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Rat Infestation

Welcome to Allstate’s fact-hive, where we answer your buzzing questions about pests.

We are always here to help you stay protected against tiny intruders into your home or business. For more facts or help with a pest problem, you can chat to us by clicking the quote-icon or by calling 8371 1277.

What is a rat infestation?

A rat infestation occurs when rats invade a structure and make it their home. Rats often find shelter in dark, safe places, which make human homes attractive to these pests. 

The number of rats that can be considered an infestation is anywhere from 5 to 50.

How do you know you have a rat infestation?

When you start to see droppings, nests, or chew holes, that’s when you know you’ve got a rat problem. You may see gnaw marks on your food, and hear noises in the attic or under the house at night. You might even smell a strong, lingering odour.  

Does seeing one rat mean an infestation?

It’s easy to assume that the sighting of one rat means that your home is infested. However, this is not always the case. One rat could have entered your home from a neighbour’s rubbish or from a nearby field. 

Experts recommend sealing up any openings in your house and removing any possible food sources. If you still see more than one rat, then it is time to call a professional.

How many rats are usually in a nest?

A rat nest can have a lot of rats in it. One nest is usually home to five to 10 rats. 

However, the number of rats in a nest depends on the size of the nest and how much food is available. For example, during winter, rats tend to congregate in larger nests with more food and warmer temperatures.

How many rats can be in a house?

The size of an infestation depends on the size of the house and how much food they can access.

What causes a rat infestation?

You may have heard that rats come from dirty homes, but this isn’t necessarily true. 

The most common reason for rat infestations is the presence of food, water, and shelter. Rats are attracted to warmth, which can be easy to find in our homes. Roof rats will nest in insulation or between layers of electric cords.

Even something as simple as overgrown shrubbery or an open wood pile can attract and harbour a rat infestation.

Unfortunately, some causes may be outside of your control. For example, a rat infestation may also stem from a sewer backup, nearby construction, or neighbourhood rubbish.  

What are the risks of a rat infestation?

Once inside the home, rats can cause various problems, including health and structural risks. 

Rats will chew on anything, including electrical wiring, brick, and plastic. They also contaminate furnishings with faeces and urine, potentially spreading disease and causing harm. Rats shed fur, which can allow mites and carpet beetles to flourish, and may lead to allergies and asthma.

How long does a rat infestation last?

The amount of time a rat infestation will last depends on the size of the infestation, as well as the type and age of the home. If there is shelter, food, and water, rats will continue to live and breed.

How long does it take to manage a rat infestation?

To stop an infestation, a professional pest controller may need to make multiple visits over several weeks.

You can encourage rats to leave by removing food sources and sealing entry points into your home, and keeping the property well maintained by removing debris and trash.

The longer the infestation lasts, the more difficult it will be to manage the rats, so you should take preventative action.

When do rats have babies?

Rats can breed continuously from 8 to 12 weeks of age until the end of their life, 12 to 15 months later. There is no set time or season for reproduction in rats, which leads to quick infestation.

How do you manage a rat infestation fast?

There are four ways to manage a rat infestation: trap and release, rat poison, rat traps and live traps.

  • To trap and release rats, take a large trap and set it on a flat surface. Place chunks of bait inside the trap and set it. Set the trap for 20-30 minutes to make sure it is emptied. 
  • To use rat poison, it is recommended that you place it in areas rats frequent. It won’t work if the areas are too large or there is no food for the rats to be poisoned by. It’s essential that you place it out of reach of children, pets or wildlife, which is why we only recommend baiting by professionals.
  • A rat trap is set prior to the rat’s arrival. When a rat steps on the trap, a spring releases and the rat is immobilized. The rat is then killed.
  • Live traps are a type of cage that has a bait and release system. A rat can be caught by placing the trap in an area frequented by rats, such as the attic or wall voids.

Will rats return to the same place?

Rats are more intelligent than people give them credit for. They may venture quite far from their nests, but they will usually remain in their territory and return to a single nest.

How long does it take for a rat to die after eating poison?

For a rat to die, they need to have eaten a lethal amount of an active ingredient in the poison. 

The lethal amount is dependent on the active ingredient, the amount ingested, the age and weight of the rat, and other factors. A rat will usually die after eating between 5 and 10 grams of an active ingredient.

