and rubbish bins and compost are covered properly.

Keep surfaces clean, such as bench tops, tables stoves and sinks by wiping and disinfecting any food spills. Thoroughly wash and store away all cutlery, tableware and utensils after use.

Vacuum and sweep floors regularly, be sure to check underneath and behind furniture.

You’ll want to inspect your home regularly and seal off all potential entry points such as holes, gaps, cracks and crevices with silicone and acrylic.

Keep your yard clean by removing piles of debris, vegetation as well as fallen fruit.
Remove tree branches and vegetation that are in contact with your home to reduce access.

Remember to check and fix all leaking pipes to reduce moisture, which attracts ants.

Professional ant prevention

Since ant outbreaks can escalate quickly, we recommend calling in an expert to minimise disruption to your home or business. Bear in mind that most treatments will require a period of time before you notice a visible reduction in the number of ants.

An Allstate pest control technician will begin with an initial assessment of the outbreak and locate all potential nesting sites indoors and outdoors.

We’ll then use one or more of the following treatment options, depending on the extent of the problem:


Ant control dust

This is sprinkled into hard-to-reach places such as wall cavities and roof voids.


We apply this to the perimeter of the buildings in treated zones.

Chemical baits

Positioned at feeding sites, the toxic compounds that are ingested by the ants are carried back to the nest to destroy the population.

We’ll replenish the treatment and review its progress as needed to make sure that the outbreak is well and truly under control.

Choose Allstate for fast and effective ant prevention this spring

With sunny days ahead, the last thing that you and your family need is an ant outbreak to ruin outdoor activities. That’s why we’re here to help safeguard your home or business this spring.

Our highly trained and knowledgeable pest technicians are available 24/7 to assist with infestations of any size in all suburbs of Adelaide.

With payment plans available and a 100% satisfaction guarantee, our ant prevention service includes treatments that are non-toxic to people, pets and the environment.

For long-lasting protection from ants that can last well beyond spring, contact Allstate today for a quote.

Get ant removal advice from our expert team today


Getting Rid of Ants – The Complete Guide

Getting Rid of Ants – The Complete Guide



With summer finally here, you’ll be sure to notice more ants marching around. Outside in the garden or intruding in the kitchen, these tiny terrors can multiply quickly and become a huge problem to your home or business if left unchecked.

Ants can contaminate your food, spread diseases and cause an uncomfortable stinging sensation with their bites. In some cases, they can even damage wooden structures and the electrical wiring in your home or office. Thankfully, it’s possible to avoid all these issues by preventing an outbreak as quickly as possible.

If you’re looking for tips on how to stay ant-free in any season, continue reading to learn more.

What questions will this article answer?

Why are there ants in the garden?

No matter where you live or work, it is a common sight to see ants crawling around outside. And as they thrive in warm temperatures, they can certainly be a nuisance when you want to enjoy a hot and sunny summer’s day.

If your neighbours have many ants in their own yard, all competing for limited resources, it makes sense that they’ll wander over to your property to look for food.

Ants are always scouting for food to sustain the colony, so if you have uncovered edible items in your yard, such as rotten fruit, pet food and rubbish, there’s a good chance they’ll find their way to it quickly. Once they’ve located viable food sources, they may bring along other ants and choose to set up their colony in your yard.

Signs of an ant infestation

Here are some ways you can tell that these pesky insects are invading your home or business:

Trails of ants

You have more frequent ant sightings than usual, particularly indoors, clustering around a food source. They tend to prefer moving around in large groups along defined trails, travelling between food sources and their nest.

Disturbed soil or dirt

You can easily tell if there’s an ant colony nearby if you notice small mounds of dirt. You’ll find these ant mounds or anthills outdoors on soil or grass, pavers or up against walls with a characteristic central opening.


When carpenter ants carve away at wooden structures, they can be messy and leave behind piles of dirt particles, droppings and dead ant parts known as frass. In some cases, you can find wood shavings inside the home from carpenter ants carving away at wood.

White ants

To the untrained eye, termites can look like white-coloured ants and are therefore often referred to as ‘white ants’. However, they are a completely different species and are more closely related to cockroaches than regular ants. So be sure to rule out a termite outbreak as this can cause significant – and expensive – damage to your home or business. To find out more about telling the difference between these insects, read this blog.

