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Silverfish PROBLEMS?

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Silverfish Treatments

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Silverfish Problems?
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Silverfish Treatments

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Silverfish feed on household products containing starch

Seeing lots of silverfish around your home?

With their elongated, tapered body and shiny silver scaly appearance, it’s no wonder how silverfish got their name. However, these pests don’t swim. Instead, they often hitchhike into your home through contaminated food items and feed on all types of polysaccharide-rich household products.

This can include starched cotton clothing, paste, wallpaper glue, photographs and book binding. However, they’ve also been known to enjoy other materials such as linen, silk, paper and synthetic fibres. Your belongings won’t be safe when hungry silverfish are nearby!

If you’re noticing more silverfish crawling around the place, it’s best to act quickly before the problem gets worse. Contact Allstate and speak to a fabric pest control technician today.

How to spot a silverfish outbreak

  • They are 2-18mm long, silver-grey coloured with column-like bodies, with 2 long front antennae and 3 tails
  • They live for 2-6 years, but can go for a year without eating
  • Females lay approximately 100 eggs at a time
  • They can move fast by running, jumping and hopping
  • Look for chewed holes in clothing, carpet, books, photographs and artwork, as well as plaster, leather and even dried pantry items
  • They are active at night and hide in dark places during the day
  • They prefer areas of high humidity, such as bathrooms
  • They have small, black and round droppings
  • Moulted skins and droppings can trigger allergies
silverfish first image

Proven Adelaide silverfish control

Identifying and preventing the exact source of the outbreak

Emergency silverfish removal service

Servicing all suburbs across Adelaide, South Australia

How silverfish control works

As our preferred method of silverfish control, fumigation enables insecticides to penetrate all affected areas fast and leaving a residue behind to help combat any subsequent outbreaks. We use a special nozzle to ensure that the insecticide reaches all hard-to-reach areas. This is usually carried out after the affected area has been emptied out and cleaned.



As our preferred method of silverfish control, fumigation enables insecticides to penetrate all affected areas fast and leaving a residue behind to help combat any subsequent outbreaks. We use a special nozzle to ensure that the insecticide reaches all hard-to-reach areas. This is usually carried out after the affected area has been emptied out and cleaned.

Follow-up treatment

You’ll need another round of treatment after 3? weeks in accordance with the silverfish life cycle.

Emergency silverfish control

You can reach out to us 24/7 as we are highly responsive to all your urgent enquiries.

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Frequently Asked Questions about silverfish

Is your silverfish treatment safe?

Yes, at Allstate, our technicians are highly trained in the proper handling of insecticides and chemicals. We only use products which are non-toxic for people, pets and the environment. When we carry out our fumigation treatment, we will advise you when it is safe to re-enter the area again.

How can I tell if I have a silverfish outbreak?

Look for 2-18mm long, silver-grey coloured insects with 2 long antennae, 3 tails and column-like bodies. They tend to cluster around starch-rich food sources such as clothing, books and paper in areas of higher humidity. Silverfish have small, round shaped droppings. You’ll notice them more at night and they will leave behind moulted skins.

What can I do to prevent a silverfish outbreak?

  • Keep your home clean, particularly carpets and rugs
  • Keep food items stored away in tightly sealed containers
  • Regularly inspect and wash clothing
  • Use moth balls or Camphor in wardrobes

Can I use household aerosol sprays on silverfish?

Many commercially available aerosol sprays are good as a spot treatment for getting rid of silverfish. However, for serious outbreaks and to prevent ongoing infestations, we recommend contacting Allstate for professional advice and long-term solutions.

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