The symptoms of death can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 12 hours. Rats typically die after convulsing and becoming paralysed.

Can you kill rats with salt?

It is a common misconception that rats will die if they consume salt. Rats, like humans, only need a certain amount of salt to survive. They can die of dehydration if they consume too much, as the salt will make it impossible for the rat to drink enough water. 

The problem is that rats will stop eating after a certain point, so it’s rare for them to consume so much salt that they die. 

How should I protect my car from rat infestation?

To keep rats out of your car, make sure there is nothing for the rats to eat and drink. This means keeping a clean car and not leaving any food or rubbish out. 

Because rats are nocturnal, you can also deter them by using light. Keeping a garage light on, or parking your car in a well-lit area, can prevent rats choosing to nest there.

Which Australian state is the most rat infested?

Western Australia is currently considered to be the most rat infested state in Australia.

Worried about rats? Our expert team is ready to help you now.


Introduction to Rats

Welcome to Allstate’s fact-hive, where we answer your buzzing questions about pests.

We are always here to help you stay protected against tiny intruders into your home or business. For more facts or help with a pest problem, you can chat to us by clicking the quote-icon or by calling 8371 1277.

Introduction to rats

Australia is home to around 60 native species of rats, but two species pose the most problems for Adelaide homeowners – the Norway rat and the Roof rat. 

These species are “commensal” meaning that they live in close proximity to humans, using us for food and shelter, while only risking human health in return. 

Norway rat

The Norway rat goes by many names, including brown, grey, common, and house rat. Most of these names derive from the species’ appearance – large (18 cm to 25 cm), heavy (285 g to 485 g), and greyish-brown.

Also known as a sewer rat, the Norway rat builds an intricate system of tunnels and burrows at ground level. They are not good climbers and are unlikely to scale buildings or pipes, so if you see one inside your roof, it’s more likely a Roof rat.

Roof rat

Roof rats are also known as fruit rats or black rats. They are smaller than Norway rats (17 cm to 20 cm), usually dark brown, grey, or black.

These rodents infest rafters, roofs, and upper floors of buildings. Due to their preference for fruit, roof rats will nest in trees and dense vegetation. From this high vantage point, it’s easy for them to invade homes via the roof.

Signs of rats

Rats are very sneaky creatures. They get into places we never think about, so they could be hiding just out of sight. If you do see a rat, especially during the day, there is probably a large population nearby, and you need to seek expert advice.

Although they may be hidden, rats do leave noticeable traces, which you should look out for. If you notice any of these signs, you should contact a pest control company as soon as possible.

  • Rat droppings: Norway rat droppings are capsule-shaped, between 1.8 cm and 2 cm long, while Roof rat droppings are around 1.2 cm with pointed ends. 
  • Gnaw marks: Rats gnaw to control their teeth growth, usually on wood, food containers and wiring.
  • Eaten food: fruit, vegetables, and pet foods missing, destroyed, or chewed, or rubbish pulled from bins.
  • Rat runs: the repeated paths rats take to their shelters which may look like footprints, flattened grass, smudges against baseboards, or worn tracks on flooring. 
  • Sounds: squeaking, gnawing, scratching, thumping, or other movements in cupboards, ceilings, or under floors.

Discouraging rat infestations

Keeping your lawns mowed can discourage rats from burrowing. Long grass can make rats feel protected, and they will move more freely. Trimming long grass against the house and any outbuildings can also discourage rats from comfortably moving inside.

A clean yard is a healthy yard. It’s important to keep your trees and garden tidy. Tidy up fallen fruit or nuts, and regularly clean up animal food and droppings. Keep your poultry areas and aviaries clean and tidy, and only allow enough food for each day. Store all food, including pellets and hay, in closed containers. 

Keep the base of compost bins clear of vegetation, and do not throw meat or dog faeces into the compost bin. Never store wood on the ground. Instead, keep any woodpiles at least 30 cm above the ground. Storing wood on a rack, instead of the ground, or against fences or sheds, can keep your home healthy.

When you keep your yard clean and tidy, rats will have no place to hide and may relocate somewhere more suitable. 

Rats do breed quickly, however, so to ensure that they don’t return, you need to maintain your lawn and gardens year-round.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rats

What do rats eat?