Signs of ants in your home of business?
Speak to our expert team today


How to manage ants outside the home

If you’ve identified the tell-tale signs that ant colonies are living in your yard, don’t panic. There are many ways you can try to manage them and prevent them from coming inside.

Boiling water

Pouring boiling water into a nest can kill many ants upon contact. However, it may not penetrate deep enough within the ground to reach the entire colony, including the queen, who is responsible for laying eggs and producing more ants.

Water hose

Turning a hose directly into an ant nest enables water to penetrate deep inside the ground and drown all the ants within a colony, including the queen.

Soapy water

For a powerful mixture that damages the outer coating of ants, you can use household items such as detergent or liquid soap mixed with water and oil to spray directly onto ants.

Regular yard inspections

Check your yard regularly for signs of ants. If you notice ant mounds or an increased number of ant trails around your property, you can take steps to prevente them and avoid an outbreak by applying insecticide products to ant colonies.

Professional ant control

Many supermarket ant control solutions can be highly toxic, so if you have a serious ant problem, it’s best to leave it to a professional ant exterminator.

How to prevent ants outside

If you want to spend an enjoyable summer outside, we suggest taking the following steps to safeguard your backyard from ants before the hot weather comes.

Remove access to all sources of food and water

  • Wipe down surfaces including benchtops, tabletops, stoves and sinks
  • Clean any spills immediately
  • Cover food in tightly sealed containers
  • Sweep, mop and vacuum floors regularly to remove crumbs and spills
  • Clear away dirty dishes and throw food scraps away into secured bins
  • Cover pet food

Regular yard maintenance

  • Keep lawns tidy and rubbish secured
  • Clear away debris including fallen fruit, branches, leaves
  • Keep plants, bushes, shrubs and trees trimmed and away from your home to remove easy access points

How to manage ants inside

When it rains, or if the weather is very hot, ants may be drawn indoors to seek protection and enjoy an abundance of resources such as food and water.

Insecticide spray can be applied directly to ants as a spot treatment if there are only a few ants. For serious infestations, this method is far less effective. It’s handier to prevent ants from coming inside in the first place. Inspect your home and use fillers such as silicone and caulk to seal off cracks, crevices, openings, gaps and holes that enable easy access for tiny ants.

You can also make your own natural baits which are safer for children and pets than store-bought insecticides, such as baking powder mixed with sugar.

Natural ways to deter ants

Ants crawling around your kitchen and all over your belongings aren’t a pleasant sight. Thankfully, there are various ways to make sure that this doesn’t happen to you. Here are some natural ant control methods:


Placing your pet’s food bowl within a shallow dish filled with water makes it hard to reach for ants.

Homemade sprays

You can mix essential oils (such as tea tree oil, citrus, clove and peppermint) into a pump bottle filled with water and vodka. Lemon juice and vinegar can also work well, depending on the type of surface. Spray this mixture liberally in areas where you notice ants regularly.

Powdery substances

Sprinkling chalk, baking powder or baby powder around entry points to your home provides an obstacle for ants to come inside. It clogs their pores and causes breathing difficulties.

Deter with overpowering smells

We recommend mixing cinnamon, garlic, mint or black pepper with vinegar. You probably already have many of these everyday pantry staples at home, and it’s as simple as putting them into a bowl and leaving them out. Doing this will leave a strong smell that is unpleasant and repulsive to ants.

Diatomaceous earth

A naturally occurring substance made of ground up tiny fossils, diatomaceous earth can be sprinkled onto heavily trafficked areas. This includes ant trails, ant mounds, along your driveway, the perimeter of your home and patio and your veranda.
It is so versatile that it can also be used indoors, in the kitchen and around doorways and windows.
Diatomaceous earth works by causing damage to the outer shell of ants upon contact, leading to dehydration and eventually death.

Professional ant prevention

At Allstate, our highly trained and knowledgeable team can assist you with your ant problems any time. No matter if you’re at home or running a business, we can come up with an effective way to manage pest ants in accordance with Australian standards and laws. Here is our four-step ant control method:

Initial assessment

We will carefully inspect your yard and building and see if we can locate the source of the outbreak. From this, we’ll be able to decide the best approach to treat the problem.

