On the road with Kiki – Episode 42

Welcome back for our latest episode of On the Road with Kiki, where we join pest consultant Kristian as he visits our fabulous clients around Adelaide to assess pest outbreaks.
Starting off the day in beautiful Hove, a client has noticed in the past few months that there is a flock of pigeons nesting under the solar panels at their two-storey home. In fact, the client noticed that this problem only seemed to start after their neighbours got solar skirting to protect their solar panels from this same flock. So it appears that while the deterrent has worked well for the neighbours, unfortunately, this has driven the pigeons to relocate to our client’s solar panels instead. The good news is that this means the solution for our client is simple. Kristian suggests installing solar skirting and cleaning to move the pigeons right along.
The next client has taken some photos of a pesky bushy tailed possum to show Kristian. This clever creature seems to be getting into the roof space through a tricky little entry point between the pergola and the flat roof. Kristian climbs up to the roof for a look and confirms that there’s evidence of possum activity. He recommends a quote for proofing and installing a trap and one way door.
For the last job of the day, Kristian visits a previous client who had possums, but the exact same issue seems to be happening again. While they aren’t hearing hissing noises, they can hear running, thumping, scratching and scurrying sounds. This is more noticeable in the ceiling above the lounge room but can also be heard in the hallway and bedrooms and sometimes, even in the walls. Kristian climbs up for a look and sees old possum droppings along with fresher rodent droppings. So, he gives the client a quote for a rodent baiting service. And that’s another week on the road done and dusted!
Family owned and established in 1986, Allstate is now Adelaide’s largest independent pest control service provider. Available 24/7 for urgent advice to all suburbs, we are experienced in managing pest outbreaks all sizes in residential, commercial and industrial settings. As a local business, we’re keen to support other local businesses and working towards building a strong, sustainable future for our community.
Contact Allstate today for reliable and effective pest control.
Choose Allstate for safe, nontoxic treatments to
protect your home or business from pests today.