One of the first signs of rats in the home comes from their foraging. Both Norway rats and Roof rats are omnivores – they will eat almost anything they can find. Common food that attracts rats includes compost, garden fruit, pet food, human scrap food, and other smaller pests.

Do rats only live in dirty houses?

Although rats don’t mind mess and clutter, they are often also found in clean homes. 

These pests are attracted to any space that provides them with easy access to food, water, and shelter, which they can find in surprising ways. Rats may live in and around clean homes with fruit trees, pets, poultry, undisturbed roof spaces, or faulty plumbing.

Do councils manage rats?

Rats are a constant problem due in part to the structure of our cities. In rural areas, they are attracted by livestock, their droppings, and their feed. In suburban and city areas, the proximity of homes and our accumulation of waste quickly lead to infestations.

While it may be possible to prevente rodents from streets, public spaces, and private properties, it’s not feasible for councils to do so. The process would be very costly, disruptive, and time-consuming.

In South Australia, public and environmental health legislation dictates that rodent control is the responsibility of owners and tenants. Some local councils may provide advice, loan traps, or offer other services on request.

What time of day are rats out?

Rats are most active at night. Both Norway rats and Roof rats will venture from their nests to forage once the sun sets. During the day, they prefer to be in a dark and cool place. So, once daybreak nears, rats will retreat back to their nest.

How far do rats travel from their nest?

Norway rats will travel about 30 to 50 metres from their burrows or nests when looking for food or water. They will mark this territory with urine to deter new rats and other intruders.

Roof rats travel farther from their nest, up to 100 metres, for food. Once they find a good supply, this species will hoard food nearby.

How can you tell how many rats are in your house?

Determining the size of a rodent infestation can help guide you and your pest controller on the best course of action.

It can be difficult to know the extent of a rat problem because they are surprisingly good at staying hidden. It’s unlikely that you’ll see a rat during the day, and if you do, the infestation is probably already large.

Some ways to tell how many rats are in your home is by:

  • Using a black light to identify hidden urine, faeces, and chew marks on walls and furniture
  • Paying attention to the number of droppings found – the more droppings, the more rats
  • Finding multiple nests
  • Noticing rat activity during the day – seeing rats during the day is a sign that there’s a substantial infestation
  • Checking for electrical wiring problems

How do you manage rats?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a permanent way to manage rodents, but there are steps you can take to prevent an infestation, including:

  • Keeping outdoor areas maintained
  • Sealing entry points around the home
  • Store food in sealed containers
  • Clean and maintain drains and pipes

Once you have an infestation, you may be tempted to try DIY methods. There are many different baits available that can attract rats. Once they have eaten the bait, they will die from the poison.

However, it is important to note that many store-bought baits, traps, and poisons may not be worth the cost. Often, the rodents will just avoid the baits. But these rat control methods can also be dangerous when used without expert knowledge.

Products involving poison as well as traps, like spring-loaded snap traps, can harm children and pets. Professional pest controllers use safe and effective treatments to prevente rats and should come with a warranty.


How do I keep rats out of my home?

Rat populations can grow quickly if they are not being controlled. So, it’s important to prevent rats nesting and breeding in and around your house.

You can prevent a rat infestation in your home through exclusion methods, including:

  • Cutting back trees and bushes that may provide cover and water
  • Keeping your home and yard clean and free of food sources (e.g. dropped fruit, rubbish, pet food)
  • Securing rubbish bins
  • Fill holes, cracks, and gaps in walls and roof
  • Keeping your house tidy
  • Adopt a cat
  •  Call a professional pest controller


Can rats hurt my pets?

Rats can pose a risk in homes with pets because they can cause:

  • Flea and other pest infestations
  • Ringworm
  • Leptospirosis
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Secondary poisoning from rat baits

Can you get sick from rats?

Rodents, including rats and mice, can cause illness. When they come into contact with a disease, they will then bring it into your home. The effect of rats on humans can vary, from allergies to food poisoning to fatal diseases.

Another way rats can make you sick is through their droppings, which can contain various pathogens, so it’s essential to remove droppings safely. It’s impossible to determine how likely you are to get sick, but it’s always better to be safe.