Ant removal treatment

We use a combination of the following treatments, depending on the extent of your outbreak:

  • Ant control dust is sprinkled into roof and wall cavities
  • Insecticide is applied to designated treated zones around the sides of the building
  • Chemical baits containing insecticides can be placed in locations around known feeding sites, nesting sites and areas which ants heavily traffic

Follow-up treatment

As treatment can take some time, patience is the key to success. That’s why we’ll schedule you in for a review, if necessary, so that we can replenish the treatment until the problem has been completely resolved.

Pest control report

We’ll prepare a report for you to keep regarding the treatment. This means that you can refer to it anytime should any further outbreaks occur.

Struggling with ants? Speak to an expert today


You can rely on Allstate for safe and effective ant removal

We have been helping customers across all suburbs of Adelaide to prevente ant outbreaks since 1986. We understand the disruption and concern that having ants can cause to you, your family and business, so we offer a 24/7 emergency callout service.

Our team of highly trained, licensed professional pest control technicians is fully equipped to assist you with any ant problems. Whether you’re in a commercial, residential or industrial setting, we have innovative, tailored solutions to meet your needs.

We have a thorough understanding of food regulations and Australian standards to ensure that your home or business remains ant-free and compliant.

Our treatments are non-toxic to people, pets and the environment and can be accessed with a payment plan if needed.

Backed by competitive warranties and a 100% money-back satisfaction guarantee, we can help protect you and your family from ants in the long term. Speak to a friendly Allstate consultant today to learn more.

Our expert team is ready to help you now


Getting Rid of Ants – The Complete Guide

What you need to know about Ant Control in Adelaide



When the ants go marching, it’s hardly a “hurrah” for many us who are home and business owners.

Ants have good reason to be a dreaded pest in Adelaide, and it’s not just their painful bites. Like other creepy crawlies, they forage in unsanitary areas and encounter all sorts of nasty germs. They then introduce them to clean food and places, leading to contamination and illness. Ants also damage buildings and electrical wiring.

If you’re experiencing an ant problem, this guide has tips on identifying the signs of an outbreak, which species of ant is responsible and how to prevent and remove them.

What questions will this article answer?

a nest of ants eating a piece of bread

Signs of an ant outbreak

Ants are generally discreet and don’t make noise or leave an obvious mess, especially when compared to other pests. However, you will get the following hints that they have set up a nest nearby:

Frequent ant sightings

  • They tend to move around in large groups along defined trails, travelling between food sources and their nest; this makes them quite easy to spot

Disturbed soil or dirt

  • Small mounds of soil or dirt with a central opening indicate an entrance to ant nest, or that a nest is nearby
  • Fire ants have nest mounds which can be up to 40cm high

Wood shavings (frass)

  • When carpenter ants carve space for their colony within wood, they leave behind discarded wood shavings, debris and other dead insects


  • Termites are not ants, but they are called white ants, and there is a reason for that. White ants have several characteristics in common with ants: they are not winged, live together in colonies and go on raids together. But termites are not ants at all; they have evolved separately.


Problems caused by ants

Despite being small, ants come in large numbers and work well together to create big problems. Ant problems include:

They contaminate food

Although ants themselves aren’t known to carry diseases, they come across many germs, including viruses, parasites, fungi and bacteria, as they forage through rubbish, toilets and dog droppings. So, if they come into contact with your food, it’s best not to risk eating it.

Ants spread disease

Ants scavenge in rotting waste contaminated with germs, such as salmonella, streptococcus, staphylococcus and e.coli. They are then able to spread this bacteria by roaming around to other places. This can lead to illnesses such as diarrhoea and food poisoning.

Ant bites sting and cause allergies

The sharp sting of an ant bite is due to the secretion of formic acid. In some people, this chemical can trigger an allergic reaction, forming red bumps or an uncomfortable rash on the skin at best, and anaphylaxis at worst. Fire ant stings have been known to cause significant swelling.

They attract more ants

Ants communicate to each other through pheromones, so they leave trails of chemical markers for other ants to follow. That’s how a small cluster of ants can quickly turn into an army.