So, if you need to dispose of rat droppings, you should:

  • Ventilate the area
  • Wear gloves, a mask, and goggles
  • Use disposable paper towels to collect the droppings and seal them in a plastic bag
  • Dispose of the droppings in an outdoor bin
  • Disinfect all surfaces in the area – do not vacuum or sweep, as this can release pathogens into the air
  • Dispose of your PPE appropriately, then wash your hands with disinfectant hand wash

Does Adelaide have a rat problem?

Rats are found throughout Australia, in every city, including Adelaide. As our population increases and housing becomes denser, the population of rats has also increased.

It’s likely that rats will always be a problem in Adelaide, so it’s important to prevent them and control them in your home.

Are rats common in Australia?

The extent of the rat infestation in Australia is somewhat unclear, owing to the difficulty of estimating rat densities. But some regions in Australia have higher reported infestations of rats and rat-related diseases.

Australia has been infested with rats for at least 150 years, and they are now a significant problem for the local ecosystem. Rats have been seen in Sydney Harbour since the early 1800s, and the infestation is widespread.

Worried about rats? Our expert team is ready to help you now.


How to manage rats

Welcome to Allstate’s fact-hive, where we answer your buzzing questions about pests.

We are always here to help you stay protected against tiny intruders into your home or business. For more facts or help with a pest problem, you can chat to us by clicking the quote-icon or by calling 8371 1277.

How to manage rats

A rat infestation is a major problem. These rodents are ugly, dirty, and disease-ridden, so you definitely don’t want them in your home, where they will be close to you, your family, and your friends.

So, if you want to rid your home of rats, you need to act quickly and with care. 

Allstate Pest Control has helped thousands of customers in the Adelaide Area prevente their rat problems. We’re going to share our top tips for rat control. Let’s dive in!

What are rats?

Rats are medium-sized rodents that originated in southeast Asia. They spread throughout the world, with more than 60 different species found worldwide.

These pests can be large or small, depending on the species. The largest ones can weigh up to 2 kg and are the size of a large cat, but most Australian pest rats are between 75 grams and 500 grams. Rats range in colour, including black, brown, grey, and white.

Regardless of the species, all rats can be prevented in similar ways – by removing access to food, water, and shelter, the three things they need to survive and thrive. 

What do rats eat?

Rats can eat almost anything, including human food and pet food, so they are especially drawn to household rubbish, where we dispose of our leftovers. But they will even eat smaller animals like insects, mice, and lizards.

Can rats live without water?

Rats will drink water in drains, pet dishes, or condensation on walls, but they can survive without water for a month or more. This is because rats eat enough food to get the moisture they need. 

Where do rats shelter?

Outside, rats live in weeds, lawns, shrubs, woodpiles, and other vegetation. Inside homes, rats will take cover under furniture, behind walls, or in other dark corners of the house. Rats are also famous for building nests in and under appliances.

How quickly do rats reproduce?

Female rats can mate 500 times in just six hours! Brown rats can give birth to 22 babies at once, and with gestation periods of less than a month, you can see how populations grow quickly and get out of control.

Do rats cause disease?

The presence of rats on your property is a health and safety threat. 

These rodents can carry a variety of diseases, and it’s been recently discovered that rats can transmit Hepatitis E. They can also carry typhus, leptospirosis, and other diseases and bring other disease-spreading pests into your home.

What are the signs of a rat infestation?

If you are unsure if you have a rat infestation in your home, look for the following signs:

Strange smells & sounds

Rats are very loud and are often responsible for gnawing, scratching, and thumping in wall cavities and roofs. They also give off a musty odour. These signs are subtle, but they’re a strong indication that rodents are nearby.

Droppings & smears

Rats leave faeces behind as they move through your home. You may notice small, dark, pellet-shaped faeces along rat pathways. 

Since rats have poor eyesight, they also create and maintain established routes, usually against walls. You can sometimes see grease smears and smudges along these routes, particularly along baseboards.


If you suspect rats are in your home, sprinkle some baking soda on the floor and check for fresh tracks in the morning.


Rats can cause a lot of damage to your home. They eat through electrical wires, gnaw on furniture, storage containers and paper, and contaminate food left out on the counter. They leave droppings and urine throughout your home that can spread disease.

How can you tell if there’s a rat in your walls?

If you hear strange noises in your walls, scurrying sounds, or find droppings behind your stove, it’s a good sign that rats are around. 

Call a pest management company if you see disturbed insulation or textiles in your home. You may have a rat problem. Other signs include damaged ductwork and nests made from insulation, fabric, or paper. These nests are usually found in warm, sheltered places, where the rats are unlikely to be disturbed.

What damage do rats cause?

The damage that rats cause in the home can be as bad as a flood or fire. 

Damaging infestations can happen to anyone. These creatures can invade even a clean, tidy person’s home. If a rat problem is left untreated, there will be structural damage to the house and its contents — from insulation and wiring to furniture, flooring, and cabinetry.

A common sign of rat damage is faulty lighting or power inside the home, where rats have partially or wholly chewed through the wiring in the roof or walls.

Even if you can’t see any rats, they may still be there, causing damage. Fortunately, there are several ways to manage rats.

How to stop rats in the home?

Inspect the home

You’re not going to manage rats unless you figure out where they’re coming from. So, the first step is to inspect your home. 

Make a note of any obvious entry points, such as damaged drains, cracks in your garage door, gaps around vents, and spaces in your foundation.

Keep an eye out for rat activity inside the house. Rats can enter through vents, drains, appliance lines, and other potential access points. 

You’ll know where they are getting in when you see the damage they cause. After that, you can seal those points and set traps to catch them.

Seal the gaps

You may think that a rat needs a large entry point to get into your house, but they can squeeze through any hole that you can stick two fingers through. For this reason, make sure that there are no gaps in your walls. 

Fill these gaps with wire wool, metal kick plates, cement, or caulk for lasting results. Check them every month to make sure they’re well-maintained.

Tip: If you can’t identify entry points, contact Allstate Pest Control for an expert analysis of your property. We service homes and businesses in the Adelaide CBD and surrounding suburbs.

Clean up

Rats tend to hide in places where no one can see them. To prevente them, you should manage their hiding places. 

You can remove and prevent rats by:

  • Cleaning up the clutter in and around your home
  • Moving objects away from the walls
  • Keeping all rubbish and food in closed bins 
  • Promptly cleaning up any spills
  • Keeping your pipes and drains clean

Keep your garden tidy

If a rat feels exposed, it will go elsewhere. Keep your lawn and garden trimmed and clutter-free. Clean up piles of wood or leaves, and close and lock storage sheds. 

Also, make sure that rats do not have access to food outside your home. Clean up fallen fruits or vegetables and ensure that pet or bird food is stored in sealed containers and cleaned up frequently.


Call in the birds

Owls can help you with your rat problem. Build a water feature like a birdbath and create a nesting box to attract them. It’s a great way to manage not just rats but also other pests in your backyard.

Tip: Don’t attract birds by putting out birdseed. There’s already food enough for the rats, and birdseed may attract more rats to your yard.

How do you manage rats?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a permanent way to manage rodents, but there are steps you can take to prevent an infestation, including:

  • Keeping outdoor areas maintained
  • Sealing entry points around the home
  • Store food in sealed containers
  • Clean and maintain drains and pipes

Once you have an infestation, you may be tempted to try DIY methods. There are many different baits available that can attract rats. Once they have eaten the bait, they will die from the poison.

However, it is important to note that many store-bought baits, traps, and poisons may not be worth the cost. Often, the rodents will just avoid the baits. But these rat control methods can also be dangerous when used without expert knowledge.

Products involving poison as well as traps, like spring-loaded snap traps, can harm children and pets. Professional pest controllers use safe and effective treatments to prevente rats and should come with a warranty.


How do I keep rats out of my home?

Rat populations can grow quickly if they are not being controlled. So, it’s important to prevent rats nesting and breeding in and around your house.

You can prevent a rat infestation in your home through exclusion methods, including:

  • Cutting back trees and bushes that may provide cover and water
  • Keeping your home and yard clean and free of food sources (e.g. dropped fruit, rubbish, pet food)
  • Securing rubbish bins
  • Fill holes, cracks, and gaps in walls and roof
  • Keeping your house tidy
  • Adopt a cat
  •  Call a professional pest controller


Can rats hurt my pets?