They damage buildings

Carpenter ants make nests inside wooden structures by tunnelling into beams, wall cavities, window and floor panels and floorboards.

They can also introduce moisture and soil from outside to inside your walls, resulting in corrosion over time.

Ants can damage electrical wiring

Ants crawl into electric sockets and chew through wiring, causing it to short circuit and potentially spark a fire.

They damage electrical wiring in vehicles

Ants are attracted to dead insects in your radiator grill, scraps and drink packaging, or spills inside your car. They won’t just stop there. Ants will also chew the electric wiring and relay components, which leads to costly repairs.

Fire ants ruin vegetable crops

Fire ants are known to feed on vegetables like red potatoes and okra, as well as corn, watermelon and cucumber seedlings.

If you’re experiencing any of these ant problems, reach out to our ant extermination team any time for advice.

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Once you are aware that you have an outbreak, it’s handy to know which species of ant is causing it. Having this knowledge makes it easier to figure out an effective management plan. These are the most common species of pest ants in Australia and Adelaide:

Black House Ant

  • Shiny and black, workers are 2.5mm to 3mm long
  • Scavenges in kitchens, garbage and dog droppings

Fire Ant

  • Coppery-brown head and body, darker abdomen, 2mm to 6mm long
  • Forages on dead animals, vertebrates, insects, earthworms, as well as vegetables, sweets, protein and fat
  • Collects insect honeydew

Ghost Ant

  • Pale and translucent legs and abdomen, 16mm long
  • Feeds on sweets, grease, insects producing honeydew
  • Nest underneath objects lying on the ground, loose tree bark, in small spaces, roof cavities, flowerpots
  • Attracted to high moisture areas such as kitchen and bathroom cabinets
  • One colony can occupy multiple nesting sites

Odorous House Ant

  • Brown or black, 1.5mm to 3mm long
  • Gives off a coconut smell when crushed
  • Feeds on most household leftovers, especially sweets and melon, and pet food
  • Drawn to high moisture areas such as the kitchen, laundry and bathroom

Pharaoh’s Ant

  • Workers are yellow-brown with a brown abdomen, 1.5mm to 2mm long
  • Some have wings
  • Enjoys high protein edibles including meat, fats, dead insects and blood
  • Prefers humid conditions
  • Found in hard to reach spaces in heated buildings, including hospitals
  • Leaves well-defined trails connected with heating systems

Black House Ant

A swarm of black house ants crawling under a door

Fire Ant

Close up image of a fire ant with it's jaws open

Ghost Ant

Several Ghost ants centered around food

Odorous House Ant

a semi circle of odorous house ants

Pharaoh’s Ant

Several Pharaoh ants bringing food back to colony
black ants on red earth carrying food


Ant problems in Adelaide businesses and health care facilities

Ants cause problems in even the cleanest of Adelaide businesses and facilities. Why? Ants are usually busy looking for supplies, water and shelter, so you’ll just as likely find them wandering around your sanitary areas as you are to find them in waste areas. This means that ants are spreading all the disease-causing germs they have collected into your clean environment. Once ants contaminate your meals and stock, they put your customers and employees at risk of falling sick, and risk ruining your business reputation.

You can also end up with a costly repair bill if ants damage your buildings, equipment and appliances. Their painfully sharp stings don’t just trigger allergies – they become a dangerous distraction in the workplace, especially for those operating heavy machinery.

To make matters worse, any breach of Occupational health and safety standards can lead to heavy penalties and a costly inspection bill.


Once ants have contaminated stock, food and supplies, these things can no longer be used. This quickly gets costly if it happens too often. The sight of ant trails along food preparation surfaces, utensils, cutlery, tables, chairs and even the bathrooms is a sign of low hygiene standards, which will deter diners from returning.

Read more about ants in restaurants .

Distribution facilities and warehouses

A colony of ants will happily feed on large quantities of stock and goods, unless they are stored appropriately. They can damage wiring in expensive equipment and machinery, so measures must be taken to deter them from entering the building in the first place.

Read more about ants in distribution facilities .

Hospitals and medical centres

Ant prevention should be an important part of your hygiene and sanitation plan.
Preventing fire ant outbreaks should be a particular focus where there are people with fragile health and immune systems.

Read more about ants in distribution facilities.