Rats can pose a risk in homes with pets because they can cause:

  • Flea and other pest infestations
  • Ringworm
  • Leptospirosis
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Secondary poisoning from rat baits

Can you get sick from rats?

Rodents, including rats and mice, can cause illness. When they come into contact with a disease, they will then bring it into your home. The effect of rats on humans can vary, from allergies to food poisoning to fatal diseases.

Another way rats can make you sick is through their droppings, which can contain various pathogens, so it’s essential to remove droppings safely. It’s impossible to determine how likely you are to get sick, but it’s always better to be safe.

So, if you need to dispose of rat droppings, you should:

  • Ventilate the area
  • Wear gloves, a mask, and goggles
  • Use disposable paper towels to collect the droppings and seal them in a plastic bag
  • Dispose of the droppings in an outdoor bin
  • Disinfect all surfaces in the area – do not vacuum or sweep, as this can release pathogens into the air
  • Dispose of your PPE appropriately, then wash your hands with disinfectant hand wash

Does Adelaide have a rat problem?

Rats are found throughout Australia, in every city, including Adelaide. As our population increases and housing becomes denser, the population of rats has also increased.

It’s likely that rats will always be a problem in Adelaide, so it’s important to prevent them and control them in your home.

Are rats common in Australia?

The extent of the rat infestation in Australia is somewhat unclear, owing to the difficulty of estimating rat densities. But some regions in Australia have higher reported infestations of rats and rat-related diseases.

Australia has been infested with rats for at least 150 years, and they are now a significant problem for the local ecosystem. Rats have been seen in Sydney Harbour since the early 1800s, and the infestation is widespread.


Consider trapping

Rat trapping is the most efficient way to prevente rats. If you want to manage rats, but you don’t want to use poison, trap them. To make sure other animals don’t get into the traps, put them in a box or under a milk crate.

When setting your own traps, be sure to use plenty of them. Place them in high-traffic areas. The best bait is peanut butter because it’s cheap and attractive to rats.

Alternatively, try baiting with unsalted seeds, bananas, or apples. If you’re not comfortable setting the traps yourself, contact a professional pest management team to do it for you.

Use natural deterrent methods

Rats have a keen sense of smell and hate strong odours. Once you identify their entry point, you can sprinkle strong-smelling peppermint oil or ground cloves.

Pepper spray is another irritant that may deter these pests. The spray can make rats nauseous and discourage them from coming back in.

Use dry ice

If you want to manage rats but don’t want to poison them, there’s a simple solution: carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide is a gas that, when inhaled, puts the rat to sleep and kills it. For best results, place the dry ice in the burrows where they live. Wear protective gear when handling dry ice because it can burn your skin.

Use baits and poisons outside

Chemical bait is a useful option that can be placed directly in the rats’ path. If you choose this option, make sure to put it far enough away from the house, as rats will drag the bait back inside and scatter it around.

Poison is also powerful, so do not put it inside the house. If you do, rats will eat it and may die inside, which will be dangerous for you and any pets.

When using baits or positions, you must carefully follow all the label directions. You must keep rat bait in a fully enclosed bait station, where kids and pets can’t reach it. Because of the many regulations surrounding the use of rat poison, be sure to understand the laws in your area.

Tip: If you prefer not to handle chemicals yourself, you should work with a company like Allstate Pest Control, who are licensed and experienced in handling pest control chemicals.

Call a professional pest management company

If you suspect a rat infestation, it’s essential to call a professional exterminator. These pests will come back if they’re not well prevented or properly prevented, and a pest controller can give you advice to make sure they don’t return.

If you have rats hiding in your home, a pest management company will find them. A professional exterminator has the tools and knowledge to locate the rats you don’t see, as well as their nesting areas.

An experienced technician will find and prevente all entry points. Then, they will locate their nests and food cache areas. Finally, they will manage the rats with safe and proven methods without damaging your home or causing you harm. All treatments should be safe for you, your family, and the local environment.

But pest control services are not just effective inside the home. Pest technicians can also help you manage rat populations outdoors. Allstate Pest Control uses eco-friendly methods to control outdoor rat populations, such as trapping and deterrents.

Most importantly, a professional service can give you tailored preventative advice, so you don’t waste time on strategies that won’t work for you.