Pest Control

How to prevent an ant outbreak

If you can remove potential food sources and reduce the accessibility of your home, ants will become less interested in wandering inside. Here are some ideas to help you deter ants from your Adelaide home:
  • Fill entry points, cracks and crevices using silicone and acrylic
  • Store food properly; uncovered food attracts ants
  • Store food out of sight and reduce access, including pet food
  • Wipe away spills and wipe down surfaces; if you see an ant trail on a surface, wipe it with bleach or vinegar
  • Tightly seal containers and food packaging
  • Thoroughly rinse and put away cutlery, utensils and tableware
  • Fix leaking pipes, as moisture attracts ants
  • Waste management: ensure the rubbish bin is properly covered and seal all bin bags tightly
  • Maintain your garden: clear away tree branches that are touching your home and piles of vegetation; remove all fallen and rotten fruit and vegetables
  • Vacuum floors regularly: check underneath and behind furniture

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Ant control adelaide

Ways to treat an ant problem

There are many ways to manage an ant outbreak, even if you haven’t yet found the ant nest. However, destroying the nest and the queen is the best way to prevente the issue altogether. Here are some ideas:

Pour boiling water into the nest

Be aware that the boiling water may not be able to penetrate deep enough into the ground to reach the entire nest, particularly where the queen is situated.


Baits contain insecticide chemicals, which are ingested by ants and then spread to the rest of the colony when they return to the nest.

  • Homemade baits can be made using borax and sugar or syrup, and are often just as effective as commercial baits.
  • Granular or sand commercial baits should be scattered these around the perimeter of your home, in entrances, between pavers, on lawns and around the edge of your garden. Apply with care as they are often toxic to pets and children.
  • Gel commercial baits should be applied to cracks and crevices.

Insecticide Spray

This targets other insects in addition to ants.

Water as a repellant

To deter ants you can place your pet’s food bowl in a shallow dish partially filled with water.

Strong smelling deterrents

These mixtures can be applied in a spray or left in a bowl near the ant nest:

  • Strong smelling herbs and spices: mint, cinnamon, garlic, and black pepper combined with vinegar
  • Essentials oils: peppermint, patchouli or cedarwood with water and vodka

Chalk and powdery substances

Sprinkle a line of chalk, baking powder or baby powder near entrances or along the perimeter of your home.

ants on a flower


Professional ant extermination in Adelaide

If you have a major ant problem needing professional treatment, make sure you use an experienced ant control technician.

We recommend finding someone who gets to the source of your problem, so that you’re protected in the longer term.

The team at Allstate are fully equipped to target all the indoor and outdoor spots where ants feed, and to remove their nesting site. We’re available for both emergency call outs, and free assessment and quotes.

This is the Allstate Adelaide professional ant removal process:

Initial assessment

An expert ant control technician will inspect your building, examine the extent of your outbreak, look for nesting and feeding sites, and then come up with a treatment plan.

Ant removal

We normally use a combination of the following solutions to ensure success. Patience is key here – it will take time for these to have an effect, especially if the nesting site is inside a wall cavity.

  • Ant control dust is sprinkled into cavity walls and voids in the building, including the roof space
  • Insecticide forms part of treated zones which are applied to the perimeters of the building
  • Chemical baits are strategically positioned near favoured feeding sites

Follow up treatment

The team will replenish your ant removal treatment at a follow up visit, as its effectiveness dwindles over time. This will ensure you stay ant-free for longer.

Why choose Allstate?

At Allstate Pest Control Adelaide, we understand that an outbreak of ants can be overwhelming. It can also be difficult to find the time to look for nesting sites and come up with a solution to control them. This is where our expert ant control technicians can help.

As Adelaide’s leading independent pest control company, we are available to help you 24/7 in any suburb of Adelaide. We can attend for urgent or emergency problems, or even just provide advice to control ants and support through our website. Contact Us today.

Our ant treatments are environmentally friendly, and safe for children and pets, while minimising disruption to you and your business.

At the same time our control services are highly effective against even severe infestations, as proven by our 100% money back guarantee.

We also provide affordable, interest-free payment plans, making your ant treatment both convenient and accessible. Speak to an experienced Adelaide ant exterminator today.

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