Worried about rats? Our expert team is ready to help you now.


7 Tips to Keep Rats Out of Your House This Winter

7 Tips to Keep Rats Out of Your House This Winter

With the cold weather sweeping in, it’s a popular time for rats to seek shelter and warmth inside your house. Unfortunately, rats are among the worst houseguests you could have. Beyond the noise and smells, they contaminate your food – spreading germs and serious disease. They are also infamously skilled gnawers, chewing their way through walls, timber, insulation and electrical wiring, which could potentially start a fire.

To avoid the stress of having rats plague your house this winter, we have put together our top 7 recommendations from our rat control experts.

What questions will this article answer?

Why do rats come inside during winter?

The cold weather makes it more difficult for rats to survive outside for many reasons.

Firstly, as warm-blooded mammals, rats favour weather that is between approximately 18-26 degrees Celsius to regulate their body temperature. With the mercury dipping far below that temperature in an Adelaide winter, it’s no wonder a warm home is so appealing for them.

The harsh outdoor conditions also make it much harder for rats to find food and scavenge for meat, fruit and vegetables. 

Since your house provides plenty of warmth, food and shelter, it’s easy to understand their desire to come inside and make themselves right at home.

Problems caused by rats inside homes

With a combination of large, sharp teeth and constant gnawing, a rat infestation has the potential to cause extensive damage to your home if left unchecked.

They can chew through timber and damage your walls, then pull apart the insulation to make nests. This can inadvertently introduce an additional entry point for other pests and further compound the problem.

When scurrying around your air vents, rats may leave behind their waste, resulting in an unpleasant odour and germs circulating around your home. By creating this unhealthy atmosphere, you and your family may become susceptible to allergies and other illnesses. If the problem is particularly severe, you will start to notice their droppings inside your home – contaminating surfaces, kitchen utensils and even your food.

Rats have sharp nails which are useful for burrowing in soil and when they are active underneath the foundations of your home, this can undermine the structural support. They can also cause to damage underground pipes and cables in that same location.

Be aware that rats are known to chew through electrical wiring, in some cases starting a fire.

Worried about rats in your home? Our experts are ready to help you now.


Tip 1. Seal entry points

Rats can squeeze inside surprisingly small openings – as tight as a few millimetres wide. With further assistance from their sharp claws and teeth, they can even penetrate through tough materials such as timber.

That’s why it’s important to regularly inspect your home for potential entry points and keep them well covered, protected and reinforced where necessary.

If you notice any gaps that are large than a quarter of an inch, they can be covered with wire mesh, sheet metal, steel wool, or hardware cloth.

Here are some suggestions for protecting vulnerable access points:

  • Install mesh or screens over vents, chimneys and water tank openings
  • Fit weather-strips at the bottom of each exterior door and around windows where there are gaps
  • Install a metal kickplate on your door if you notice gnaw marks

Tip 2. Use natural rat deterrents

Strong smells can sometimes to keep rats away by causing irritation to their sensitive noses and airways. You can try spreading peppermint oil, cloves, black pepper and cayenne pepper around the perimeter of your home and possible entry points.

Tip 3. Maintain your backyard

Excess vegetation provides rats with access to your home as well as more potential hiding places. Since they’re good at climbing and balancing, you’ll want to avoid giving them more opportunities to find their way inside. Here’s how:


  • Trim foliage such as tree branches, shrubs, hedges, bushes, climbing vines and creepers so there is a clear perimeter around your home
  • Mow lawns regularly
  • Dispose of fallen fruit and vegetables
  • Remove piles of organic matter
  • Remove backyard clutter such as piles of leaves and fallen tree branches

Tip 4. Manage waste properly

The strong smell of decomposing food and waste is an attractant for many pests, so it’s important to remove waste as soon as possible and/or properly store it. To practice good waste management, we recommend that you:


  • Regularly empty all rubbish bins
  • Keep your home and yard clear from rubbish
  • Ensure bins have tight fitting lids
  • Avoid putting animal products in the compost
  • Keep food scraps in a sealed compost bin
  • Keep your compost heap in a sealed container

Tip 5. Remove clutter inside and outside

Rats can easily find places to hide, breed and nest in less frequented parts of your property. It’s helpful to check these areas carefully on a regular basis and keep them tidy.

Some favourite hiding places for rats and other pests include green waste, old furniture, cars, appliances and other hard waste items. Make sure to remove these on a regular basis.

If you are storing wood piles, firewood or stacks of bricks, ensure that there is at least 30cm clearance above the ground and away from walls.

Tip 6. Use rat baits, traps and poison with caution

There are a range of rat traps, baits and poisons that are commercially available and can easily be purchased from your local hardware store.

We strongly recommend that you use these products with caution as they can be toxic and dangerous if not used or prepared properly. If you are unsure about how to safely use them, contact Allstate and speak to a pest control technician for professional advice.

For rat prevention inside the home, you can use cage traps that are safe to be around children and pets.

Baits and poisons are only able to be used safely outdoors, because they can easily be spread and cause danger to people and pets. For this reason, they must be positioned in out of reach areas.

Remember not to tamper with the bait station to ensure that the rat bait stays secure within.

Need to manage rats? Our expert team are ready to help you now


Tip 7. Call the rat control professionals

While there are several ways to deter rats from entering your home, sometimes they are simply not enough.

You may already have a significant outbreak with many rats involved, or you have been unable to address the root cause of the problem. Many people simply don’t want to go through the hassle of DIY control and have the professionals handle it for them.

Professional rat control is the safest and most reliable way to keep rats out of your home all winter long.

At Allstate, our pest control technicians are highly trained to provide safe and permanent solutions to manage rats for good.

Your technician will begin by conducting an inspection of your property to identify entry points, runways and nesting sites. We always look for the source of the outbreak and provide advice on how you can reduce the risk of attracting rats to your home in the first place.

We’ll then strategically position tamper-proof bait stations and traps around your property to manage the rats, with regular monitoring and replenishment as needed.

Speak to the rat prevention experts


Since 1986, Allstate has provided rat prevention and prevention services to homes and businesses across Adelaide. Our licensed and experienced technicians know how to manage even the worst of rat problems, and keep them from coming back.

24/7 emergency pest help

Our emergency pest control means you can count on us for any urgent problems.


Safe for children, pets and the environment

We carry out our pest control treatments in a way that ensures no harm to children, pets and the environment.

Customer satisfaction guarantee

All of our services come with a 100% money-back guarantee. We also have interest-free payment plans available so that you can get your pest issue treated straight away.

Speak to a rat prevention expert today


How to prepare for your flea treatment

How to prepare for your flea treatment

We’re looking forward to providing you with a safe and effective treatment. Please take the following steps before your technician’s arrival.


Carry out general housekeeping, clean bench tops and floors, and declutter. This helps us maximise treatment in the targeted areas. Clutter can prevent us from applying treatment in some sections of your premises and dirt can reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.

asset 1@2x

Vacuum floors just before the technician arrives. This will make sure the treatment is effective. 

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If you have a fishpond, please advise our technician on arrival. Our products are harmful to aquatic life and we will need to take extra precautions.


You and other occupants can stay inside the premises, but far enough away from the area of pesticide application.

Our treatments are not safe for those with respiratory complaints, pregnant women, babies and toddlers. In this situation, we highly recommend evacuating the property for a minimum of 2 hours after treatment is completed.


Ensure any pets are safely isolated or kept away from the treated areas until they are dry.


We’re looking forward to providing you with a safe and effective treatment. Please take the following steps before your technician’s arrival.


Carry out general housekeeping, clean bench tops and floors, and declutter. This helps us maximise treatment in the targeted areas. Clutter can prevent us from applying treatment in some sections of your premises and dirt can reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.

asset 1@2x

Vacuum floors just before the technician arrives. This will make sure the treatment is effective. 

asset 2@2x

If you have a fishpond, please advise our technician on arrival. Our products are harmful to aquatic life and we will need to take extra precautions.


You and other occupants can stay inside the premises, but far enough away from the area of pesticide application.

Our treatments are not safe for those with respiratory complaints, pregnant women, babies and toddlers. In this situation, we highly recommend evacuating the property for a minimum of 2 hours after treatment is completed.


Ensure any pets are safely isolated or kept away from the treated areas until they are dry.


Got Questions? Speak with a flea expert now!
